B&B Best Lines Monday 2/6/12

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Monday 2/6/12


Provided By Wanda

Steffy: Look, I've made some bad decisions. I did some questionable things. I was just so insecure. That is just no way to have a marriage, and I get that now. You know, all this time, try to keep Liam away from Hope, I-I shouldn't have cared. I shouldn't have worried. I just-- I should have let it happen. But fine, if... if he wants to end our marriage and be with Hope, so be it. They won't last.

Taylor: Well, if you're thinking of interfering, I--

Steffy: No, mom. Come on. You aren't listening to me. I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't--I don't want Liam to be with me because of some trick. Look, I-I've made mistakes, and I'm not proud of them, but I definitely learned from them. Hope hasn'T. No, she still has her campaign and her image. I'm sure they'll have this grand reunion, and everything will just seem so wonderful and perfect. But it won't be long before Liam figures out that they do have problems, and why he was attracted to me in the first place.

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