All My Children Cast List From The TV MegaSite

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All My Children Cast List Page

Prospect Park Online AMC Cast

                  Character                                          Actor

Dr. Carter Anders Jason Pendergraft
Dr. Cara Castillo Lindsay Hartley
Dr. Griffin Castillo Jordi Vilasuso*
Adam Chandler David Canary*
AJ Chandler Eric Nelsen*
Colby Chandler Brooke Newton
JR Chandler Ryan Bittle
Dixie Cooney Cady McClain
Opal Cortlandt Jill Larson
Peter Cortlandt Robert Scott Wilson
Eileen Caitlainne Rose Gurreri*
Brooke English Julia Barr
Celia Fitzgerald Jordan Lane Price
Cassandra Foster Sal Stowers
Dr. David Hayward Vincent Irizzary
Heather Stevie Steel*
Dr. Angela Irene Baxter Hubbard Debbi Morgan
Jesse Hubbard Darnell Williams
Evelyn Johnson Francesca James*
Vlad Koslov Alfredo Diaz*
Uri Koslov Martin Harvey*
Lea Marquez Paula Garces
Dimitri Marick Michael Nader
Dr. Joseph "Joe" Henry Martin, Sr. Ray MacDonnell*
Jane McIntyre Heather Roop*
Bianca Montgomery Eden Riegel
Miranda Montgomery Denyse Tontz
Hunter Morrison Daniel Covin*
Dr. Peterson Todd Gearhart*
Sally Mia Topalian*
Zach Slater Thorsten Kaye
Billy Clyde Tuggle Matthew Cowles
Dylan Wilder Dan Hartley*
Winifred Cheryl Hulteen*

*recurring or temporary

Cassandra's guard at the hospital is being played by Ryan Black.

N. Simon Mac Lane portrays an FBI agent.

CNN host Jake Tapper made a cameo appearance as Spencer Phillips, an investigative journalist, on Monday, August 12.

Singer Jason Derulo performed his new single "The Other Side" on Wednesday, May 8. The episode, which aired on Monday, July 8, featured a gala hosted by Brooke.

ABC AMC Cast List

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

All Our Cast Lists

Page updated 8/13/21

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