Link to
our AMC Site!
Instructions for linking:
First choose a banner.
Right-click on it with your mouse button and
choose "save as..."
- Upload it to your web page.
- Put the actual name of the
banner where it says "banner.jpg"
- Make sure to include any
directory you might have put the
file in, such as images/banner.jpg
- If you have a page about
soap operas, add it to our
soaplinks page if it's not there already!
Thank you!!!
Thanks to Mary Frances for
this one...

Thanks to
for these below!

Thanks to both Mary Frances
and Angel for this one

Thanks to Shirley for

see our list of other banner pages on our
Main Banner Page.
Page updated 4/21/15
We need more proofreaders, transcribers, interviewers, episode guide recap writers, article
writers, MS FrontPage and/or Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
needed! Thanks!
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All My Children