B&B Best Lines Wednesday 11/20/13

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 11/20/13


Provided By Wanda

Wyatt: Yeah, and Dad only had two sons until I showed up. Who knows how many Forresters are out there just waiting to be discovered?

Hope: Is there a point to all this? Why are you here?

Wyatt: Well, I demand equal time.

Hope: Uh, what? You want to shadow me, like Aly?

Wyatt: Happily. But I'll settle for equality with someone else.

Hope: Who?

Wyatt: With Liam, of course. So what do you say? Equal time. It's only fair.

Hope: I think Liam should weigh in on this. I mean, I do spend more time with you than him.

Wyatt: But that's, like, work. That doesn't count. I mean, you get -- you get to go to lunches with Liam and picnics in Malibu. I want a picnic.

Hope: Okay. Well, bring a basket tomorrow.

Wyatt: Okay, good. And for every kiss he gets... I get a kiss. And I know he's had quite a few, so I think I need to play a little catch-up. And another thing. You've lived with him, so you guys have done some things that we haven't -- not yet.

Hope: I cannot do those things with either of you. Not -- not now. Not until I know.

Wyatt: What? Okay, well, can you at least just give me a sign so that I know when you've made up your mind?

Hope: Trust me, you'll know. Until then... boundaries.

Wyatt: Okay. Okay, okay. Is this in the boundary?

Hope: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Wyatt: What about this?

Hope: That's... mm, that's pushing it.

Wyatt: Give me a chance. That's all I'm asking. Give us a chance.

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