B&B Best Lines Tuesday 4/17/12

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Tuesday 4/17/12


Provided By Wanda

Bill: So it doesn't surprise you at all that Hope is seeing a psychiatrist?

Steffy: Bill, I don't want to talk about Hope and Liam, not at his office and not at their home.

Bill: It's your home. You're still married. And why is she seeing a shrink anyway? She got the man. She won... for now. She should be doing cartwheels. Instead, she--she's having mood swings and taking anti-anxiety medication. There's something wrong with this girl, and I don't think it's going to get better. I've said it till I'm blue in the face. Hope isn't right for Liam. But I don't wish ill on her. I also don't want her bringing my son down. Having said that, this is great news for you. She's poppin' pills. She's seeing a shrink. I mean, this is how Hope handles stress?

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