B&B Best Lines Tuesday 1/22/13

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Tuesday 1/22/13


Provided By Wanda

Brooke: You love Katie. You value her opinion. Why not on this?

Bill: It is less about that and more about me being told how I'm going to behave. I mean, what's next? "Bill, you drive too fast. Get rid of the Ferrari. No more motorcycle racing. No more heli-skiing. No more mixed martial arts. It's all too dangerous." I like to have a drink. I handle it responsibly. Have you ever heard me slur my words? Unable to walk in a straight line? Any of those things happen, we have something to talk about. Otherwise, it's completely unnecessary. There's no reason for it.

Brooke: Katie is your reason. She just wants you to be the best person you can be -- the best dad.

Bill: Yeah, I -- I understand that, Brooke. I mean, I know that marriage changes things. Fatherhood. You make compromises. You do the give-and-take dance. But, I mean, when is enough enough? I mean, how far does this go?

Brooke: Don't turn this into something it's not. And [Sighs] You may not think there's a problem, but Katie does say that you're very remote and distant and sometimes harsh when you drink.

Bill: I am not remote or distant. Uh, yeah. Well, you know what? I'm harsh when I don't drink.

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