B&B Best Lines Monday 9/26/11

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Monday 9/26/11


Provided By Wanda

Brooke: Honey... I know you have this image of how you wanted tonight to go, and it's all romantic and beautiful and everything that you would want it to be. But I heard you talking to Liam on the phone, and he didn't seem all excited that you couldn't move up the wedding. So when he walks through that door and he sees you here, it may not be a very happy surprise.

Hope: Look, Liam isn't upset with me. He's upset with the situation. We have to keep the wedding date as it is. Was I happy about that? No. Was Liam happy bout that? Not even a little bit. But, I mean, it--it's not like he wants to get married because he wants this big ceremony and to wear a tux and listen to some cheesy poem. No. He wants me. He wants to start our life together as husband and wife. So when he comes in that door and sees me waiting here for him, candles lit, and I tell him that I'm here to stay, and that we've been waiting far too long, and that I'm going to give myself to him completely tonight, I think any hurt he's feeling will go away don't you?

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