B&B Best Lines Friday 7/16/10

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Friday 7/16/10


Provided By Wanda

Brooke: Look, I...I know that you're probably angry, 'cause I promised you I wouldn't do anything scandalous, and here I am, actually hurting the two people that I love the most. I wanted to keep it a secret, because it was a mistake, but then, of course, Steffy found out, and she wanted to tell Stephanie and the whole world. So I had to do something for her. I had to leave Forrester Creations, and I had to get my daughter out of town, go to college. But that doesn't really matter anymore, because Steffy is making more demands. She's gonna hold this over my head forever. It was a horrible, horrible mistake, Ridge. I would never want to do anything to betray you or betray my daughter. You have to know that about me. Don't you?

Ridge: You and your daughter's boyfriend.

Brooke: I know. I know you're mortified, but it's the truth.

Ridge: You know, as far-fetched as this seems, and it does seem far-fetched, this is the kind of thing... that only happens to you. Logan, who else would get themselves in a mess like this except... except you? My Logan.

Brooke: I didn't want to lose you.

Ridge: You're not gonna lose me. Do you understand? You're not gonna lose me.

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