Darlene P.- Volunteer Biography for The TV MegaSite

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My name is Darlene Prickett. I sometimes write under the name Darlene Bargmann. I am the author of "It's All About Emily" and the upcoming book, "Grown Ups Are Weird", which are the first two books in the "Girls of Harvey" series. I also have a story in "Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat's Life". Other than that, I have collaborated on books for local charities and have written articles for magazines and newspapers. I decided I wanted to write as a career when I won a writing contest at the age of 10.

Also consistent throughout my life has been my love for Young & the Restless. I've watched other soaps off and on, but I've always found Y&R to be of better quality- the lighting, acting, writing, character development, and regard for history. Being a Christian, I am also happy that they include God in some of their storylines. I would have loved to pursue a career writing for the show, but then I never would have met my wonderful husband, BJ.

BJ and I met in Jefferson City, MO and moved to Chippewa Falls, WI shortly after we married in 2000. We were unable to conceive and joined the Special Needs Adoption program. We adopted our daughter, Sandra in 2008. We were also blessed with a second placement, but lost him when we couldn't meet his extensive needs. We are still in the program and waiting for a third placement. I am considering writing a book about adoption and our experiences.
BJ introduced me to the game Dungeons & Dragons, which I thought was only for nerds but I really enjoyed writing the adventures, developing characters and now fantasy is my biggest passion in writing. To me, it is the most creative form of writing and I love the good vs. evil aspect of it.

I also love baseball, grew up watching the St. Louis Cardinals and still do, though it's less entertaining because I have no one to watch it with since I live in Wisconsin now. I like to cook, bake, scrapbook, do crossword puzzles, play board and card games. My two major vices are fast food and Cafe World on Facebook.

I have three pets: a cat named Buster, a lab/shepherd mix named Honey, and a border collie named Maia. Sandra has a betta she named "Fish" that I think BJ and I have adopted.

Page updated 10/24/12

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