B&B Best Lines Friday 5/1/15

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Friday 5/1/15


Provided By Wanda

Carter: It's interesting. All of a sudden, you stand to lose if Maya tells Rick the truth about herself. Let me guess what you're starting to value. Wyatt Spencer.

Nicole: No.

Carter: Moving kind of fast, aren't you?

Nicole: Look, I am not going to apologize for finding a hot, successful guy who's interested in me.

Carter: Well, be careful. Wyatt could be rebounding.

Nicole: Ghost of another woman? Bring it on.

Carter: You're that sure of yourself?

Nicole: I know what I bring to the party.

Carter: How did Maya react when you told her not to tell Rick?

Nicole: I think she heard me.

Carter: Hmm. So, let me make sure that I'm clear. Since the Avant sisters have new shots at cushy lifestyles, Rick, the guy who's providing that, never gets to know the woman that he's with was physically born male?

Nicole: What good does it do? Rick knowing? It's not like at the stroke of midnight, Maya's gonna change back. They are happy together. And to hear it from Rick himself, he's the happiest he's ever been. Can't that be good enough?

Carter: Then Maya's not telling Rick?

Nicole: No. Not gonna let her.

Carter: You think you can stop her?

Nicole: I'm gonna try.

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