Days of Our Lives Update Tuesday 6/24/03
By Danielle
Pictures by Juanita
Rex and Cassie arrive at the DiMera mansion. Rex is asking Cassie if she wants Roman to find out that he is their father. Cassie tells Rex to stop yelling at her because she can’t believe how many things can go wrong in one day and that Tony is the only dad she could ever want. Lucas comes in and asks Cassie what is wrong because she left him many messages and then couldn’t find her. Cassie explains that she was in jail. Lucas comforts Cassie as Cassie says it was horrible. Tony walks in and asks what is going on. Cassie tells Tony that Lucas was comforting her because she has had an awful day and was arrested. Tony asks what Cassie what charge she was arrested for. Cassie says the charge was prostitution.
Shawn is sitting at a booth in the Brady Pub while Belle is sitting at the bar. Philip rejoins Belle explaining that he had to check in with his sergeant. Belle doesn’t believe him so Philip asks her if he, a US marine, would lie. Belle tells Philip that she knows he isn’t telling her the truth and asks him why he is avoiding her questions. Belle asks Philip why they were spying on Maya and Tony in Victor’s attic, asking what he is up to and what does any of this have to do with Philip.
Stuart is talking to Master Wan on the phone while pacing around Jack and Jennifer’s house as they prepare for the show. He is being told by Master Wan that Wan won’t be able to be there and Stuart is getting upset because they are about to go on live. Jack and Jennifer come into the living room wearing their karate robes. Jennifer is helping Jack tie his belt. Stuart informs Jack and Jennifer that Master Wan won’t be there because he pulled a back muscle and they don’t have a backup guest and asks what they are going to do now. Jennifer starts to think about it but Jack says he has a great idea and to just leave it to him as he runs off.
Bo and another officer lead Ramsel to his jail cell. Bo tells Ramsel that it is home sweet home and the officer adds that he hopes Ramsel had a nice vacation because they would be in there for a while. The officer asks Bo if he is going to Ramsel’s hearing today. Bo says no because he doesn’t want to see Ramsel’s ugly face ever again. The officer tells Bo that the word is that the DA is cutting Ramsel a deal for a reduced sentence since Ramsel was going to turn states evidence on another wanted fugitive.
Hope and Alice are enjoying Alice’s doughnuts around the kitchen table. Hope is saying that Bo will be jealous. Alice asks Hope who she thinks she made them for. Hope says Alice made them for her favorite granddaughter, her. Alice says that now that Hope is adding another job to her already full plate, she won’t have time for baking. Hope says Alice did all the baking; Hope is just the official taste tester as she takes a bite. Alice asks Hope if she is happy about this. Hope says she is happy about becoming a bounty hunter. Alice senses there is more and Hope tells her that in order to cover their start up costs, they’ve decided to sell the Fancy Face. Alice is shocked as Hope says she wishes there was some other way but Bo won’t even let her touch her trust fund. Hope tells Alice about an idea to withdraw the interest on her trust fund but Alice asks Hope if she’s talked to her father about this. Hope says she hasn’t because she hasn’t mastered the time difference in Kenya but did get a postcard that showed that Doug and Julie were having a good time on safari while visiting Bill Horton. Alice looks upset so Hope asks Alice what is wrong and adds that she is only thinking of withdrawing the interest and it’s not like she is broke. Hope senses Alice’s uneasiness and asks her if she is broke.
Two officers are leading Larry out to the car for transfer to Statesville. Larry asks the officers what time it is in Spanish. One officer says it doesn’t matter what language they ask in, it’s still just a little past the last time Larry asked. Larry asks when that was. The other officer asks why Larry keeps asking what time it is because it isn’t like he has any place to be oh for the rest of his life. Larry asks if they can get this show on the road and the officers help Larry into the squad car.
Nicole is dressed in a wig and disguise and says Showtime as she finishes brushing off her outfit.
Philip asks Belle if she is a member of the United States Marine Corps. Belle says she isn’t. Philip says that Belle wouldn’t know the kind of things Marines concern themselves with. Belle says she wouldn’t because Philip won’t tell her anything. Philip says he can’t because he’s a marine. Belle says great as Philip says Belle knows too much already and is lucky he doesn’t have to kill her. Belle says she isn’t kidding but Philip says he isn’t kidding either. Philip’s phone rings so he excuses himself to answer it. Philip tells the caller that there is no dock 42 then realizes the caller said dock 32 and tells the caller that they have got to get a better connection. Philip tells the caller that he will be right there and hangs up. He returns to Belle and Belle says that she guesses their conversation is over. Philip apologizes and tells Belle that he will catch up with her later and to have fun. Belle sarcastically says you too and Philip leaves. Shawn watches Philip leaves and goes to stand by the bar with Belle. Shawn asks Belle where Philip is off to. Belle says who cares and that she is over it. Shawn tells Belle that she is worried about him. Belle says she is and that Philip’s whole unit got assigned overseas except for him that getting assigned here in Salem is so weird. Belle adds that she wonders if the marines know about whatever Philip is doing.
The officer brings Ramsel back to his jail cell. Ramsel asks if he can’t have ten more minutes in the yard but the officer says he thought he could use some time to prepare himself before he goes before the judge. Bo is in the cell with Ramsel. Ramsel tells Bo that first he follows him to Texas and that now he is in jail cell. Ramsel says he is flattered but doesn’t share Bo’s feelings. Bo says they do share the same feelings, mutual hatred. Ramsel asks Bo why he should hate Bo because he is getting out soon, because he is a good criminal and ones like him, they can’t keep in jail and tells Bo happy hunting Mr. Bounty hunter. Ramsel moves to stand in front of the bars and Bo moves to stand behind him as he puts his arm up around a bar as he tells Ramsel that he should want to stay in this nice safe jail cell because every drug dealer is going to know exactly what Ramsel said to save his sorry ass and let some one else do his time for him. Ramsel says that dealer earned his time and asks Bo to go over and harass him because he is the man now, not the guy on the street, not the criminal, not the cops and not Bo. Bo tells Ramsel to keep talking and trying to convince himself because he will never convince Bo.
Hope is shocked that she is broke as she tells Alice that she never imagined she was broke and that she guesses they will have to sell the Fancy Face. Hope says she had already resigned to do that but she was hoping and then adds that she wonders what they are doing starting a new business when their nest egg is gone. Alice tells Hope that she thinks she can help them.
The two officers transporting Larry are talking about baseball. They notice a limo on the road and Larry smiles from the backseat.
Jennifer tells Barry that Jack’s idea isn’t going to help very much if he doesn’t come back before the show. The director starts counting down to being on the air live as Barry deserts her to step off camera. The theme song plays as Jennifer greets the audience. She mentions that Jack isn’t in the house right now. Barry asks if there is trouble in paradise. Jennifer says no but Barry says there will be if Jack doesn’t show up soon. Jennifer promises that it won’t be trouble in paradise for her and Jack and asks Barry to join her for a few minutes. Barry says no thanks to karate kicks and asks what else is on the show today. Jack bursts in and says sushi, love it, hate it but it’s healthy, it’s fresh and it’s raw. Jack says it is okay that they don’t have a kitchen or stove in their set but they will learn at the hands of the master as Jack calls over NoBoo, a sushi chef.
Hope refuses Alice’s offer of money. Alice suggests a personal loan. Hope refuses that offer as well. Hope says she and Bo are going to be okay and Alice says she knows they will. Hope and Alice hug as Hope tells Alice that she loves her very much.
Ramsel tells Bo that Bo left the force because he couldn’t stop him but he’s all alone now, one little man with no glory or honor. Bo asks Ramsel why he would go after Shawn if he had so much power. Ramsel tells Bo that he is the one who won’t let this go. Bo tells Ramsel that it is because he doesn’t have a clue, Ramsel is not only destructive to the people he threatens directly but a poison to everyone while he’s out on the streets. Bo asks Ramsel what he wants out of life, if he is really happy with all this power and guns and drugs. Bo asks Ramsel if he has a family or wants one because bottom line that is the most important thing and someday if Ramsel ever figures that out, he wouldn’t have wanted to ruin this world before they are even born. Ramsel pretends to cry but then laughs and tells Bo that his heart is bleeding and asks Bo if he is happy. Ramsel adds that he drove Bo off the force and he’s an ex-cop now and if something tragic was to befall Bo, no one would care. Bo’s phone rings as Ramsel asks if Bo is going to leave him. Bo calls for the guard to let him out as he tells Ramsel that he just had his last chance. As Bo leaves, Ramsel tells Bo that he just had his last chance. Ramsel sits down inside his cell as he repeats that Bo just had his.
Tony repeats that Cassie was arrested for prostitution. Cassie says she is innocent. Tony asks what happened. Cassie explains that she was talking to a guy and he turned out to be an undercover cop. Tony asks Cassie if the cop propositioned her and says that would be entrapment. Cassie says not exactly as the doorbell rings. Rex offers to get the door as Tony, Lucas and Cassie go into the living room. Tony tells Cassie that she can’t just pick up any guy off the street. Cassie says she wasn’t going to sleep with him, she was just talking to him and he misunderstood. Cassie adds that it was so degrading. Tony says he is going to call his lawyer and asks Cassie why she didn’t call him about this. Rex and Mimi who was at the door walk into the living room. Cassie says she didn’t because she was ashamed. Tony asks Cassie if Abe didn’t think she needed counsel. Cassie explains that Abe wasn’t there last night because he was home with the baby. Tony is surprised to hear that this happened last night. Cassie tells Tony that they couldn’t schedule a hearing until this morning. Tony asks who was in charge. Cassie says Roman Brady was in charge and he hates her so much and she can’t believe how much he hates her when he but stops herself. Tony asks Cassie what she was going to say.
Shawn asks Belle what she thinks Philip is up to. Belle says she doesn’t know and she is really tired about thinking about last night. Shawn says he is too and Belle asks why. Shawn says there is something he should tell Belle and he explains to Belle that Cassie showed up at Lookout Point and asked him to have sex with her. Belle says what a bitch and asks Shawn what he did. Shawn says he said no and didn’t sleep with her. Belle tells Shawn that of course he said no but why didn’t he push her off of Lookout Point. Belle tells Shawn that she has two sisters; one is in ICU because of terrible mistakes she made with more than one guy. Belle adds that she feels really sad for Sami but for Cassie she feels nothing for she will never understand her and is sorry that she is a part of Shawn’s life now too. Shawn tells Belle not to worry about it. Belle asks Shawn if his new job could be dangerous. Shawn asks Belle if she is kidding that a job working for Mickey could be dangerous. Belle points out that Shawn serves summons to criminals. Shawn points out that it is mostly civil cases. Belle brings up Maya’s case and asks if Mickey decided to take the case. Shawn says yes and says that he knows Maya isn’t their favorite person but it is just his job and just because she is interested in him. Belle interrupts and says that it is just great that Maya is interested in him and asks why they can’t just be left alone.
Bo arrives at Alice’s house and Bo and Hope hug. Bo asks Hope if everything is okay and asks where Alice is. Hope says that Alice said she had a board meeting but thinks she just wanted to give them a little time. Bo asks why that is. Hope says she told Alice that she didn’t want to sell the Fancy Face and was thinking of withdrawing the interest on her trust fund. Bo sighs but Hope tells him not to sigh or say anything. Hope explains that even though the market is depressed she thought their careers were good investments but Alice told her that they have nothing.
The officers rush over to Nicole who is lying on the road side. The one officer lifts Nicole’s head up as the other officer goes to get something out of the trunk. Larry watches all this from the backseat of the squad car. Nicole “wakes up” and the first officer asks if she can hear her. The officer tells her to lie still and asks if she is in any pain. Nicole says she doesn’t know. The officer asks if she can tell him what happened. Nicole says she was walking on the roadside and that is the last thing she remembers because she must have been hit by a car. The other officer arrives by Nicole’s side as the first officer tells Nicole to lie still as they check her over. The guy Larry and Nicole hired comes out of the woods to cut off Larry’s handcuffs. The officers find that Nicole has a normal pulse and respiration as they try to help her to the car. Nicole pretends to get woozy as the 2nd officer offers to call an ambulance. Nicole says she is fine. An explosion is heard as the three cover their heads. The officers rush back to their car as Nicole asks if that is their car, or was that their car. Nicole turns away and smiles as another explosion is heard.
Cassie says she can’t believe Roman is being so mean to her when his own daughter is in the hospital and shows her compassion when she makes a mistake but just thinks Cassie is a slut. Rex interrupts and suggests that Cassie should get some rest. Tony tells her that they will continue this later as Rex, Cassie, and Mimi leave the living room. Lucas tells Tony that he wanted to tell Tony what happened when he followed Maya. Lucas says that Maya made two packages, one to ship to Cayman. Lucas asks Tony if he thinks she is working for someone else. Tony says it is as he feared. Lucas asks what Tony wants him to do about it. Tony says he’ll take care of it. Lucas asks Tony what they plan to buy with all these diamonds and Tony says eternity. Lucas wants to ask Tony what he means by eternity but Tony leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.
Jennifer and Jack and NoBoo are sitting around a table. Jennifer asks NoBoo to explain the terminology for her. She asks how sashimi and sushi are different. Jennifer isn’t too thrilled with eating the sushi. She asks the chef about risks to eating the raw fish. The chef points out that there are risks in any kind of food. Jennifer says she read about how pregnant women shouldn’t eat sushi. Barry walks on camera and asks Jennifer to tell him that she doesn’t see maternity leave in her future.
Rex and Mimi go into Rex’s room. They start kissing as there is a knock on the door. Rex answers it and it is Tony who says he needs to speak to Rex privately. Mimi excuses herself to get something to drink. Tony asks Rex if Cassie is resting. Rex says yes. Tony tells Rex that he has a proposition for him. Rex tells Tony to go on. Tony says there is no way to test the power of Rex’s laser while it sits idle but Tony can change that in exchange for Rex allowing Tony to use his laser to make diamonds for him. Tony asks Rex if they have a deal.
The officers wonder how they are going to explain this as the 2nd officer asks the 1st officer if he thinks Nicole is single. They return to find that Nicole is gone.
Nicole, Larry, and the man they hired are driving away. Larry says he is a free man and laughs. Nicole says soon Victor will be a dead man.
Belle says first Cassie and now Maya, that Shawn is so irresistible. Belle tells Shawn that she misses him. Shawn asks what she means. Belle says she misses living together and going to classes, it’s like they’re out in the real world now. Belle starts listing off where everybody they grew up with are now and Shawn points out that Belle is now a fashion designer but Belle says she isn’t yet. Belle asks Shawn if he likes law and Shawn says he does. Belle asks if he ever thinks of the merchant marines anymore. Shawn says he doesn’t know because he doesn’t want to leave Belle but then he sees Philip and is proud of what he’s done. Shawn says he just wants to know if everything is really okay with Philip. Belle has a flashback of when she and Philip were talking earlier at the bar and Philip’s phone call. Belle tells Shawn that she was supposed to meet Kate and look at some designs. They kiss and Belle says she’ll call Shawn when she gets home. Belle leaves. Shawn asks Lisa if he can get some pasta salad to help take Belle’s mind off of the hospital as he notices that Belle is not going to her car and goes after her to find out where she’s really going.
Philip is at the docks looking through binoculars at Maya and her business associate. He smiles and nods.
Bo asks Hope what she is talking about for they have everything. Hope says of course they do but she means it is so risky to be starting a new business when they have no savings with one son in college and neither of them having a job. Bo says they can do anything they set their minds to. Hope says Bo is right as she hugs him. Bo’s phone rings and it is Ramsel. Ramsel thanks Bo for the visit before because it was just as he was getting bored. Bo asks Ramsel what he wants. Ramsel says he wants Bo’s life.
Jennifer asks Barry if he thinks she would tell her husband that she was pregnant on live television. Barry says he would prefer if she did. Jennifer says she wouldn’t, she was just being careful but as much as she would like to eat the sushi, it just looks too beautiful. The chef thanks her and says that it is meant to be consumed. Jennifer leans over to Jack and tells him secretly that if the fish gets any closer to her face, she is going to throw up. Jack says that Mr. NoBoo’s lunch crowd awaits. Jennifer thanks the chef for being on the show today. The chef tells the viewing audience that they can come to his restaurant for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Jennifer is feeling nauseous at the thought of sushi for breakfast as Jack leans in to ask Jennifer if she could be pregnant. Jennifer says she isn’t. The chef yells out the address to his restaurant as Jack tells him to see the producer on the way out. Jack and Jennifer promote Mr. Wong’s book even though he was unable to be on the show. Jennifer suggests that they show some self-defense moves anyway. Jack doesn’t want to do it. Jennifer says this is a public service and it only takes three minutes but as Jack is saying that he can think of a lot of things he’d rather do in three minutes, Jennifer grabs him in a headlock and explains about the element of surprise. They kiss.
Lucas is looking through some papers in the DiMera living room as Cassie walks in. Lucas tells Cassie that Tony is going to get the charges dropped and he doesn’t know what Kate sees in Roman anyway. Cassie says she is embarrassed and doesn’t see what is wrong with talking to a guy to try and make him feel better. Cassie adds like you and Lucas clears his throat. Cassie tells Lucas that his son’s mother is in the hospital but she is here and he looks like his day could use a little sunshine. Cassie begins to kiss Lucas but Lucas holds his arms up in an effort not to embrace Cassie and to even push her away but finally gives in.
Rex tells Tony that if his invention can be used to continue the DiMera legacy as he holds the papers for the laser. Tony tells Rex that he makes them proud. Rex tells Tony that he has been struggling to find out his purpose and to finally invent something useful, it means so much especially for Tony. Tony tells Rex that Cassie is struggling because of the disadvantages of her childhood and he blames Stefano and himself but doesn’t love her any less. Tony tells Rex that he is so proud of Rex, his son. Rex says thank you and to be part of the family business means everything to him. They hug.
Tony comes downstairs to the living room. Lucas and Cassie stop kissing just in time. Tony tells Lucas that it is that he is still here. Cassie asks Tony what is going to happen. Tony says they are going to sue the police department for false arrest. Tony tells Lucas that he’ll take care of that business matter they discussed earlier. Tony asks Cassie how she is feeling and Cassie says she feels alright now. Tony kisses Cassie’s forehead and leaves. Cassie turns to Lucas and asks where they were. They start to kiss again and Lucas’ phone rings. Lucas tells Cassie that he has to get the phone because it could be about Sami. He asks the caller if Sami is okay and tells them that he will be right there. After hanging up the phone, Lucas explains to Cassie that Sami had the nurse call him to let him know that she wants to see him. Lucas leaves for the hospital as he tells Cassie to tell Tony that he went to the hospital.
Jack and Jennifer are still kissing as Barry clears his throat. Jennifer tells Jack that he was trying to confuse her and they’ve used up half of their three minutes. Jack says they will make up for lost time. Jennifer says they will because she is going to hook him. Jack asks how she is going to do that. Jennifer tells Jack to come near her. Jack does so and Jennifer wraps her leg around Jack’s legs and trips him. Jack says this isn’t so bad and tells Jennifer that he loves her. Jennifer drops to the floor on top of him to kiss Jack and tells him she loves him too.
Bo asks Ramsel who let him use the phone. Ramsel says he is getting out of here and has his number as he hangs up. Hope asks Bo how Ramsel got Bo’s number. Bo says he doesn’t know. Hope asks what Ramsel said. Bo says Ramsel was just blowing off steam. Bo adds that he paid a visit to Ramsel today and Ramsel is going to cut a deal and be back on the streets again dealing drugs. Bo says they’ll have to teach him another lesson and they’re ready. Bo says he will not sit back and let Ramsel hurt anyone else and he will not intimidate their family. Hope says that Bo is right he won’t. Hope tells Bo that she loves him and that Alice says they are going to be okay and they are no matter what. Bo says right and Hope smiles as they hug. Bo has a look of uncertainty on his face and so does Hope which neither can see of each other.
Mimi returns to Rex’s room. Rex thanks Mimi for leaving earlier. Mimi asks Rex if everything is okay and Rex says yes. Mimi asks Rex if she can ask about what Tony wanted to talk about. Rex tells Mimi that Tony wanted him to go into business with him. Mimi asks if Rex said yes. Rex says of course he did and Mimi asks if it is legal business. Rex asks Mimi what she thinks and Mimi says that maybe Rex can be a valued part of Tony’s life no matter what even if he doesn’t believe that Rex is a DiMera. Rex asks Mimi why Tony wouldn’t believe it because he isn’t going to tell him. Mimi says she’s got that and moves to sit on the bed. Rex tells Mimi that she is the kind of person who always tells the truth and he admires that but he was created by the DiMeras for the DiMeras and he should be one of them and they believe he is one of them. Rex explains that Tony has always wanted a son and he is that son and biology isn’t everything. Mimi asks Rex if he still cares about finding out whom his mother is. Rex says he cares a lot only to find out so he can bury the past. Mimi asks Rex what he would do if his mother was good and caring and didn’t want to give him up. Rex tells Mimi that he’s a big boy and doesn’t need a mother, there’s only one woman he needs in his life and that is Mimi. They make love.
Larry laughs and says he has died and gone to heaven. He repeats Victor’s name over and over again. Larry strokes Nicole’s face but Nicole grabs his hand and tells him not until he’s done what he’s promised. Larry says poor Victor will be rolling in his grave while he is rolling in the hay with Nicole. Larry lays his head on Nicole’s shoulder.
Philip continues to watch Maya through his binoculars as Maya is saying she wants to go over the shipment one more time before it goes out. Philip puts down his binoculars and says he wants to as well. Philip rushes off the dock. Belle comes around the corner and rushes along the dock. Shawn has followed her and comes around the corner shortly after Belle. He sees what is going on on the dock and asks what Belle and Philip are up to now.