B&B Best Lines Friday 10/21/11

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Friday 10/21/11


Provided By Wanda

Stephanie: Uh, oh, yeah, I'm happy, but they didn't use the word "cured," Pam.

Pam: Well, come on. Eric must be over the moon.

Stephanie: Yeah, he's happy. He has his own agenda these days, though. He'll wants to turn this into some sort of-- I don't know, personal celebration.

Pam: Of course, he'd want to celebrate. We are all interested in your recovery.

Stephanie: Yeah, well, he's interested in something else, something I'm not so sure that I can--I can give him. It's nice to see the way you and Stephen are. You've got such a nice physical connection. I can't give that to Eric anymore.

Am: Wh-what do you mean? You mean, you two aren't--

Stephanie: No. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Pam: Oh. Well, but, Steph, honey, you have been battling cancer. I-I-I can't believe that Eric really has expectations in the bedroom right now.

Stephanie: Honey, he's a man. Come on. He's made it very clear that he wants to be intimate again and I... I can't explain it. I just... I have absolutely no interest. I'd like to be there for him. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be in the mood, but I... I just have no interest, absolutely none. What am I gonna do?

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