B&B Best Lines Wednesday 3/5/08

The Bold and The Beautiful Best Lines Wednesday 3/5/08


Provided By Wanda

Taylor: Why shouldn't I drink? I don't have anything left to be sober for. I took Alexandria's mother away from her. No wonder they took my child away from me. They call that karma. (Scoffs) you know, actually, the good news is, is that the poison is also the remedy. Booze started this whole thing, and booze is what's gonna make it go away.

Rick: Taylor, I know things seem dark right now, but there is a light, and we're gonna find it together.

Taylor: You can't help me. You can't fix this.

Rick: Well, who can? Steffy? No, she's studying at school. Thomas can't help you. He's working over in Europe, but I know-- I know Phoebe's here, and she wants to help you, but, Taylor, you need someone who knows what you need... And somebody older, somebody stronger.

Taylor: No, what I need is a drink. That is the only thing that's going to help me right now.

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