B&B Best Lines Wednesday 5/11/11

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 5/11/11


Provided By Wanda

Liam: Hope, my-- my kid will have everything that he needs from me. You and I love each other. I have plenty of love to go around. I have love for you and the baby. It's the 21st century. I mean, families come in all different shapes and sizes, and just because Amber Moore is the mother of my child does not mean she's my family. You and I are together. You know that. You know that.

Hope: Yeah, I believed that once, but, Liam, I feel like--

Liam: There's-- there's gotta--there's gotta be a way, Hope. There's gotta be a way.

Hope: Okay, but we've talked about this. I-I cannot tear a father away from the precious time he has with his child. I can't do that.

Liam: But, hope, it's not gonna be like that.

Hope: How do you know? I mean, how can it not?

Liam: I'm gonna find an answer for us.

Hope: That would be wonderful if you could, but it's just-- you know, it's not that simple. I's not. Really. I mean, I-I want you to-- to think about it. You think about it, and then you call me, okay?, Because I-I can't keep reaching out to you, okay? Me I'm--I'm--I'm not going to call you. I'm not going to e-mail you or text you, because I-I have to move on.

Liam: I don't want you to move on. You know why? Because you don't love Oliver.

Hope: I don't want a complicated life. I just want to love someone and know that he is there for me.

Liam: Me. That's me. I will do that.

Hope: You-- you think you can make that promise, but you can't. There is a baby involved. It's your baby involved with this.

Liam: Okay, well, I love you.

Hope: I know. And I love you too.

Liam: I'm not giving up. You're gonna hear from me tomorrow, okay I promise. You're gonna hear from me.

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