B&B Best Lines Tuesday 7/13/10

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Tuesday 7/13/10


Provided By Wanda

Bill: You bet she did. Now I don't know if your feelings for Pam are genuine, or if you just said what you had to to get out of here, but it worked.

Stephen: Thank you. Thank you, Bill, for everything. My family is very lucky that you're on our side. I wasn't strong enough to take care of them the way I wanted to. I didn't have the power, but you do. My daughter's gonna be very safe with you.

Bill: I'll take care of all your daughters, Stephen. But I can't do it alone. We make a good team. Now I got Donna her share in Forrester. But we have to protect it. You know how she feels about her honey bear. Down the road, she may become vulnerable to him. And the last thing we want is her 12 1/2% back in Forrester hands. So now I need your help convincing Donna to sell me her share. I'm counting on you.

Stephen: It's only 12 1/2%.

Bill: Oh, Stephen, I'm not finished. I'm just getting started. I vowed that I would regain control of Forrester. Now with you helping me get my foot in the door, it's just a matter of time. Whatever I have to do, I will do, and nothing and no one will stop me. Today I made my first move. Now before you know it, Forrester Creations will be mine again.

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