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As The World Turns Links Page

ATWT Links!

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Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...

CBS: As The World Turns
The Official Site to the show......

Official ATWT Twitter
Find out the latest from the show on Twitter!

TeleNext Media SoapBox
Official message boards for ATWT and GL, including info on appearances and fan events.

The Official Evan Alex Cole Website
Site for the actor who plays Hunter

Official Trent Dawson Fan Club
Website of the Official Trent Dawson Fan Club, featuring daily Henry recaps, Trent's bio, and more!

Official Ellen Dolan Fan Club
MySpace page for the actress who plays Margo.

The Official Eileen Fulton Fan Club and Official Facebook Page.
Official Yahoo club and Facebook page for the actress who plays Lisa.

The Roger Howarth Fan Club
Official page for the actor who plays Paul.

Lesli Kay Online and on Twitter!
Official site and Twitter Page for the actress who plays Molly.

Jon Lindstrom Site and follow him on Twitter
Official site for the actor who plays Craig Montgomery.

Billy Magnusson on Twitter
Follow the actor who plays Casey!

Grayson McCouch Official Facebook Page
Find other fans here and occasional announcements from the actor who plays Dusty.

Ming-Na Wen on Twitter
Official Twitter site for the actress who played Lien.

Austin Peck (ex-Brad)
Follow him on Twitter!

Julie Pinson Online
Official site for the actress who played Janet!
Follow her on Twitter

Colleen Zenk Pinter's Official Website and her Twitter Page
Sites for the actress who plays Barbara.

Vanessa Ray on Twitter
Official site for the actress who plays Teri Ciccone.

Official site for the actor who plays Noah!


Réal Andrews Official Site
Réal, who has been quite on a few soaps, played Walker on ATWT and now has his own fishing show on WFN The Real Catch. Also, follow him on Twitter and Facebook!

Sarah Brown Online  red star graphic
Official fan page for Sarah Brown (ex-Julia) with transcripts, photos, and much more! Also, here's her official Twitter Page.

Official Martha Byrne Site and Martha Byrne on Twitter
Follow Martha Byrne (ex-Lily/Rose) on her website and on Twitter!

The Official Bailey Chase Site
For the actor who played Chris Hughes. Also check out his Facebook Site

The Official Mary Beth Evans Website
The official site of actress Mary Beth Evans, who played Sierra. Photos, articles, forum, etc.

Nicholas Galbraith's Twitter Page
For the actor who played Zac.

Sarah Glendening's Twitter Page
By the actress who played Lucy.

Ashley Marie Greiner Blog
Official blog for the actress who played Faith. (not updated recently)

Meredith Hagner on Twitter
Official Twitter Page for the actress who played Liberty.

Anthony Herrera Online
The official site for the actor who played James Stenbeck.

The Cancer War
Page for Anthony Herrera's book about his cancer.

Julie Lancaster
Official site for the actress who played Deborah Kurley.

Jennifer Landon on Twitter
If you join Twitter, add Jennifer (ex-Gwen) and read what she says on her tweets.

Laurence Lau's Official Website and Fan Club
For the actor who played Brian Wheatley.

The Official Craig Lawlor Page
For the actor who played Adam.

Paul Leyden Online
Official Site for the actor who played Simon.

Reserved for Rondee
NYC Indie band featuring band members Billy Magnussen (ex-Casey, ATWT) & Tom Degnan (Joey, OLTL)

Nathaniel Marston The Official Site
Nathaniel Marston's (ex-Eddie Silva) official website.

The Official Cady McClain Site
Fun and insightful site for the actress who played Rosanna. Also, follow her on Twitter, and check out the Twitter Page for her music.

Austin Peck Online
Official Site for the actor who played Brad

Apothecary Theater Company
Tom Pelphrey's (Mick's) Site

Jon Prescott Online
Official site for the actor who briefly played Mike.

The Total Human
Official website for Allyson Rice-Taylor, who played Connor Walsh.

Zach Roerig (ex-Casey) on Twitter

The Official Todd Rotondi Website
For the actor who played Bryant.

The Official Anne Sayre Page
For the actor who played Mitzi.
Official site for actress/writer/director Kristina Sisco (now Romero), who played Abigail.

Lamman Rucker
Official site for the actor who played T. Marshall' Travers.

Paolo Seganti Online
Official actor who played Damian.

Monti Sharp
Follow Monti Sharp (ex-Lewis) on Twitter, and Facebook.
Actor who played Duncan

Paul Taylor Online
Official site for the actor who played Isaac

Greg Watkins' Web Site
This is the official site for the actor who played Evan Walsh.

General ATWT Pages logo's ATWT Site
Small page with mostly links.

Addicted to As The World Turns
An unofficial ATWT fan community on Facebook with all the latest photos, links, cast member info, show quotes, and talk about the show.

As The World Turns 4 Us
Very nice site for the show

As The World Turns Books and Links
Books and Links for As The World Turns.

As The World Turns Fan Club
Another Dutch site.

ATWT Forum & Chat
For chatting about your ATWT faves.

As the World Turns in Oakdale
Yahoo Group, open to ATWT Viewers with all opinions.

ATWT Online/SoapCentral
Daily Recaps, Scoops, Recap Archives, Photo Gallery, Whaddya think?, Cast and Credits, Fan clubs, Family Trees and much more!

AW and ATWT - A Place For All Fans Of ATWT and/or Aw
Yahoo Group about both shows

ATWT Positive Chat
Great Yahoo group!

Buddy TV As The World Turns Site
Articles, news, and a lot more

Cataz's Pics
Fan site with great OLTL & ATWT screen captures.

Coffeeroom's ATWT Board
Message board for the show

Delphi Soap Opera Forum
Forum for discussing ATWT and other soaps

Drama Queen
Tons of ATWT pictures

The first Dutch ATWT fanclub website
Free membership, 2 mailing lists, message boards, lots of info!! Chat rooms and lots of great links! All in DUTCH!!

Floor's As The World Turns Site
Pictures, links and chat.

Iesje's ATWT Page
This page offers the ATWT fan what they'd want to know about Oakdale

Internet Movie Database
ATWT information from the Internet Movie Database.

The Krazy Mona Lisa Gamez
Vote in fun polls about As The World Turns. Each week new polls, games, who said that, awards etc.

KYW CBS Soaps Videos
Sneak peeks, video daily recaps, and complete shows.

LOUISEHOME's home page on ATWT
This page also brought to you by a Dutch fan, Louise.

Message Central's ATWT Discussion Forums
Another message board for the show

Oakdale Online
News and Spoilers, Character List, FAQ, Picture Gallery, and Links are featured on this page for fans to enjoy. Great page but doesn't show up in Netscape.

The Oakdale Oracle
News, scoops and rumors weekly from

Planet As The World Turns
New **picture dominated** site dedicated to current AND past ATWT stars.

Shrine to the Soap Hunks of ATWT
Lots of great photos.

Soapsgirl's ATWT Photos
Small site with ATWT pics and many others

Soapzone's ATWT Message Board
Message board for the soap site.
TV site with some ATWT info.

TV Guide Online
Great site with news, daily recaps, and a lot more

The Ultimate ATWT RPG 2001
Yahoo Group--The ONLY active ATWT Role Playing Club!

We Love Soaps
Message board and links.

The online encyclopedia's page for ATWT.

Y&R Fans
Board that has lots of news, spoilers and more about ATWT, B&B, GH and Y&R.

Fan Pages for Current Characters/Actors


The Unofficial Jon Lindstrom Fan Page
Very nice page for the actor who plays Craig.

Jon Lindstrom Fan Forum
Active board about Jon Robert Lindstrom, Kevin Collins, and Port Charles.

Tom & Margo

The Scott Holmes fan club
A site dedicated to Scott Holmes as well as Tom and Margo Hughes.

A site dedicated to the Tom and Margo Hughes characters.

The Scott Holmes Fan Club
Yahoo Group for the actor who plays Tom

Scott Holmes Discussion Group
A place to discuss Scott Holmes, the best actor on ATWT! We also have lots of pictures AND fan fiction!


Prose Heaven
Message board for fans of Paul and Rose

The RH Factor
A Comprehensive Roger Howarth Fansite. The actor who plays Paul Ryan.

Roger Howarth Photo Gallery and Fan Page
Many pictures and other stuff

Paul & Meg Fans Message Board
A New message board for fans of Paul & Meg from As The World Turns. Please join and help this board grow! :)


Forbidden - Carly and Holden
Join the list of their fans.

Maura West Online
Fan site for the actress who plays Carly

Maura West Fans Online
Fan message board for the actress


Michael Park Online
Fan site for the actor who plays Jack
Another fan site for the actor

Carly & Jack

ATWT for Jack & Carly
Yahoo Group for As the World Turns fans who enjoy Jack and Carly.

Jack and Carly Heaven
Lots of great content here for the couple--takes a long time to load due to huge background pictures

Carlo Advocate
Daily ATWT video clips, screen caps, music videos and articles.


Not Your Typical Hughes - Casey Hughes
Join the list of his fans.

So Wrong, Yet So Right - Casey and Emily
Join the list of their fans.

Goofball - Billy Magnussen Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (Casey).


A Lost Love
Great Lucy and Dusty fan page!

Reluctant Hero - Dusty Donovan
Join the list of his fans.


Eric Sheffer Stevens
An unofficial online fan site to support and follow the career of this phenomenally talented actor of the stage and screen.

Luke & Reid

LoveLure's Luke and Reid Blog
Fan site dedicated to Luke and Reid's romance.

Luke and Reid Online
A message board for Luke and Reid fans.


Van Hansis Fan Page
Fan website dedicated to talented young actor, Van Hansis, who plays Luke Snyder.

A blog dedicated to Van Hansis, the character of Luke Snyder, and a little bit of ATWT snark.

Vantastic - Van Hansis Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (Luke)

Luke & Noah (Nuke)

Luke and Noah Home Page
Great site for fans of the couple.

The Noah Mayer and Luke Snyder Fan Fiction Archive

Luke and Noah Episodes
Videos of the couple

The Luke Snyder / Noah Mayer Fan Board
Catch up with other Nuke fans


Julie Pinson Online
Very nice fan site for the actress who plays Janet

The Julie Pinson Site
Unofficial Fan Site

Jack and Janet

Jack and Janet Online
Fan site/board for the couple

Jack and Janet Online
Nice fan page for the couple

Jack and Janet Gallery
Lots of nice photos of the couple

Jack and Janet Online on Twitter
Keep up daily on Twitter


Terri Conn Fansite
For the actress who played Katie.

Brad and Katie

Brad and Katie
Yahoo group for the couple

Katie and Brad Message Board
Message board for Brad and Katie

Bratie's Place
Another fan message board

Katie and others

Jatie: A Crazy Little Thing
Fan board for the couple Jack and Katie

Other Beautiful Things
Very nice fan site for Simon and Katie

Pretty site for Katie and Henry

Another great fan site!

Meredith Hagner Fan Site
Very nice fan site for the actress who played Liberty


Holden and Lily Fans Yahoo Group
Exchange email with other fans.

Daniel Cosgrove Fan Site
For the actor who plays Chris

Trent-Dawson [dot] net
Great fan site for the actor who plays Henry

Mick Hazen Online
Fan site for the actor who plays Parker.

Billy Magnussen [dot]. net
Fan message board for the actor who plays Casey

Daniel Manche Online
Official site for the actor who plays J.J.

Marnie Shulenberg Fan Space
Fan site on MySpace for the actress who plays Alison

Jake Silbermann Message Board
For the actor who plays Noah

Sky Blue
Message board for Marie Wilson (Meg)

Colleen Zenk-Pinter Fan Page
For the actress who plays Barbara

Oakdale: The Next Generation.
A message board to talk about the current crop of teens (Casey, Will, Celia, Gwen and Luke).

The World Keeps Turning - ATWT
Join the list of the show's fans.

Fan Pages for Actors No Longer on the Show

Our page-the first page!-for the actor who played Aaron.

Agim Kaba Fanpage
Yahoo group for pictures.


MCStar's Joseph Cross Fan Site
Another small page about the actor.

Zach Roerig Fan Page
Fan created website dedicated to the talented young model and actor, who played Casey Hughes.

Our site for the actor who played Craig.

Hunt Block
Small fan site for the actor.


The French Julianne Moore Web Page
In French AND English! Nice, lots of info and pictures


Jennifer Ferrin .net
The actress who played Jennifer Munson.

"Jendan" Jennifer & Jordan Forum
A place to talk all about our newest favorite couple - Jennifer and Jordan!


Martha Byrne Fan Page
Biography and a little more.

Martha Byrne Online
Not recently updated.


Sarah Glendening Online
Great site for the actress who played Lucy.

Spencer Grammer Fanlisting
Join the list of her fans (ex-Lucy).
Our page for the actress who played Lucy.


Mark C . Collier
Our site by Annmarie-- about Mark Collier. Nobody does good guy better.

The Unofficial Mark Collier Fan Club
A great place to post about Mark Collier A.K.A New Mike Kasnoff.

Mark Collier Online
A fansite for the actor who plays Mike Kasnoff on ATWT.

The Mark
Another good fan site for the actor

Mike Kasnoff My Space page
Another nice fan site for the character of Mike Kasnoff.

Shawn Christian's Website
Not up-to-date; about the actor who previously played Mike Kasnoff

Shawn Christian Online
Fan site for the actor, who's now on Days of Our Lives


The Beautiful Lesli Kay
Pretty fan page for the actress with a lot of pictures and information

Lesli Kay Fansite
Everything about Lesli Kay. Formerly Molly McKinnon and Lois Cerullo

ATWT's Jake and Molly Fan Club
Yahoo group for the duo

Molly's Place: A Tribute to Jake
Very visually busy page with lots of great stuff for Molly and Jake

Our page for the actress who played Rosanna Cabot.

The Unofficial Cady McClain Fan Club
Yahoo group for the actress.


Leyden lovers.. Paul Leyden Unofficial Fan Club
Great pics, links, chat room.. and more

Unofficial Home Page for Paul Leyden
For the actor who plays Simon

Paul Leyden holland
A Dutch un-official Paul Leyden site with biography, links, and lots of pictures !!

Paul Leyden Online
Fan site for the actor who plays Simon.

Paul Leyden Fan Page
Another nice fan page.


Peyton-Jessica-Agim Fanclub
another Yahoo group, for the three teens

Aaron and Lucy
A great site dedicated to Aaron Snyder and Lucy Montgomery.


Our fan page for the actress who played Alison.

Twitter for Jessica Dunphy, who played Allison.

Undiscovered - Chris Beetem Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (ex-Jordan)

Alexandra Chando . net
A site for the actress who plays Maddie Coleman.

The Eyes Have It - Bailey Chase Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (ex-Chris).

William Fichtner Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (ex-Josh).

Christopher Hughes
Join the list of his fans.

Andy Kavovit Page
About the actor who played Paul; nicely-designed and lots of great stuff.

Ultimately Forbes - Forbes March Fanlisting
Join the list of his fans (ex-Mason).

Lucy Montgomery My Space page
Nice fan site for the character of Lucy Montgomery with links to many other character pages.

Tom Pelphrey dot org
Fan site for the actor who played Mick.
Nice fan page for the actress who played Betsy

Kristina Sisco Fan Page
Page for the actress who played Abigail

Monique's James Stenbeck Site
News on the show and James Stenbeck for fans to enjoy!

Paul Taylor as Isaac Jenkins
Some information and pictures about the actor

Please come and join or check out this group about Hal and Emily Munson, from ATWT!

Hypnotized - Emily and Paul
Join the list of their fans.

Unconventional - Dusty and Emily
Join the list of their fans.

Vixen - Emily Stewart
Join the list of her fans.

Another World Home Page
Great page with tons of stuff about favorites Jake and Vicky (and others)

Links to Other TV Sites

Page updated 5/12/15

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