All My Children DVD and Tape Trading From The TV MegaSite

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All My Children Trading Page Page

AMC Tape and DVD Trading


We have not checked these email links lately, so it's possible that some are no longer working...

  • is looking for AMC tapes from the 70's-90's.

  • Alexandra is looking for all episodes between 1993-1999.
  • has ALL MY CHILDREN episodes 1988-97 to share.
  • Amanda is looking for episodes with Ryan and Gillian.
  • has a lot of soaps to offer. AMC edits include Leo/Greenlee, Ryan/Gillian, Ryan/Greenlee, Babe/JR, Babe/Jamie, Fusion, Old AMC etc. GH edits include Sonny/Carly, Liz/Ric, Liz/Lucky, Teen edits, Carly/Lorenzo, Brenda, Teen, Maxie/Jesse, Dillon/Georgie, Quartermaine, etc. I also have appearances and talk shows with the actors. Other soap/nonsoap items are available as well.

  • Angelia  is for scenes back in May, 1995 when Adam and Brooke were fighting (he called her an old maid, they had poignant scenes at the Valley Inn and then they ended up kissing the night before the banquet), any good scenes of them fighting, and getting back together again.... She is also looking for Adam & Brooke scenes from 10-24-02 to 11/15/02 -- it was their brief affair.

  • has a lot of All My Children & General Hospital soap stuff. All episodes from Sept. 2002 until current, Sonny/Carly edits, Jason/Carly edits, Carlo edits, Dillon/Georgie edits; Leo/Greenlee edits, Ryan/Gillian edits, Ryan/Greenlee edits; Nurses' Ball and many episodes outside the soaps with the actors, such as Soap Talk interviews, game shows, etc. Looking to trade for good quality Josh Duhamel items.

  • Ashley is looking for the episodes in which Jackson takes Reggie in,  particularly 7/2/03 and 7/3/03...and 11/11/03.
  • Bobbi wants to find tapes of All My Children with Jesse McCartney on them.

  • Dan is looking for the episode #9097 from May 3, 2005 which had a song called "Your Man" also titled "Everything I Am". He wrote the song and wasn't able to tape it, so he would like to get a copy any way possible.
  • Daniel is looking for an All My Children 1994 TV Promo that may have aired during the Tornado episodes.  The song playing in the promo went "It'll leave you breathless...only on ABC Daytime", and it had various pictures of the stars on the screen in different poses.
  • Diodete is looking for AMC episodes from 1989 to 2001, especially with Janet, Trevor, Natalie, and Laurel.

  • is looking for AMC tapes with Jesse McCartney on them.

  • Jamie has a lot of full AMC episodes from roughly 1992- 1997; plus the AMC Behind-the-scenes video special; an AMC Behind-the-Scenes of "Who Killed Will" that aired on E!; an interview with Teresa Blake (ex-Gloria) from the talk show "Live, From
    Queens"; the short film Teresa Blake did with one of the AMC producers, "The Secret"; a music video Teresa Blake was in; and a movie she did before she was on AMC called "Payback".

  • Janet is looking for episodes beginning from the time Gillian meets Ryan through to the time where they end up divorcing and Gillian's accident. She is also looking for specific AMC 2005 episodes - April 20-22, 25, 28, May 19, 30, July 9, Aug 22, 29, 30. She has to trade AW episodes, Bev Hills 90210, some 90s General Hospital episodes, and some primetimes shows such as (Roswell,
    Gilmore Girls...there are a few more).

  • John has copies of AMC november 7th 2004-march 25th 2006 and some 1960 episodes from Soapnet's I Love Lucci's week. He's looking for any episodes prior to 11/7/04.
  • is looking for Tad & Krystal tapes from 2003 to 2005.
  • is looking for episodes of All My Children when Sarah Michelle Gellar was on.

  • wants to find Ryan/Gillian edits and has Leo/Greenlee edits to trade.

  • Mishelle is looking for good quality original edits of Noah/Julia's entire storyline.

  • wants episodes from when Kendall first came on the show (both times), with Ryan and Kendall, and with Kendall and Erica.

  • Natalie is looking for any Ryan & Gillian episodes from 2000, when they are having their secret affair, and also Ryan & Gillian's second wedding, and when Gillian is killed and becomes a ghost.

  • Pam is looking for episodes on tape and/or DVD of actor James Scott (ex-Ethan Cambias) from ABC's All My Children soap from his first appearance on August 10, 2004 to his last appearance on February 20, 2006.

  • Robert has many old soap DVD's from the 60's through 80's, including AMC!
  • Rochelle is looking for tapes of Greenlee and Mary.
  • Sandy is looking for November 1996 episodes.

  • Sarah is looking for tapes with Aidan and Kendall (both together and separately).

  • Scott  is looking for the 8/17/06 episode.
  • Stacey has a lot of soap stuff, including a whole lot about Susan Lucci and AMC, so check out her list. She also runs a tape-trading newsletter for the soaps!

  • Suzanne is looking for the AMC episodes with Kendall as played by Sarah Michelle Gellar, and the 7/4/06 episode; please contact her if you want to trade and see her HUGE LIST of tapes.

  • Vanessa is looking for many AMC shows from earlier this year and GH 5/20/05.  She has a lot to trade.

  • Vince is looking for the episode where Josh Duhamel, playing Leo... is wearing full leather and gets kidnapped by 2 goons.

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Page updated a little 5/24/23

We need more proofreaders, transcribers, interviewers, episode guide recap writers, article writers, MS FrontPage and/or Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

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