As The World Turns Birthdays List From The TV MegaSite

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As The World Turns Birthdays Page

ATWT Cast Birthdays List

Mary Kay Adams (Neal) 9/12/62
Brooke Alexander (Samantha) 12/13/63
Reál Andrews (Walker) 1/31/63
Tala Ashe (Ameera) 7/24/84
Haley Barr Sparks (Courtney) 4/27/71
Noelle Beck (Lily) 12/14/68
Chris Beetem (Jordan) 8/8/69
Judith Blazer (Ariel) 10/22/56
Hunt Block (Craig) 2/16/53
Dylan Bluestone (Daniel) 11/28/98
Lisa Brown (Iva) 8/2/54
Sarah Brown (Julia) 2/18/75
Christopher Browning (David) ?
Dylan Bruce (Chris) 4/21/80
Scott Bryce (Craig) 1/6/58
Larry Bryggman (John) 12/21/38
Jensen Buchanan (Vicky) 7/18/62
Yancy Butler (Ava) 7/2/70
Martha Byrne (Lily/Rose) 12/23/69
Ellery Capshaw (Natalie) 1989
Matt Cavenaugh (Adam) 5/31/78
Christina Chambers (Molly) 10/24/69
Alexandra Chando (Maddie) 7/28/86
Judith Chapman (Natalie) 11/15/45
Alex Charak (Alex/Elwood) 1/4/88
Bailey Chase (Chris) 5/1/72
Giovani Cimmino (Parker) ?
Tanya Clarke (Shelby) 2/2/72
Terri Colombino (Katie) 1/28/75
Daniel Cosgrove (Bill) 12/16/70
Nicolas Coster (Eduardo) 12/3/33
Cassandra Creech (Denise) 12/30/98
Joseph Cross (Casey) 5/28/86
Margaret Colin (Margo) 5/26/58
Mark Collier (Mike) 5/27/71
Justine Cotsonas (Sofie) 5/31/85
Ewa da Cruz (Vienna) 7/9/79
Stuart Damon (Ralph) 2/5/37
Trent Dawson (Henry) 2/4/71
Valentina de Angelis (Faith) 6/12/89
Scott DeFreitas (Andy) 9/9/69
Tom Degnan (Adam) 9/24
Dylan Denton (J.J.) 9/7/85
Alyssa Diaz (Celia) 9/7/85
Ellen Dolan (Margo) 10/16/55
James Douglas (Grant) 12/16/33
Jessica Dunphy (Alison) 10/23/84
Tom Eplin (Jake) 10/25/60
Judi Evans (Maeve) 7/12/64
Mary Beth Evans (Sierra) 3/7/61
Jennifer Ferrin (Jennifer) 2/25/81
Michael Forest (Nick) 4/17/29
Lindsay Frost (Betsy) 6/4/62
Ed Fry (Larry) 5/22/59
Eileen Fulton (Lisa) 9/13/33
Dominic Fumusa (Grey) 9/13/69
Terri Garber (Iris) 12/28/60
Brian Gaskill (B.J.) 1/22/70
Alexa Gerasimovich (Natalie)  4/11/2002
Sarah Glendening (Lucy) 9/20/82
Elena Goode (Jade) 8/22/82
Allie Gorenc (Sage) 1996
Robert Gorrie (Nate) 4/6/87
Spencer Grammer (Lucy) 8/9/85
Ashley Greiner (Faith) 9/10/98
Benton Greene (Derek) 12/14/72
Napiera Danielle Groves (Bonnie) 12/17/85
Meredith Hagner (Liberty) 5/31/87
Van Hansis (Luke) 9/25/81
Don Hastings (Bob) 4/1/34
Kathryn Hays (Kim) 7/26/33
Mick Hazen (Parker) 3/22/93
Benjamin Hendrickson (Hal) 8/26/50
died 7/3/06
Jon Hensley (Holden) 8/26/65
Kelley Menighan Hensley (Emily) 2/15/67
Anthony Herrera (James) 1/19/44
Lynn Herring (Audrey) 9/22/58
Chris Heuisler (Cole) 8/22/79
Cassidy Hinkle (Faith) 8/15/97
Scott Holmes (Tom) 5/30/52
Scott Holroyd (Paul) 6/5/75
Roger Howarth (Paul) 9/13/68
Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda) 12/22/33
John James (Rick) 4/18/56
Agim Kaba (Aaron) 2/16/80
Lesli Kay (Molly) 6/13/65
Daniel Hugh Kelly (Winston) 8/10/52
Paul Korver (Chris) 11/18/75
Deja Kreutzberg (Lia) 11/8/82
Wally Kurth (Sam) 7/31/58
A.J. Lamas (Rafael) 12/19/83
Jennifer Landon (Gwen/Cleo) 8/29/83
Lawrence Lau (Brian) 5/10/54
Robert Leeshock (Alan) 12/13/67
Terry Lester (Royce) 4/13/50
Michael Lipton (Neil) 5/27/25
died 2/10/12
Paul Leyden (Simon) 12/16/72
Jon Lindstrom (Craig) 10/18/57
Peyton List (Lucy) 8/8/86
Michael Lowry (Lee) 3/20/68
Billy Magnussen (Casey) 4/20/85
Daniel Manche (J.J.) 1/28/93
Randolph Mantooth (Hal) 9/19/45
Forbes March (Mason) 5/12/73
Lauren B. Martin (Camille) 3/3/70
Nathaniel Marston (Eddie) 7/9/75
d. 11/11/15
Marie Masters (Susan) 2/4/41
Robert Maschio (Louis) 8/25/66
Robin Mattson (Cheri) 6/1/56
Cady McClain (Rosanna) 10/13/69
Grayson McCouch (Dusty) 10/29/68
Kurt McKinney (Ellis) 2/15/62
Duane McLaughlin (Dallas) 6/21/86
Jeff Meek (Craig) 2/11/59
Gregory Michael (Clark) 5/30/81
Julianne Moore (Frannie) 12/3/60
Eric William Morris (Matt) 6/14/82
Matthew Morrison (Adam) 10/30/78
Tony Musante (Joe) 6/30/36
Kim Onasch (Jennifer) 2/10/82
Michael Park (Jack) 7/20/68
Wolé Parks (Dallas) 7/27/82
Annie Parisse (Julia) 7/31/76
Peter Parros (Ben) 11/11/60
Austin Peck (Brad) 4/9/71
Tom Pelphrey (Mick) 7/28/82
Jason Pendergraft (Lance) 5/24/76
Yvonne Perry (Rosanna) 10/23/66
Julie Pinson (Janet) 11/7/67
Colleen Zenk Pinter (Barbara) 1/20/53
Jon Prescott (Mike) 8/10/81
Mary Linda Rapelye (Maggie) 11/16/44
Vanessa Ray (Teri) 6/24/81
Margaret Reed (Shannon) 11/15/56
Frances Reid (Grace) 12/9/14
d. 2/3/10
Portia Reiners (Ada) 3/8/90
Zach Roerig (Casey) 3/3/85
Bonnie Root (Eve) 8/24/75
Todd Rotondi (Bryant) 9/28/74
Adam Roy (Zach) 11/25/84
Lamman Rucker (Marshall) 10/6/71
Frank Runyeon (Steve) 8/23/53
Meg Ryan (Betsy) 11/19/61
Roselyn Sanchez (Pilar) 4/2/73
McKenzie Satterthwaite (Nikki) 1/21/75
Anne Sayre (Mitzi) 8/30/72
Stephen Schnetzer (Cass) 6/11/48
Marnie Schulenburg (Alison) 5/21/82
Chaunteé Schuler (Bonnie) 10/15/82
Paolo Seganti (Damian) 5/20/65
Amanda Seyfried (Lucy) 12/3/85
Kin Shriner (Keith) 12/6/53
Kristina Sisco (Abigail) 4/18/82
Jake Silbermann (Noah) 6/1/83
Hillary B. Smith (Margo) 5/25/57
Kerr Smith (Teddy) 3/9/72
Jesse Lee Soffer (Will) 4/23/84
Eric Sheffer Stevens (Reid) 6/19/72
Sam Oz Stone (Daniel) 3/12/79
Michael Swan (Duncan) 6/11/48
Tamara Tunie (Jessica) 3/14/59
Lauretta Vaughn (Kit) 1973
Helen Wagner (Nancy) 9/3/18
died 5/1/10
Jake Weary (Luke) 2/14/90
John Wesley Shipp (Doug) 1/22/56
Paul Taylor (Issac) 1/25/76
Peter Vack (Casey) 9/19/86
Ernest Waddell (Curtis) 7/22/86
Helen Wagner (Nancy) 9/3/18
Maura West (Carly) 4/27/72
Kathleen Widdoes (Emma) 3/21/39
Tom Wiggin (Kirk) 7/6/55
Ashley Williams (Dani) 11/12/78
Davida Williams (Jade) 9/1/86
Marie Wilson (Meg) 10/12/74
Sarah Wilson (Liberty) ?
Travis Wood (Eli) 3/26/78
Jordan Woolley (Nick) 10/1/81
Jeremy Ian Zelig (Luke) 10/15/94

This is the current cast plus some others from the past; please let us know if there's anyone that you think we should add!

Thank you to Johnhenry for helping to update this page.

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

Other Birthday Lists: All My Children, Another World, Bold & Beautiful, The City/Loving, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, GH: Night Shift, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Sunset Beach, Young & the Restless, 24, 30 Rock, Alias, Almost Human, American Gothic, Angel, Arrow, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Beauty & The Beast, Being Human, Big Bang Theory, Blackadder, Bones, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castle, Charmed, Covert Affairs, CSI, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Dawson's Creek, Drew Carey Show, Earth 2, Eerie Indiana, Fawlty Towers, Ghost Whisperer, Gotham, Grey's Anatomy, Grosse Pointe, Haven, Herman's Head, Heroes, Hi Honey I'm Home, Hollywood Heights, Howard Stern Show, House, Jericho, Larry Sanders Show, Law & Order, Lois and Clark, Lost, Mad About You, Mork & Mindy, The O.C., Pacific Palisades, Police Squad!, Red Dwarf, Remington Steele, Savannah, Sledgehammer, Smallville, Space: 1999, Star Trek, True Blood, TV Nation and Vampire Diaries.

Page updated 9/17/16

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