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Another World Links Page

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Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...

Alice Barrett
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Frankie/Annie.

Les Brandt
Official Twitter feed of the actor who played Rafael.

The Official Richard Burgi Fan Club
If above does not work, please click here. Official site for the actor who played Chad Rollo.

Amy Carlson
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Josie.

Spencer Treat Clark
Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Steven.

Alicia Coppola
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Lorna.

The official page for the actress who played Felicia.
Follow her on Twitter and Facebook!

Judi Evans on Twitter
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Paulina.

Sandra Ferguson (Robinson)
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Amanda.

Ricky Paull Goldin
Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Dean.

Catherine Hickland
Official sites for the actress who played Courtney.

Anne Marie Howard
Official sites for the actress who played Nicole.

Brian Krause
Official Twitter feed for the actor who played Matt Cory.

Ilene Kristen
Twitter Facebook
Official sites for the actress who played Madeline.
Official sites for the actress who played Ali.
Official Site for the singer who played himself on the show.

Kim Rhodes
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Cindy.

Mark Pinter
Official Facebook Page for the actor who played Grant.
Official sites for the actor who played Ted.

Michael Rodrick's Official Webpage
The official page for the actor who played Cameron.

Rhonda Ross (Kendrick)
Official site for the actress/singer who played Toni.

Twitter  Facebook
Official social media sites for the actress who played Sofia.

Kyra Sedgwick
Official Twitter feed for the actress who played Julia.

Tina Sloan  Twitter
Official sites for the actress who played Olivia. and Twitter
Official sites for the actress who played Patricia.

WallyWilley World
Official sites for the actor who played Jim.

General AW Pages

Another World
A really large Another World Facebook group.

The Another World Anthology
Tribute page to the show.

Another World Fan Fiction
AW fan fiction page.

Another World Fan Group
Large AW fan group for the show!

Another World Picture Gallery
Includes pictures of couples, characters and weddings of AW. (photos no longer work)

Another World Today
Viewer-directed sequel to the show.

Another World Transcripts
Daily transcripts from the show.

Chris and Nikki's Another World Page
site with a lot of great stuff.

Coffeeroom's AW Site Guide
Coffeeroom's Site Guide about Another World.

Eddie Drueding's AW Page
Great site! Pics, history and more

Internet Movie Database Another World Page
The IMDB page for AW with cast, links, etc.

Rochelle's Fan Fiction
Post your Another World and As the World Turns fan fiction here.

Save Another World
Page about saving the show

Great soap site, their AW section

Photos site with a few AW pics!

There is another and a better world
Detailed daily synopses of Another World starting in the fall of 1984.
Small page about the show.

TV Series Finale
Another small page, about the end of the series.

The online encyclopedia's page for AW.

sites for Characters/Actors

Irises: Beverlee McKinsey and Carmen Duncan
Unofficial site about the character of Iris and the two actresses who portrayed her

The Official Alicia Leigh Willis Website - Now Unofficial
Lots of great stuff for the actress who played Alli Fowler.

Jake & Paulina Photo Tribute
A Photo Tribute to AW's greatest ever couple - Jake & Paulina

Linda Dano A Phenomenal Woman
Newly created fan website in honor of the wonderful actress Linda Dano.

The Taylor Stanley Website
For the actress who played Remy; bio, links, photos, and more!

Team Judi-Judi Evans Fanpage
Facebook page about the actress who played Paulina.

The Timothy Gibbs Website
Great stuf: bio, links, appearances, photos and more for the actor

The Unofficial Lisa Peluso Home Page
Small site for the actress who played Lila.

Links to Other TV Sites

Page updated 4/20/15

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