B&B Best Lines Wednesday 4/10/13

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 4/10/13


Provided By Wanda

Bill: Will you just back the hell off, Taylor? This is not the time or the place.

Taylor: I merely asked you a question.

Bill: Yeah, in this twisted, never-ending quest of yours to stir up something.

Taylor: Katie's my friend. I...I'm also her therapist.

Bill: Yeah, it was a huge mistake ever letting you get involved in our lives.

Taylor: You didn't let me. You asked me to help your wife.

Brooke: Okay. Yes, and we're very grateful, but now --

Taylor: Now Katie's in trouble again. And I'm worried just like you are.

Bill: This is how you show your concern?

Taylor: I have been concerned for some time now, Bill, and I think you both know why. Katie was very upset when she saw what happened in the showroom with you two.

Bill: Thanks to you rushing to tell her to get her all worked up over nothing.

Taylor: It wasn't nothing to Katie. It may also be why she forgot to take her anti-rejection medication.

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