Here are some comments from Anna Lee's fans
and friends on the event of her passing.
Please email suzanne@tvmegasite.net
if you would like to add your comments. Thanks!
Monday, May 17, 2004
On behalf of my family, we grieve for our mother's passing, but we
also know she is in a better place. She had an extraordinary 91 years,
and both
touched and inspired everyone she met. Her milky white skin and English
complexion was unmatched; and I don't think it is an exaggeration to
she was one of the most beautiful actresses to ever grace the screen.
small in stature, she had an indomitable spirit, and was the backbone of
family. No matter what obstacle lied ahead, she accomplished everything
she ever
tried. She was a pioneer woman wrapped in perfume and lace. She will be
missed, but never forgotten."
Jeffrey Byron, son of Anna Lee
Tommy Garrett, Family spokeperson
Garrett Associates & ICONS Public Relations
Anna was a dear friend and client for many years.. we will miss her.. but
never tired of her loving and adoring fans.. it's your support that has
her going throughout the years, that and the love of her family.....
for your continued support...
if people want to send cards.. they can send to me, S... and I'll take
out in a couple weeks...
The Family of Anna Lee
c/o Tommy Garrett
PO Box 215
New Canton, Va 23123
Anna Lee's husband, Robert Nathan, was the nearest I ever had to a mentor.
I'd discovered his books in high school and college, and immediately decided
that I wanted to write like him. We met in 1964, and remained close friends
until his death in 1985. I remember when he introduced me - shy as a schoolboy
at 75 - to his fiancée, who was at the moment fixing the roof of his Los Angeles
house. She came down in coveralls and a painter's cap, and I loved her from that
instant. She was, truly, the last Englishwoman. They aren't making that model
Oh, I will miss you, Anna!
Peter S. Beagle
I asked him if he is the famous author who wrote "The Last Unicorn"
Yes, THE LAST UNICORN's one of mine. I dedicated it in part to Robert Nathan.
When he turned 80, Anna surreptitiously contacted all of his friends for
contributions to a huge "Happy Birthday" billboard on Sunset
Boulevard that she rented for a month. She planned it all like the Normandy
invasion and carried it through perfectly. Somewhere in my usual chaos, I've got
snapshots of her pointing it out to him and of his absolutely stunned and
overwhelmed reaction. Pure Anna.
I have been a fan of Anna's since I was a teen back in 1980 and started
watching GH. I wrote her and other members of the cast fan letters and she
was the
first to reply back and I joined her fan club at the time. I was/am an
film historian and tried to get as much of her film/tv work on vhs and
her video copies as she lost a lot of her memorabilia in a fire when she
in Texas (yet alone another fire years later) Through the years I tried to
collect as much memorabillia on the actress and shared it with her. I
involved in her fan club and have spoken to her on the phone on many
I live in Iowa and when we had the floods of 1993 here in this state, she
called me, very concerned about my well being, but was relieved to let her
that I lived on higher ground and was not effected by the ordeal. Now I
know she
is on higher ground and back in the arms of her loving husband, her son
her many many friends. I cherish you my friend. Peace Out.From Wade, who
has contributed a LOT to this site!
I hadn't seen General Hospital often in years and just discovered she had
passed away whilst web surfing. I was both saddened and filled with with fond
remembrance and wanted to say something either way.
I am sorry to find out about Anna Lee's passing. I remember spending many hours
watching General Hospital as a teenager (beginning in the mid 90s) and finding
myself captivated by her kind and glowing presence. My sister and I both
considered her a favorite on the show and delighted in her scenes. She was a
well-loved and talented actress throughout her long career. An inspiration to
women at all ages, she will continue to be remembered warmly by many.
With love and light,
Jennifer (sent in 2009)
i am so sad about the passing of anna lee
i have watched gh since 1985
she was wonderful on there
and me and all the other fans are still and will be forever upset of how they
treated anna towards the end
we will miss you anna
my prayers and thoughts are with the family
from NJ
I just read about Anna Lee on SoapZone. That's so sad,
especially in light of her getting a lifetime
achievement award on this Friday's Emmy show. - Minall (who has
contributed tons of pictures to this site)

I'm so sorry hon..:( My heart and thoughts are with her family...:(
Suzanne, Am sorry about your friend Anna Lee
I just heard something from a fellow soap fan and was wondering if it was true.
She told me that Anna Lee passed away yesterday. I pray it's not true, but hope
if it is, she went peacefully. Can you please let me know.
She and I used to converse periodically. She would call me ever so often, since
she wasn't able to correspond when her arthritis got really bad.
Thanks for you time and trouble.
I'm June Beck, and have the official website of Anna's dear friend, Maureen
O'Hara. Maureen just called me because the Associated Press called her for an
interview. I then called Jeff and he said she requested
no funeral service, but there will be a memorial service; he'll keep us posted
on that. Meanwhile, I have put a link to your page for career information.
I interviewed Anna in 1993 and have tried to keep in touch since that time. She
was a very special lady.
For Anna's Family
I just wanted to tell you how very sad I am by the news of your
mothers death. I understand the pain of losing someone since I lost my husband 1
year ago this month. please accept my deepest condolences. She will be missed.
Right now, ABC is on my
"_hitlist" for what they did to her. I am soooo sorry that she is gone
now. I have
been watching GH since Nov. 1981 - the day of Luke and Laura's wedding.
saddens me even more now, knowing that she was going to be honored next
week at
the Daytime Emmy Awards and will never get to see it. My heart goes out
to her
whole family, to everyone over at GH and to all the fans who will never
to see her in action again. For everyone who was lucky enough to know her
work with her - they ALL have my deepest sympathies. Congratulations on
Lifetime Achievement Award Anna/Lila!!! It was WELL DESERVED. God be
you, Anna Lee, for now you are surrounded by Angels. You (and Lila
Quartermaine) will be sorely missed - FOREVER!!!
Jill S.
It is sad to loose such a wonderful actress. She didn't look 91 that's
for sure. I myself thought she was only in her seventies.
She was and is a wonderful actress who will live on in our memories for a
long time to come. To Anna Lee's family I want to express my deepest
sympathy and regret over losing such a wonderful person.
I hope GH treats this with the dignity that she deserves. They can't just
mention her death in passing, that would not be right. Anna Lee and the
character of Lila deserves much more than that.
They couldn't have found a better Lila. She had an air of dignity about
her.She will be sorely missed
I have been watching the show since i was 7, She was a great actesses!!
My blessings go out to her family and friends!!!
I'd been a fan of GH for years, always enjoying Ms. Lee's portrayal of Lila
Quartermaine. When my husband and I were dating he popped "Fort Apache" in the
VCR. Imagine my surprise and delight to find a young and talented Ms. Lee in the
cast. I found new respect for Ms. Lee and Fort Apache soon became one of my
favorite movies.
Ms. Lee will be missed as a person as well as an actor. She had such a
beautiful spirit - anyone fortunate to watch her perform her craft was truly
The character of Lila Quartermaine deserves the most glorious tribute/sendoff
any character on GH has ever had.
My prayers are with her family as well as her extended family of cast members.
I have been watching GH for 26 years now. Anna was such a delight, she kept
Edward in line (and we all know how much he needed it). To her family: it is a
very difficult time for you, I lost my mother less that 1 year ago. Our thoughts
and prayers are with your family at this very difficult time.
Coatesville, PA
I was so sorry to hear of the death of this wonderful woman and phenomenal
actress! She lit up the screen and was the epitome of a true lady. I have
enjoyed watching her on GH for as long as I can remember!
It is a shame that our older, more experienced, and truly talented actors and
actresses are being written off of our soaps! It's time for the writers,
producers, and others in charge of daytime television to know that the fans
treasure these characters, and feel such an attachment to them. They are the
people who have made the shows what they are today, and should be remembered and
respected for their
Rest in Peace, Miss Lee. You will be remembered and truly missed!
A GH Fan
I have been watching Lila for as long as General Hospital has been on the
air. God blessed that show with a beautiful character in Anna Lee. For her
family my deepest sorrow for her passing. She will be remembered in many years
to come. I will so miss that lovely Lady Lila.
It is sad to she her go. Even towards the end of her career on General
Hospital she always was classy and distinguished. She will be missed and always
loved in my family's heart. May God Bless her soul and may she forever rest in
Best Regards,
Her elegance will be sorely missed. Besides THE SOUND OF MUSIC I enjoyed her
in THE GHOST AND MRS. MUIR in other small, but character captured roll of the
wife to George Sanders character. Lila was such a great character- Anna
Lee will be remembered in such a positive light by all.
I was very sad when I received the news of Anna's passing. I loved her as Lila and hated the way "GH" treated her in the end! I thought it was a shame she was not able to cover her medical costs. Even though I hated seeing Frances Reid killed off on "Days" (they were the same age) at least she was feted as the much beloved character and actress she is! I'm hoping the producers take note of the fans outpouring of love for Anna and not go ahead with their plans to recast her! She was one of the last of the great movie stars and was a joy to watch as her daytime fans grew to love her as well! It'lll be interesting to see what "GH" does for an announcement this afternoon! Whatever tribute was planned for her at The Emmy's this year will hopefully be tasteful and even more respectful now. Oh, I'll miss her scenes with Reginald!
Anna Lee was a lovely lady. The pure essence of class. Anna Lee
portrayed Lila Quartermaine with that same class that truly became her
signature quality. She will be missed so much by so many fans and will
never be forgotten as she is a big piece of General Hospital history.
The stars that shined in her eyes on stage will now shine in the heavens
to brighten each night sky. Ann Lee, you are pure light and will shine
forever in the hearts of many. Fly with the angels and rest in peace you
lovely lady!
With much love from your fan, Donna
My name is Darla. I watch GH everyday and I thought of Lila as a
grandmother. She was absolutely beautiful and I truly loved and admired
her. I,
too, am in a wheelchair. I was paralyzed from birth. So, I admire how
handled herself after her accident. She is an angel and I will truly
missed her
I am a "GH" fan for many years. I want to add how much stars like Anna
helped create the tsunami that was "GH". I always remember her work as
"Lila"; she gave that character heart and dignity. Whenever she appeared
onscreen, I knew we all were in for an education in compassion and love,
even when "Lila" was being stern. To her family and friends: I already
her and I know you miss her more. Thank you Anna Lee.
I am a huge fan of Anna Lee. I watch GH religously and always looked
forward to seeing everyones favorite character Lila. She was a lovely
women and I was shocked to hear the news today. I will miss seeing her
beautiful smile.
Michelle CA
I did not watch GH religiously but when I did, I was so thrilled to see
She was in a class of her own. I hesitate to use the words "classy',
On-screen she was a lady to be admired. God bless and rest her soul,
be missed. She was the epitomy of nice. So sweet, gentle and kind.
Godspeed to you Anna.
A Great Lady is gone. In addition to the numerous movies she was in;
Anna Lee was
most entertaining as Lila Quartemaine on GH. She will be greatly
Sue (age 40) and Lillian (age 86), Illinois
I was so sorry to hear of Anna Lee's passing. She was a great lady. I
have watched her in General Hospital since 1981. Many films I have seen
her in and she did a fantistic job. She even acted with the late John
Wayne. She will be missed.
Violet from
Ontario Canada
I was saddened to hear of Anna Lee's death. Anna Lee and my mother were good friends when I was growing up in Encino, CA. I also have fond memories playing with her sons as kids. When my mother was ill and in the hospital she came to visit and was very kind to her. She was a good person
In loving memory of one of the greatest actresses that ever graced the
screen, Anna Lee will be missed by everyone that has seen her on General
Hospital or in major films. From the deepest part of my heart I wish to
send my love and admiration to her family and friends and say that Anna
Lee is truly in a far better and safer place. She will be loved and
With our deepest love
Kathy and Phyllis Woods, Three Rivers, MI
Lila has long been my favorite GH character. I'll miss her a lot. She was a beautiful woman who truly personified the word "LADY".
I have been watching General Hospital for 23 years now, and every time
Anna came on the screen, everyone got quiet and watched her. She had such
talent and beauty, and had a way of taking your breath away. I will miss
watching Lila putting Edward in his place, and I will definately miss her
love and support of Jason and of Brenda.
I can't believe how ABC had treated her towards the end of their working
relationship. It made me sick to see how the characters on GH made
references to Lila, but no one ever saw her. Ms. Lee gave many years to
GH, and for her to be put on recurring made me angry. She could have fit
into many storylines, such as Emily's cancer, the Hotel Fire ( that
affected the entire Quartermaine Family...) I am just saddened to know
that today when I watch General Hospital, I am not going to see her in the
credits (actually we haven't for a while now) and I am not going to see
her on screen again.
Anna Lee.... you made GH worthwile for my husband and I to watch. You
were a true lady, with elegance and grace and you will be missed forever,
and never forgotten.
With love from your mid-west fans,
Chandra and Jeff Baker
Twin Lakes, Wisconsin
all i can say is thanks for the memories lila
.................................... general hospital will never be the
same EVER
Thanks for the memories Anna. You were a great Quartermaine and GH should
be ashamed of themselves for the shabby treatment you got.
Debbie Moorestown, N.J.
So sorry to hear of Anna Lee's passing. She was a beautiful person and a
wonderful actress. She was the backbone of the Quartermaine family on
General Hospital and it is sad that she won't be on there anymore. I use
to watch that show when I was younger and now I feel that I cannot bring
myself to watch it ever again with her not there.
I send my deepest sympathy to her family and friends.
Flowers for Anna Lee
I have been wathing General Hosp. for many years, since the 70's. Anna
character of Lila was a touch of Heaven to me. I couldn't believe it when
took her off contract. I knew we didn't see her as often and I'm sure it
due to health reasons, but for the producers to treat her as shabbily as
did is incomprehensible. She was the matriach of the "Quartermaine"
She was the Grand Dame undisputed. You will be missed...
Anna has always been a favourite actress of mine, i was very saddened at the
of her passing, when i heard what GH did to her, i basically didnt' have
heart to watch the show, and this year, i've all but stopped...it's very
sad, i
will miss her greatly, my heart reaches out to her family, i loved her
the first time i saw her on sound of music, she was always a classy
lady....daytime and the world of acting has indeed, lost a great
Dear The Family of Anna Lee,
I am so sorry to hear this Sunday that Anna Lee
passway. I have loved her since I started to watch GH
in 1996! I was crying so hard Sunday. May god be with
her family & Friends.
RIP Anna! You will be loved & Missed forever
Shannon Delane Isbell Age 25
Hi Suzanne,
I'm Laura Spears & I have been a great fan of GH for soooooo long I
believe in early to mid 1960's lets say I remember when Dr Steve Hardy had
talked to Angie after she had her face redone after her car wreck I
believe, plus I remember Lucille March & Al Weeks, so I have been watching
GH ever since then and still is watching GH. I have seen many changes ie:
actors actresses and guest appearences thru out the show since its been
on. I love Anna Lee she always knew what to say and showed everybody whos
the boss in the Quartermaine house. I was in total shock when I found or
should say heard of her passing she will be greatly missed by everybody. I
also know that John Beradino died along with Emily Laughlin and Frank
Kilmond aka Jennings the Q butler, and also Norma Connolly and Filomena
Soltini the house keeper or Robins grandmother her real name was
Argentina Brunetti. ( I know you may not be able to put all this in the
memoir page on here but just put what you think is the shortest message
that I have said about Anna. Oh yeh I also read about Shell Kepler aka Amy
Vining. All my prayers & support goes out to her family and son Jeffery. I
will miss seeing Anna but I have recorded the memorial service that the
show paid tribute to her on GH.
With all my love,
Laura Spears -
Denver Colo
Transcript of Nancy Lee Grahn Interview
discussing Anna Lee
See more comments from fans at Soapzone
Favorite Lila Moments
Anna Lee Passed
And at
Memorial comments page 2
Page updated