Y&R Transcript Friday 10/13/06

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/13/06 -- Canada; Monday 10/16/06 -- U.S.A.


Provided By Glynis
Proofread By Emma

Colleen: I cannot believe they did this to your car.

Victoria: Listen um... I don't wanna touch anything until the police get here.

Colleen: What all is missing? Can you tell?

Victoria: My MP3 player, my CDs... oh, my new glasses! Damn it! I just got those.

Colleen: Anything else?

Victoria: Oh, my portfolio. You know what? Don't worry. There was nothing valuable in it. Looks like they just smashed the window and helped themselves to whatever they wanted.

Colleen: Creeps.

Victoria: That's all right, Colleen. It's just stuff. It's easily replaced. Yeah, it's pain, but whatever.

Neil: Now I understand why my wife has such a big problem with you. True colors, Carmen. You know, you're not a very nice person.

Carmen: I've heard enough of this.

Neil: I don't wanna fight with you. I wanna understand how a woman I thought was so fair, so compassionate, could be so relentless.

Carmen: Maybe you should ask Dru that question.

Neil: You're taking her to court, aren't you? That isn't enough? You have to go after her career, too?

Carmen: Dru brought this on herself.

Neil: Oh, come on, Carmen, that's a load of bull.

Carmen: No, if anyone's relentless, it's Dru. Every time I turn around, there she is on the attack. You don't think my career is suffering from the stress that I'm under? Think again.

Ashley: Hovering.

Jack: Sorry.

Jack: So?

Ashley: Very ambitious, Jackie.

Jack: I'm telling you, if we can ramp up tie-in sales to a scale like this...

Ashley: Then NVP and Jabot will both have a very merry Christmas.

Jack: Oh, say that again, with feeling.

Ashley: We can't pull it off.

Jack: I know it's risky. The rewards are great.

Ashley: Ah! Possible rewards.

Jack: Wait, are you in the boat with me on this or not?

Ashley: Oh, God help me. I want what's best for Jabot.

Jack: I'll take that as a yes. Look, once Jill puts her rubber stamp on this, we're gonna be hearing the sweet sound of cash registers across the land. Hell, across the pacific! This is our first step in our march to glory. And that march begins today, by the way.

Ashley: What happens today?

Jack: Jabot's new owner is paying his first visit to the mother ship. He's going to meet all the employees.

Ashley: Jabot's new owner? Or Mr. Kim?

Jack: Oh, do we have to get into that again?

Ashley: This puppet show of yours is totally stressing me out.

Jack: Well, stop thinking about it. You're obsessing about it.

Ashley: I can't do that! You're not there every day, I am. Everybody’s walking around in a state of low-grade panic, muttering about pink slips.

Jack: Which is why Mr. Kim is paying a visit. He's reassuring the troops.

Ashley: If they only knew who was really giving the orders.

Jack: That can't happen. Oh, by the way, when you see your new boss-man, you better have a pretty good poker face

Ashley: You didn't tell him that I know?

Jack: No. And I want things to stay that way. Look, if my cover is blown, I don't want you to go down with me.

Lily: Hey, Mom, what are you doing home so early?

Dru: Hold on, Honey.

Devon: Hey, let me get that box for you.

Dru: I got it. I got it.

Lily: Mom?

Dru: Give me a second.

Devon: What is, uh... what is all this stuff? It looks like it's from your office.

Dru: No, I jus -- I just cleaned out my desk today, Babe.

Lily: Um... why are they painting?

Dru: You know, um, have a seat. Have a seat.

Devon: Should we be worried?

Dru: I'm gonna, um... I'm gonna type it out.

Devon: Let me guess, its complicated stuff, right?

Dru: It's easier if I type it out. All right, um... "I took a leave of absence from Newman."

Lily: A leave of ab-- you mean, you quit?

Dru: I said-- "I did not quit." "I wanna be home more."

Devon: Why did you do that? You love your job.

Dru: I love you more. "I wanna be home with you more."

Neil: You know, we're all suffering here, Carmen. This isn't a contest.

Carmen: Are you sure about that?

Neil: In all the years I have know Drucilla, she has never, ever--

Carmen: You know, I don't wanna hear about the Dru you know. The Dru I know scares me. I am terrified of her. You know, I feel like I can't walk these halls without having someone with me. Do you see how ridiculous that is? I am overjoyed because she is leaving the building. It means that I can finally relax. So if you're finished trying to persuade me that Dru's not a threat, I believe I'll get back to work.

Mr. Kim: Well, Ms. Abbott, we meet again.

Ashley: How are you, Mr. Kim?

Mr. Kim: I'm well, thank you. I'm trying to get used to my new role as someone who strikes terror into the hearts of mortals.

Ashley: Funny, you don't look scary.

Mr. Kim: I didn't think so either. But I stepped off the elevator into reception and... instant silence.

Ashley: Well, you know, change tends to make most people anxious.

Mr. Kim: That's true. Especially when it involves their livelihoods.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. I'm glad you understand that.

Mr. Kim: I do. And I'm hoping to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Jack: Ramping up these tie-ins will benefit both our companies. We just have to move quickly.

Jill: Slow down, Jack.

Jack: I can't slow down. If we're gonna capitalize on holiday trade...

Jill: This is too much, too soon. No, no way am I signing off on this.

Jack: Wait, you're kidding, right?

Jill: Why are you pushing so hard?

Jack: In one word--profits. Something Jabot hasn't seen a lot of lately. I thought maybe working together, we could fix that.

Jill: The answer's no.

Jack: Jill, you're making a terrible mistake.

Jill: So be it.

Jack: Okay, help me understand this. NVP is offering Jabot a colossal opportunity for expansion. Why would you turn that down?

Jill: Because is way too aggressive for where we are right now. I mean, the cost alone--

Jack: According to my sales projections, this will pay for itself ten times over.

Jill: All right, there's another thing. I'm not crazy about investing this heavily overseas. All of a sudden, you're opening spas in Singapore and Tokyo?

Jack: And in Osaka in Sapporo after first of the year. Jill, you send product now. You build now.

Jill: This makes no sense! Not for us.

Jack: This is a huge, untapped market.

Jill: We've never been that strong over there.

Jack: Until now! House of Kim is a huge presence throughout Asia.

Jill: In case you haven't been paying attention, Jabot is not!

Jack: Oh, then you don't have any faith in your own company? Is that what you're saying?

Jill: I don't believe you’re here, especially after the year we've just had.

Jack: You won't need a miracle when things work out the way I know they will!

Jill: Look, I'm really delighted that NVP has done so well right out of the gate, okay? Let's revisit this in a few months when we're back on solid ground.

Jack: Jill, Jill, listen to me. Conservative is one thing. This is foolish. Talk to Ashley. Consult with Ashley. I'm telling you, she--

Jill: Jack! Jack! I am the CEO and I have made my decision. I don't need to consult Ashley or anybody else.

Jana: You're taking art history this term?

Colleen: Uh, yes, gothic and medieval.

Jana: Very cool. Look, if you ever need someone to test you, let me know. That's what I majored in-- art history.

Colleen: Oh, okay.

Brad: Hey, Baby, hi.

Colleen: Hi, Dad.

Brad: I got your message. Where's Victoria?

Colleen: Oh, you just missed her. She went back to the office. Okay, the dealership picked up her car. They dropped off a loaner. Whoever broke in really did a number on the window.

Brad: You know what? Forget the car. Are you two okay?

Colleen: Yeah. It's just not great to have your stuff broken into. I'm just glad they didn't steal the laptop I borrowed from my professor.

Brad: Where was it?

Colleen: With my books. It was on the backseat, so wasn't taken.

Brad: What did they get?

Colleen: Um, her MP3 player, CDs, Victoria's art portfolio, some expensive sunglasses...

Brad: They took Victoria's portfolio?

Colleen: Yeah, but she said that there wasn't a lot in there and she didn't seem too stressed out about it.

Brad: Well, you know what? Neither of you were hurt. That's the important thing.

Dru: Okay, um... "yeah, I will be taking... an intensive, uh, sign language course. And, um, I will not be needing this keyboard anymore. So you all cannot talk behind my back."

Lily: She's onto us.

Devon: This is so wrong.

Dru: Why? Why is it wrong?

Devon: You giving up your job for me. You didn't have to do that.

Dru: No, I-I want to. 'Cause you come-- you come first.

Devon: What if I didn't want you to do this?

Dru: It's done. Okay, it's done.

Devon: It's done? You know, that's great. Now someone will always be here to baby-sit the deaf guy.

Dru: Oh...

Devon: That's what I need. No, I got a quiz tomorrow.

Dru: Devon, please come back. Devon, please! I can't please anybody today!

Lily: Look... Mom, why are you making this such a big deal? You could still work part-time and definitely still take the sign language class. That way you don't have to be home the whole time driving us all nuts. Okay, what's bothering you? Tell me. Spill it. And don't say--

Dru: I got fired. Okay? Carmen got me fired and this whole leave of absence thing-- it's a ruse to placate Carmen and Victoria so she could cover Newman's butt.

Lily: What is wrong with this woman?

Dru: Don't get me started. Don't get me started.

Lily: I can't believe her. And you, Mom, why didn't you tell us? At least you could told me.

Dru: I'm telling you now! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm telling you I don't want your brother freaking out over all this drama.

Lily: Of course, you don't.

Dru: Okay.

Lily: Mom, we can't keep ignoring him. He asked me--me, not to hide things from him.

Dru: Okay, Baby. Listen, um, what I said earlier, you know, about the, uh... the intensive sign language course? That is the gospel truth. But don't you say anything else. Do you understand me?

Neil: So, Vicki, what if she worked from home? Never came in?

Victoria: I mentioned that to Dru as a remote possibility.

Neil: And?

Victoria: It's a no-go-- not with the trial coming up and not with a protective order on the books. It's not gonna happen.

Neil: This is really gonna kill her.

Victoria: I'm so sorry. But according to legal and human resources….

Neil: An unpaid leave is the best you can do.

Victoria: At least her career is on hold it isn't over.

Neil: Yeah. Sure seems that way. But, Vicki, from my heart, I understand that you've handled it the best way you can.

Victoria: Personally, I hate what's happened. All right, but this is business.

Neil: Yeah.

Mr. Kim: Hello?

Jack: Hi, it's me. I got a little problem. I need you to fix it.

Carmen: No, there hasn't been another incident, but... Mr. Bardwell, it's a bad situation. And it's getting worse by the minute. Could we speed up the trial?

Devon: Where's your mom?

Lily: Um... she's at the store.

Devon: She'll have a lot more time to shop now that she's chucked her job for no good reason.

Lily: Just in case I need this. Um... Devon, I need to tell you something.

Devon: What?

Lily: Mom... got, um... fired... because of Carmen.

Devon: What?! What?!

Lily: Yeah. Uh, okay, look... "Victoria said... she could call it a leave of absence... so it wouldn't look so bad."

Devon: So she's-- Dru's been lying to me? Again?

Lily: She's, um... what's the word? "I think... Mom's embarrassed. So, please... don't yell."

Devon: I'm not gonna yell at her. I'm not gonna yell at her. I just--it makes me mad.

Lily: "Mom ticking off Carmen?"

Devon: No, no, no, no, no-- Carmen. Carmen--that lady-- she's got some problems-- big time.

Jill: I do not appreciate walking into my office to find out that you have gone over my head.

Jill: That Mr. Kim wanted to meet about your proposal.

Jack: You should've gone to your boss to begin with. He's running things over there now, not you.

Jill: If you think undermining me is gonna win you any as, you're sadly mistaken.

Jack: Oh, believe me, with friends like you, I don't need competition.

Jill: Why are you being so nasty? Is this because you didn't get your way?

Jack: I went to your boss because I never believed for one moment that you could run things at Jabot. Our conversation this morning only proved that. The employees that are still left at are lucky they finally have some leadership.

JT: Victoria's looking for it, too?

Colleen: So get this. Victoria was talking to a broker and she was asking about the Grugeon Collection, including the reliquary. Now within a day, JT, a day, her car gets vandalized and they take a portfolio with pictures of the pieces that Victoria wanted to buy. She keeps acting like it wasn't a big deal, but...

JT: But you don't think it's a coincidence.

Colleen: No, and you don't either.

Brad: Colleen didn't seem that rattled.

Victoria: Well, I stayed really calm.

Brad: Victoria, you know as well as I do-- someone breaking into a car in broad daylight to steal a portfolio?

Victoria: They stole my new sunglasses, too.

Brad: Vicki?

Victoria: All right, look, I agree, all right? The timing is suspect.

Brad: Someone other than the broker you've been talking to knows you're looking for the reliquary.

Victoria: What I meant-- I had him overnight me some information-- some photos, descriptions, prices--that sort of thing.

Brad: It was in the portfolio?

Victoria: Well, he didn't come up with everything, he didn't get much for his trouble.

Brad: Right. Just confirmation that Victoria Newman is hunting for the same thing they are.

Brad: This is exactly what I was worried about.

Victoria: I was trying to help.

Brad: Vicki, you could help me but not behind my back.

Victoria: You know what? For the last time...

Brad: I am scared. Don't you get that I don't want anyone going through what I went through!

Brad: Yes. Okay, I'll be right there. I have to go to a meeting. I have people waiting for me.

Victoria: Brad? We're on the same side. Try not to forget that.

Colleen: My dad's family was killed because of it. You and Sharon were kidnapped. Gosh, it's like the curse of the mummy you know?

JT: I think we should let that reliquary rot, wherever the hell it is.

Colleen: No, JT, I wanna find it. I wanna see it. I it in my hands and maybe then we will finally make sense somehow.

JT: But if you're right about what happened --

Colleen: You know, the research that I'm doing with Professor Korbel has opened up a lot of information that we wouldn't have had--

JT: No, no, no. Paul and I are looking for it.

Dru: Lily?

Lily: Hey, Mom.

Dru: Hey, Baby.

Lily: Um, um, um, orange juice-- Devon said to remind you to get some orange juice. Did you?

Dru: Where is he? I need to ask him something.

Lily: I thought he was out here.

Dru: Well, I just walked in. He might be in his room.

Lily: Just got my notebook from in there. He wasn't in there.

Dru: He didn't do something on his own, 'cause he's not ready for that, right?

Mr. Kim: Thank you.

Jill: Oh, Mr. Kim. Our door is always open I hope I'm not late.

Jill: Are you a part of this?

Mr. Kim: Well, I asked her to join us.

Mr. Kim: I did, indeed.

Jack: What did you think? About the proposal? Now I showed the proposal to Ms. Abbott this morning. And she's declined to go forward, as for me I'd like your input.

Ashley: Oh, um... well, I told Jack that I thought it was ambitious, but that it had merit.

Mr. Kim: I couldn't agree more.

Jack: Oh, that's great. The profit potential is significant enough to meet the increased expenditures and inventory.

Jill: Potential? That is exactly the word I'm having trouble with. Because with all due respect this is not a sure thing.

Mr. Kim: This is true. And to me, respect means allowing a partnering company to have the time to fully present and revise their ideas before being dismissed.

Jill: Excuse me?

Mr. Kim: Well, I believe that you should've allowed NVP the opportunity to revise and address your concerns in a new proposal. Instead, you said no in the initial meeting. Now in the future, I'd like you to consult me before making any final decisions.

Ashley: Um... Jill has been steering our company through a crisis. Our focus has been on staying afloat. So I think it's only natural that she wouldn't be embracing a risk like that.

Mr. Kim: Of course, I understand that. And I value your opinion, Ms. Abbott. That's why you're here. But I am a little concerned that our CEO would let the opportunity go buy without asking NVP you revise and review the proposal. I appreciate your input. But in the future, I'd like to be issued reports of all activities and decisions coming from this office. I'd like to be aware of the company's plans for the future.

Neil: Yeah, listen, if you can reschedule, give Joyce a call. Victoria will be issuing a press release--

Carmen: Or Victoria may wanna handle them herself.

Lily: He's not texting me back.

Dru: Where the devil could that boy be?

Lily: I don't know. Try Dad again.

Dru: Try Dad again? Why do you think Devon is with him in the first place?

Lily: Don't be mad at me. He may...

Dru: All right, Lily... don't tell me...

Lily: He may have gone to talk to Carmen.

Dru: That you went ahead and told about..

Lily: I can't keep secrets from him. I made him a promise I wasn't gonna keep secrets.

Drucilla: Okay. Since your father is not responding, we don't know where the hell he is, so I have to go over myself.

Lily: Of course you're going to Newman yourself. But, Mom, excuse me? What are you going to do?

Jill: I agree that a free flow of information is vital-- as long as it isn't one-way.

Ashley: Yeah, we have a lot to learn from each other's corporate cultures.

Jill: See, I couldn't have put it better. Thank you, Ashley, very now in the spirit of might I suggest face-to-face meetings, instead of written reports? Besides being time-consuming--

Mr. Kim: John Abbott and his children-- what they've accomplished.

Ashley: Well, uh, Jill has been a part of that for years.

Mr. Kim: Oh, of course. And I understand her contributions. But, to be frank, you and your brother are synonymous with Jabot. And, though, Mr. Abbott has moved on to other ventures, his opinion is still highly valuable especially since he is now owner of one of our premiere business associates

Jack: Well, I appreciate that. My principle interest in Jabot at this point is seeing that my father's vision is not swept to the side.

Mr. Kim: Well, that'll never happen, Mr. Abbott.

Jill: My entire tenure as CEO has been dedicated to preserving that vision. Now even John didn't agree with every idea his children had.

Mr. Kim: I understand that. And I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have a very full calendar. You may plan to move forward with your expansion plans for Jabot and NVP product tie-ins.

Jack: Thank you for your confidence. You will not regret this.

Mr. Kim: I'll expect your reports by 9:00 A.M. for the preceding week. Thank you, Ms. Abbott.

Ashley: Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim: Thanks for your time, everyone.

Jack: Let me walk you out.

Jill: What just happened here?

Ashley: I wish I could explain it, Jill.

Jill: This feels just like old times. Like I'm on the outside looking in.

Ashley: I'm sorry. I really am so very sorry.

Carmen: That's good. Thank you.

Devon: You got a minute?

Carmen: Oh, Devon, how are you?

Devon: I can understand you.

Carmen: You can understand me? You know what I said?

Devon: Hold on a second. I know that you said, "how are you?" I can read lips a little bit-- a few words, but everything else I didn't get.

Carmen: Are you looking for your dad?

Devon: My dad? No. No, I'm not looking for him. I'm actually here to, um, talk to you. I have some things I'd like to say and, uh, I'd like for you to listen.

Carmen: Okay.

Devon: This is about Drucilla. I'm sure you know that. Am I-- I'm sorry. I, uh, I talk too loud sometimes. I'm still getting used to this. All right, um... Carmen, the thing is... Drucilla can be pretty intense. And sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not so good. Um, she just feels really strongly about certain things. And that's part of what makes her such a great parent. Now I don't know if you knew this about me, but a few years back I was in a group home, all right? I had no one. And at that time, I was, you know, mad at the world and everybody in it. But when Mr. and Mrs. Winters took me in as their foster son, they saved me. They gave me a future. And for the first time in my entire life, I knew what it meant to be a part of a real family. Now... bottom line? I don't wanna see Dru lose all the things that she's worked so hard to give me. And if she loses her job, you know, goes to jail, loses her freedom and gets ripped away from her family--

Carmen: Devon, I'm sorry. Look, I feel badly for what you've gone through. But I won't tolerate--

Devon: Hang on a second. Hold on. Hold on. I got the "I'm sorry but everything else after that, you lost me the one thing I need you to understand is that Drucilla is a really good person. And she wouldn't hurt anyone, and that includes you.

Carmen: We shouldn't be having this conversation.

Devon: What does the time out mean? What's that for?

Carmen: I can't talk to you.

Devon: You don't have to talk. You can just listen to me.

Carmen: Devon, you don't understand. Well, of course, you don't understand. You can't hear anything that I'm saying.

Devon: You're going a little bit too fast for me now. What are you saying?

Carmen: Here. "No point...discussing this--"

Devon: No point in discussing? Is that because you've already made up your mind about it, Carmen?

Carmen: Yes. Yes.

Devon: Do you realize how unfair you're being? You don't even take into consideration the kind of person Dru's always been.

Carmen: It's unfair --

Devon: Why? What are you afraid of?!

Carmen: Drucilla!

Devon: I swear, it's everybody else who's deaf, not me. I just told you that she just gets excited and for you to say you're afraid of Drucilla-- you see how that tells me you have no clue of what she's real like.

Carmen: Devon, please!

Devon: Why won't you listen to me?!

Carmen: Look I don't feel safe.

Devon: Safe? That's just the thing. You're not in any danger. None! So for you to keep pushing and pushing and getting her arrest going through a trial-- ? Wow. Wow. Wow. Now hold on a minute. Drucilla started this? Woman, how in the hell are you gonna look me in the eye and say that.

Carmen: Devon.

Devon: I saw you chase him. I saw everything, and don't say that I didn't. Dru was in Europe. Where were you, Carmen? With Neil at work, at our apartment, having dinner, going to concerts. You go after a married man and then punish the wife because she has a problem with it? What kind of nut job are you?

Dru: Girl, can't you get the phone? Hello! Neil, oh, thank God it's you. Um, is Devon with you?

Neil: Devon? No, I just got out of a meeting. I saw you called. What's going on?

Dru: What's going on? I think he's looking for Carmen.

Neil: Carmen?

Devon: I don't care what you have to say right now, all right? So you can just save it!

Neil: Hey, hey wait a minute. What's going on here?

Carmen: Ask your son.

Devon: Carmen didn't say anything to me that I can't handle, all right?

Neil: Hey... I'm sorry.

Ashley: Congratulations. You've hit a new low.

Jack: Sorry if I caught you off guard. It was the only way I knew to handle it.

Ashley: That company is Jill's life. She would've done anything to save Jabot. And in one fell swoop, you took away her authority. You humiliated her. Was that really necessary? She's devastated.

Jack: Yes, that was really necessary,

Colleen: Hi.

JT: So when is professor know-it-all supposed to get here?

Colleen: Um, he actually was supposed to be here ten minutes ago.

JT: Hey, whose computer is that?

Colleen: Actually it’s his. Mine broke down.

JT: When did that happen?

Colleen: Let me see, if I remember correctly, it was after my car wouldn't start and I broke the heel off of my boot.

Colleen: Listen, JT dropped me off so I wouldn't be late.

Professor Korbel: Good thing, too. I hate waiting on subordinates.

Colleen: Yeah, 'cause it's so hard to find sufficient slave labor these days, isn't it?

Professor Korbel: Ain't that the truth.

JT: Well, that was pretty generous of you to loan Colleen your computer.

Professor Korbel: I need her to be able to work.

Colleen: He's not really that nice of a guy. And he doesn't really think that I could use a pencil without hiring a tutor to teach me how to use it.

Professor Korbel: So, JT, did you suddenly develop an interest in art history? Or you just here to distract my assistant?

JT: Well, I'm, uh... I'm actually a little more interested in art than you might imagine, Professor Korbel. But, um... I'll let you guys work. See you later.

Colleen: Bye. So... what's our emergency du jour, huh?

Professor Korbel: Uh, I need you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for tomorrow's lecture. I'll be discussing a private collection.

Colleen: Wow. How cool.

Brad: Hey.

Victoria: Yes?

Brad: About before...

Victoria: Just forget it.

Brad: No, I don't wanna forget it. I'm sorry I went off on you like that. I just worry about you.

Victoria: Because you think that I am completely and totally incapable of helping you?

Brad: No, no, no, no, that's not it. It's because when you... when you lose people that you love the way I did, you're always afraid it could happen again. It's just something you never really get over. So if I came off... harsh or dictatorial...

Victoria: Well, you know, you should know by now that that approach doesn't work with me. Just ask my dad.

Brad: Mmm. Point taken.

Victoria: Anyway, apology accepted. Let's just not fight anymore, all right? We need to figure out where to go from here.

Brad: Well, someone out there knows that you've been making inquiries. The good news is, when they look in the portfolio, they'll see you hit a dead end and they'll back off. So for the time being, we're all safe let's run with that.

Victoria: What does that mean?

Brad: That means, I want you to drop the search while you have the chance.

Brad: I wanna meet with you and Paul, get an update on your search. All the avenues you've pursued.

Victoria: I won't need the reliquary anymore. No don't keep putting the word out. Thanks.

Professor Korbel: Hey, I'm not paying you to daydream.

Colleen: You are not paying me at all.

Professor Korbel: Well, all those fancy coffees you like do add up.

Colleen: You know, I really wasn't daydreaming. I was thinking about the Grugeons and what else could be out there.

Professor Korbel: It's unusual for an undergraduate to have such a... specialized focus.

Colleen: Well, I didn't really just pull it out of thin air.

Professor Korbel: Well, judging by your work, I'm sure it will be a competent paper.

Colleen: You know, you're not getting it. What I'm trying to say is that I'm looking for a particular piece.

Victoria: Sorry I wasted your time. No, thank you, Mr. Allistair. And the next time I am in the market to expand my collection... I won't. All right. Have a good evening.

Brad: You just added ten years onto my life.

Victoria: But you're not calling off the search altogether, right?

Brad: No, no, Paul and JT are gonna keep looking. It might take a little longer than it would with your connections, but it will be a hell of a lot safer.

Victoria: And no one can trace Paul's contacts to us?

Brad: Well, put it this way, it will be more difficult.

Victoria: Right.

Professor Korbel: What piece?

Colleen: The Grugeon reliquary.

Professor Korbel: And by looking... you mean...

Colleen: Exactly what it sounds like. Look, Victoria would like to add it to the Newman art collection. And I would like to be the one to find it for her. So I was hoping you might be able to help.

Neil: Yeah, listen, Devon's right here. Everything's fine now.

Dru: What do you mean "now?" Was Carmen there?

Neil: I'll tell you all about it when I get there. I'm bringing him home, okay?

Devon: I had to say my piece, Neil. And she listened for about ten seconds till she turned into a bitch again.

Neil: Not a good idea.

Devon: I had to try, all right?

Neil: Hey, you scared Dru.

Devon: Why did I scare Dru? 'Cause I took off by myself for a while?

Neil: No, no, because she didn't know where you were.

Devon: I can get around just fine. I caught a cab here and I'm gonna take one back.

Neil: I will drive you home.

Devon: You have work to do, Neil.

Neil: No. I will drive you home, man.

Devon: What is it with you two? What is it? Dru acts like I'll fall apart if I hear any bad news. And you act like I can't go to the curb and catch a cab.

Neil: Okay, all right, listen to me.

Devon: You know, I want you to stay here I don't need anybody following me around like I'm some child that can't do anything for myself.

Neil: Calm down.

Devon: You need to calm down about me.

Man: Hey, Neil?

Neil: Yeah, what?

Man: I'm glad I caught you before you went home. I need you to sign off on this budget request.

Neil: Hey, Devon, wait! Here, let me see. I'll do it later. I'm sorry, Dave. I'm sorry, buddy. Devon! Oh, come on, kid!

Jack: I bought Jabot to put it back on top and then some. I did it for Dad. I did it for us. I got a stack of ideas a mile high to make that dream come true. And I'm not gonna let anyone, including Jill, no, especially Jill, get in my way.

Ashley: So that's how it is now? You're gonna do whatever it takes, no matter who gets hurt, no matter how many people we both have to lie to!

Jack: Are we gonna have this conversation every hour, on the hour?

Ashley: Oh, I don't know, Jackie, are we?

Jack: Why don't you call Katherine right now? Tell her I defrauded her.

Ashley: Oh, stop it.

Jack: You stop it. That is what it's going to amount to if you are not with me on this. The minute-- the minute the word is out that I own House of Kim, Kay is coming for me and she's gonna take Jabot. Is that what you want? You think long and hard before you push that button.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Neil: You don't think the kid might...

Dru: Run away?

Lauren: There she is!

Michael: Honey, Honey!

Lauren: Get her out of here! She's gonna steal my baby!

Nick: You were entertaining the man who bought your family's company. What angle are you playing now, Jack?

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