B&B Best Lines Tuesday 4/27/10

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Tuesday 4/27/10


Provided By Wanda

Bill: You've got impeccable timing, my man-- spot-on. Donna was this close to forgiving Eric.

Justin: Until you showed her the photo.

Bill: Stopped her right in her tracks. Nothing fires up a woman quite like seeing a picture of her husband kissing his ex-wife. So I thank you.

Justin: Yeah. Can't have been easy for Donna to see that.

Bill: I'm sure it wasn't, and I feel for her. But she needs to know where she stands with Eric. She will never be anything more than a second-string trophy wife, and she deserves better than that.

Justin: You're hoping she'll realize that, dump Eric and take him to the cleaners. This could prove to be Eric’s priciest divorce ever.

Bill: And if I benefit from it, get myself back in at Forrester Creations... All the better. And you, pal... You may benefit, too, 'cause you'll get another shot with Donna.

Justin: Yeah, well, that's assuming that she does end it with Eric. I'm not so sure she will. She really loves that man.

Bill: You know what? I think she's got too much pride to play second fiddle, and that's all she's ever gonna get from Eric.

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