B&B Best Lines Tuesday 12/21/10

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Tuesday 12/21/10


Provided By Wanda

C.J.: Nice to meet you.

Dayzee: You, too. I'm sorry to hear that you're closing your place down. It looks like it was a really cool spot.

C.J.: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Stephanie: His mother's an old friend of mine. How's she doing?

C.J.: Ah, she's great. You know mom. Sally Spectra will live forever.

Stephanie: I think she probably will. Last I heard, she was in the Caribbean on a yacht sailing around with a bevy of body builders. Is it true?

C.J.: Uh, mom's definitely in heaven, that's for sure. Let's see. I'm gonna--I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you two ladies came in here for some coffee. I think I can hook you up. I've got one last pot, the last pot this place will ever see, actually. You know, mom would get a real kick out of knowing I was sharing it with you, Stephanie.

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