B&B Best Lines Thursday 11/20/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Thursday 11/20/08


Provided By Wanda

Stephanie: Is there anything of my son left in this room?

Rick: God, I hope not. Don't look at me that way. We didn't have to be in this mess, Stephanie. If you'd taught your son how to share when he was just a baby, this situation wouldn't be going on.

Stephanie: Don't be so cocky, Mr. President. That nameplate that went up can come down just as fast.

Rick: Don't threaten me, Stephanie. If you want to tell people my little secret, go ahead. But be prepared. My mom will spend the rest of her life with Ridge, and God knows what it would do to my father.

Stephanie: Don't play that old saw with me about your father's health. Stop it. And I want to give you a little newsflash. The editing trick that you tried with your mom's speech on the podcast-- I'm afraid, darling, it didn't have the impact that you wanted. Ridge was angry. His feelings were hurt, but I think they're gonna survive. I so do not want to play this game with you.

Rick: Well, you're playing it, Stephanie. I'm sorry. You made that choice when you decided to keep my little secret about the podcast.

Stephanie: Is this blackmail?

Rick: Well, you can call whatever you want to. The fact of the matter is the thought of Ridge and my mother together just makes us both sick.

Stephanie: And what's your next move, Einstein?

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