Another World Tape Trading From The TV MegaSite

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Another World DVD/Tape Trading Page

Trade AW episodes with other fans!

  • Adam is looking for episodes of Another World from the 1970's. Mostly looking for 1977-80 episodes.
  • Carol is interested in getting old videos of the show; please email her if you're interested.
  • Cheryl  is looking for episodes starting with 1993.
  • Julie has an extensive collection of Cameron and Amanda tapes and is looking for a few episodes: Early Cameron and Amanda tapes before Carl was shot; The second wedding; The last episode when Cameron, Gary, Amanda and Josie met for dinner and reconciled; the first Lumina episode when Cameron arrives at the party; the episode when Amanda almost got sucked into the timeship.
  • Julie is looking for Another World tapes from 1991 till the end.
  • Maria  is looking for AW shows from 1995-1997
  • Michelle needs to find a copy of the last few episodes of Another World.
  • Pat is looking for the next to last episode.
  • is looking for as many Another World episodes as she can find.
  • Robert has many old soap DVD's from the 60's through 80's, including AW!
  • William is looking for episodes of "Another World" from the 1970's and on up.

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Page updated 4/21/15

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