B&B Best Lines Thursday 7/11/13

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Thursday 7/11/13


Provided By Wanda

Bill: The situation is not as simple as it seems, Karen.

Karen: Really? Did she try to make everything okay by buying you a tiara? What is wrong with you?! Katie is a mature, intelligent woman! She used to run Forrester creations! You think you can win her back by buying her some shiny trinket?!

Bill: A-a trinket? That tiara belonged -- never mind. My marriage is my business.

Karen: Yes, and what about our business -- this business? You know how the board feels about your reckless behavior.

Bill: The board can kiss my butt, and so can you! Katie is the one who's being reckless --lashing out, hiring lawyers, trying to end our marriage! Well, that's not gonna happen. I'm putting a stop to it right now.

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