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All My Children Places Page

Pine Valley Addresses

By Gisele
Amanda & Jake Martin's house - 400 Lake Drive, west side of Pine Valley (5/4/10)
Evergreen Motel - Valley Road and Route 40 (3/30/10) (where Jesse & Angie spent their honeymoon)
Chandler Mansion - 300 River Road (1/16/07, 5/15/09, & 1/20/10)
Wildwind - 3900 Glenview Road (1/20/10)
Zach and Kendall Slater's house - 33 Treeline Circle (8/26/09)
Zach and Kendall's house - 32 Pine Circle (4/2/09)
Taylor's Condo - 105 Garden Drive, Pine Valley, PA  (12/30/08)
Tad & Krystal Martin - 3420 Canyon Drive, Pine Valley, PA  (12/26/08 & 1/25/10)
Myrtle Fargate - 140 Calvert Street, Pine Valley, PA  09109  (12/19/08)
Erica - Hawthorne Federal Detention Center, Pennsylvania (6/17/08)
Greenlee's Penthouse - 400 Lake Drive (1/7/08)
Jackson Montgomery's home - 32 Chestnut Lane (3/27/07)
Kendall and Zach Slater's new house - 564 Shepherd Avenue (2/26/07)
Cemetery on State Street (2/21/07)
Derek Frye's home: 365 East Maple Boulevard (1/10/07)
Fusion's office building and ConFusion: 500 Front Street (12/5/06, 1/22/07, 1/20/10, & 2/25/10)
Ryan Lavery's Condo - 450 Old Cedar Lane (9/14/06, 11/3/08, & 11/30/10)
"New Beginnings" studio - corner of Marconi and First Street
Kendall and Zach's Casino: Seasons East Casino - One Atlantic Avenue, Sea City, NJ 19022
Jamie & Babe's place - Chester Street
Babe Chandler's Cellphone # in 2006:  215-555-0199
WRCW - 9114 Pinehurst Avenue (555-0100)
SOS - Third Street
Brooke's House - 774 Pine Road (555-2725)
Dillons - 312 Pine Street
Erica's New House - 328 Crescent View
Pine Valley Hospital - 1550 Pinecrest Blvd.
Pine Valley Memorial Hospital's Tyler Pavilion - 300 Utopia Parkway, Pine Valley, PA  19010 (7/6/04 & 10/25/06)
Linden House - Lancaster Drive
Cortlandt Manor - 25 White Oak Drive, Pine Valley, PA  09109  (12/19/08)
Enchantment Building - 1100 Main Street
Maggie Stone and Jamie Martin's apartment - 52 Maple Road
Ryan and Greenlee's apartment - Pleasant Avenue
Enchantment - FEI Pine Valley - 1234 Pine Valley Way, Pine Valley, PA 123456

Page updated 4/21/15

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