General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/4/14
Provided By Suzanne
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[Doorbell rings]
Max: Gather the guys. It's time to saddle up. We've got a location on Ava Jerome, and the boss wants us to move on her tonight.
[Doorbell rings]
Max: Uh...can I help you? [Chuckles]
Heather: Trick... or trick!
Little girls: Trick or treat!
Madeline: How adorable. [Sighs] Let me see what I might have in here. I maybe have throat drops.
[Girls scream]
Madeline: That's what scared them. Liesl, do you have to sneak up on me like that?
Dr. Obrecht: I needn't have if you had answered my question back in my office. Where did you send Dr. Clay when he asked you about Nina?
Madeline: You have not changed since you were a little girl. You need to know everybody's business.
Dr. Obrecht: You made it my business when you and your daughter imposed on me for sanctuary.
Madeline: All right. If you must know... I sent Silas off chasing his own tail instead of chasing Nina.
Ava: It's too early!
Nina: Oh, this is great. I timed the dosage perfectly. One is wearing off while the other one kicks in. Fantastic. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let's have a baby.
Ava: [Crying] You can't do this. [Grunts]
Nina: I can do anything I put my mind to.
Ava: Yes. I need help. I need a doctor! Would you call Silas?!
Silas: Nina! Nina, it's Silas! Open the damn door before I break it down!
Nathan: Nina's not here.
Nina: You are crazy if you think I'm calling Silas.
Ava: Call Dr. Westbourne, then. She's my Ob.
Nina: I'm not calling Dr. Westbourne! She's a quack! She said I was in menopause, that I can't have a baby, but the proof is right here. I'm having a baby right now.
Max: [Groaning]
Heather: Tell your boss nice try! Heather Webber sends her regards. Hmm.
Max: [Groaning continues] Help. Help.
Morgan: Max!
Carly: You son of a bitch!
Scott: Carly, Carly, come on.
Carly: You son of a bitch!
Scott: Come on. Take it easy.
Carly: Stop it!
Franco: Well, now I don't know what to do, because Michael has to see it.
Carly: You have to go.
Michael: There's something on that recording about AJ's murder? Let me see it!
Carly: Michael, you have to leave right now!
Michael: Do you and Dad know something about Ava killing AJ?
Franco: Oh, Michael. It's so much worse than that.
Carly: I'm sorry, Sonny. That was unfair of me.
Sonny: You know how it went down. You know how I let her blindside me, and what happened between her and me was the worst thing that could have happened, you know? It haunts me to this day. I've got to live with that guilt. I'm the one who put AJ in that grave. I'm the one who took Michael's father away from him when I shot that bastard.
Michael: Mom, that's not - that's not true, right?
Carly: We can't talk about this here, okay? We can't talk about this right now.
Franco: It's true, all right. Every venomous, traitorous word of it. How 'bout that, Michael? Your one father killed your other father.
Jordan: Shawn, just -- just take a break.
Shawn: [Sighs] You know, I hate to admit it, but Franco and his mother are a hell of a team. First I have to give up my gun to him at the hotel, then give up my backup to her here at the warehouse.
Jordan: Yeah, and both times threatening my life so that you'd cooperate. Thank you for that.
Shawn: Yeah, you're welcome. But you know none of this would have happened if you hadn't come looking for me.
Jordan: Of course, I had to come looking for you, Shawn. You threatened to tell my son about Tommy, and that's not gonna happen.
Shawn: Look, right now I'm just kind of straight on stopping Heather.
Jordan: From doing what? I mean, until I set her straight, Heather thought that she was a guest of Franco, and then when she learned otherwise, she went berserk, panicking about her son. What is she so afraid of? What does she think that you and Sonny have in store for her?
Sonny: Max. You're gonna do okay, all right?
Morgan: Here you go, Max. Dad, the blood's not stopping.
Sonny: Whoa. Okay. Call 911 and then call Mateo. Tell him what happened.
Morgan: Okay. All right. Yeah. All right.
Max: Boss...
Sonny: Okay, Max. You're gonna be okay. You understand me? You just got to do me a favor, okay? Just tell me who shot you.
Carly: You bastard.
Scott: Carly, Carly, just take it easy, Carly. Take it easy.
Carly: You swore you wouldn't say anything!
Franco: And I kept my promise. Don't make it out like I'm like you. I'm not like you, Carly! I'm not like you or Sonny. I'm not a liar. I kept my promise -- my promise that he wouldn't hear about what you and Sonny did from me. And he didn't. He heard it straight from Sonny. And he heard it from you. And you can't argue with that. Hey, Michael, how you feel about your perfect parents now?
Carly: Don't talk to my son! Don't you say a word! Michael, honey, let's get out of here, baby.
Michael: Just stay the hell away from me!
Nathan: I have turned this city upside down looking for her, with no luck. I figured I'd double back here just in case she showed up, but I guess you had the same hunch.
Silas: It wasn't a hunch. Madeline told me Nina would be here.
Dr. Obrecht: I don't know what scheme you and your unbalanced daughter are up to, but leave my staff out of it. I can't have your shenanigans distracting my top oncologist from his patients.
Madeline: This from a woman who had to buy her appointment as chief of staff?
Dr. Obrecht: If you will not tell me what's going on, I will be forced to contact Dr. Clay myself and bring your deceit to his attention.
Madeline: Fine. I had to divert Silas. He found me in your office and started asking questions about where Nina was.
Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps it is time you stop shielding Nina.
Madeline: And let Silas have Nina arrested for assaulting him?
Dr. Obrecht: At least then she'd be assured of getting some help.
Madeline: You are hardly in a position to decide who does and does not need help.
Dr. Obrecht: Magda, Nina is unbalanced and out of control. She requires reigning in before she hurts herself or someone else.
Nina: You have to stop fighting me. Make yourself comfortable.
Ava: Make myself comfortable? You really are out of your mind. I'm getting out of here! [Grunts] Ohh. Ohh! Ooh! [Breathing heavily] It's okay, baby. Mommy's here.
Nina: Mommy's here. Mommy's here. Of course, it's gonna be okay. Of course, it will, because Mommy's here. You have to accept reality. You have to, Ava. You're in labor. You're not going anywhere. It's just you and me and the baby. Please cooperate, for the baby's sake.
Ava: [Whimpering]
Jordan: Whatever plans you had for Heather Webber is officially shut down now that we're in here and she's out there.
Shawn: Don't you think I'm aware of this disaster in the making? Sitting on Heather was my responsibility. Now I let loose some lunatic with a gun. There's no telling who she could take out.
Morgan: Okay, Dad. Mateo said that there was no sign of the shooter and the ambulance is a few minutes out.
Sonny: You hear that, Max? You're gonna be -- you're gonna get fixed up. You're gonna be recuperating on the island -- okay? -- Having a mai tai. I just need you to tell me one thing, all right? Who shot you?
Morgan: Dad, Dad, I don't know if Max should be talking right now. He's bleeding.
Sonny: I just don't want this happening to anybody else. You need to tell me who did it.
Max: It was her -- her.
Sonny: Her? A woman? Who?
Max: [Coughs]
Morgan: Max!
Nathan: Madeline said that you'd find Nina here?
Silas: I found her in Obrecht's office. I asked her if Nina had been in touch, and she gave me the usual runaround. Finally, she admitted that Nina had called her, asking for help.
Nathan: When was this?
Silas: Madeline said it was only a few hours ago.
Nathan: I've been here a while, and there is no sign that Nina has come and gone, which means that either Nina lied to Madeline...
Silas: Or Madeline lied to me.
Madeline: I will take care of my daughter as I see fit, with no help from you, kleine schwester. Nina is none of your concern.
Dr. Obrecht: You should have thought of that before you two co-opted my office, turning it into the base of operations for your harebrained schemes. And the mess -- you take all my good pens. Nothing is where I left it, and I still cannot locate my prescription pad. You still claim you know nothing about its whereabouts?
Madeline: Oh, God. Here. Here. Here is your precious pad. Happy?
Dr. Obrecht: Sheets are missing. Just what prescriptions have you and Nina been writing?
Ava: [Grunts]
Nina: Let's do some breathing exercises. Did you do Lamaze?
Ava: I was a little busy trying to stay alive and away from people like you!
Nina: Okay. I'm gonna have to keep your mind off of pushing. You're not dilated enough to deliver.
Ava: And how would you know? You've never delivered a baby.
Nina: Little do you know. I was 13 years old -- 13 -- and Allegra had a very, very difficult pregnancy. We had a doctor on call, but she went right into labor, and Mother and I knew that we had to deliver the baby on our own.
Ava: That is fascinating stuff, really.
Nina: Horrible. We soothed her, and we were there for her. But the sounds that were coming out of her -- they were nightmarish. Oh, they were horrendous. Something was wrong. Only one hoof was emerging.
Ava: What? A hoof?
Nina: Yes.
Ava: Hoof?!
Nina: Horses have hooves.
Ava: [Crying] You t-- you told me it was a baby! [Laughing and crying]
Nina: It is a baby. It's a baby horse -- a foal. I didn't know what to do. She couldn't do it on her own. So I pulled up my sleeve... and I reached into that birth canal, and I pulled out that beautiful... beautiful... new life. It was like I gave life. [Sighs] It was the most spiritual thing I'd ever experienced. It was like... I saw God. I've been waiting to feel that way again. And I think I'm ready. You -- you ready, Ava?
Michael: Is this true -- Dad killed AJ and you knew?
Carly: Michael, listen --
Michael: Did you know Dad killed AJ?!
Carly: Okay! Come on! Think! This is Franco. You and everyone warned me about what he was capable of, and I knew it. I just couldn't face it. I couldn't. I thought he had changed, and I was wrong. Come on, Michael. This is just another trick. It is. It's a trick -- just like the way he tricked Sam when he made her think that he had raped her. So, listen to me -- let's get out of here so I can explain everything to you. Look at me, okay?
Franco: Yes, let's listen to Carly, Michael. Let's do that. In fact, let's hear what Carly herself has to say about it.
Carly: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I threw in your face what happened with AJ. You know me. When I'm wrong and I'm cornered, I lash out.
Sonny: It's fine.
Carly: Besides, I'm complicit in all of this. I've been helping you cover it up so Michael would never know the truth. I mean, I've been lying to him as much as you have, and I'm just struggling with all the guilt and everything that's going on.
Franco: Psst! Michael! Did you hear that? That about explains it, right? Straight from the horse's mouth.
Ava: Ooh! Oh, they're coming faster now!
Nina: I know. I know. Look at me. Look at me. Breathe. Breathe. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.
Ava: [Breathing heavily]
Nina: You're doing great.
Ava: Yeah? As well as your horse?!
Nina: Better. You're actually doing better. You're way more composed than I'll be or how I would be if I...
Ava: Give me some ice chips, please.
Nina: Here. Ice chips. There you go.
Ava: Mm.
Nina: Okay. Listen... the contractions are close together, which means it's time. It's time.
Ava: You know what?
Nina: You have to start pushing soon.
Ava: No I just -- I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this.
Nina: Yes, you can.
Ava: I'm tired. I'm tired, and I'm in a lot of pain. Maybe -- would you -- if you would just go and get me some -- something for the pain, then I could -- I could do it.
Nina: No. I can't. I can't. We can't have any drugs. It's too late.
Ava: Just help me out.
Nina: It's too late.
Ava: I mean, I'm not gonna go anywhere, obviously.
Nina: Ava, women since the dawn of time have been doing this without big pharma.
Ava: me, okay? Just get me something.
Nina: It's ridiculous. No. You've done this before. You don't have Silas holding your hand, and you don't have an epidural, and you don't have a delivery room, but you have me. I'm here for you. It's time. Let's birth this baby.
Ava: [Breathing heavily]
Silas: This has Madeline written all over it.
Nathan: Her story doesn't make any sense, though. Madeline knows how hard I've been trying to find Nina. If she knew that Nina was here, she should have called me immediately.
Silas: Why wouldn't she?
Nathan: Maybe -- maybe she thinks she's protecting me.
Silas: Maybe, but Nina seemed as pissed at Madeline as she was with anyone else on that list.
Nathan: Madeline seemed genuinely afraid of Nina, but she's still her mother. Maybe -- maybe whatever Nina's up to, Madeline's in on it.
Dr. Obrecht: I demand to know what you and your daughter used my prescription pad for. This is serious, Magda. You used my name.
Madeline: Your name? You're the woman who lost her Swiss medical license for doing illegal experiments, and you're worried about your sterling reputation?
Dr. Obrecht: I could be liable if anyone is harmed as a result of your undoubtedly criminal mischief.
Madeline: Calm down. I just got Nina some sleeping medication.
[Siren wailing in distance]
Dr. Obrecht: I find it hard to believe that Nina's slumbers are troubled, considering her complete lack of conscience. I warn you, Magda, I will not end up your patsy like Henry Nakamura.
Madeline: I was exonerated.
Dr. Obrecht: Exploiting a legal technicality is not the same as innocence. Now, since I can't get answers from you, I'll get them from the pharmacy.
Morgan: We need some help!
Doctor: What have we got?
EMT: Male, 30s, GSW. To the chest, no exit wound. Massive blood loss, decreased lung sounds, left sound.
Madeline: You better get on that, Chief.
Jordan: Look, I know how dangerous Heather is. I experienced it firsthand when she got the drop on me. I wouldn't have believed that a prim woman would be capable of a full-on Solange, but, you know, she almost killed me, Shawn.
Shawn: She won't get away with it. I promise you.
Jordan: I know that tone. I don't want you taking any chances on my behalf.
Shawn: We're way past that. Don't you get what I went through when I opened the photos Heather sent of you tied up and held at gunpoint? Look, Jordan, I nearly lost it.
Jordan: I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry to put you through that. I'm sorry that we're in this mess.
Shawn: Let's not be sorry, okay? Let's just figure out a way to get out of here. You know, we're both lucky to be alive. I'm shocked she didn't shoot us when she had the chance. For all I know, she'll be back to finish the job.
Heather: Now, where were we?
Franco: Well, those are the highlights, Michael. I can play the rest for you if you'd like, or, if you would prefer, I did burn a DVD for everybody -- kind of a director's cut -- you know, my way of apology to my guests, because I don't think there's gonna be a wedding today.
Scott: All right, Franco. That's enough.
Kiki: Franco, stop.
Michael: That was real. That wasn't some -- some Franco trick. What, you and Dad were in on this together? What, did you help Dad kill AJ?
Carly: No, Michael. That is not what happened.
Michael: You hated AJ just like Dad did. Ever since I was a baby, you tried to keep me away from him even though he was my father.
Carly: No, Sonny is your father, and that was a very long time ago.
Michael: You knew Sonny killed AJ, and you kept it quiet! How long? How long did you know? I mean, how many times did you comfort me when I was looking for AJ's killer and the whole time you knew it was Dad -- Sonny?!
Carly: That's not how it all happened, okay?
Michael: No?! Then how was it?! Okay, stop lying! Stop avoiding! Stop changing the subject! For God's sake, tell me what happened! How did you find out that Sonny killed AJ?
Carly: AJ told me.
Michael: AJ told you... that Dad shot him? How is that even possible? [Sighs] Oh, my God. In the hospital, right before he died, that's -- that's when he told you, isn't it? You told me... he said he loved me.
Franco: Carly lies.
Michael: I want to know exactly what he said. Did he mention all? Did he say he loves me?
Carly: No. [Sniffles]
Michael: So, all this time, I've been telling myself, "At least he was thinking of me. Maybe that gave him some comfort," but that's all a lie.
Carly: Baby, it was so much more complicated than that.
Michael: No, he told you that Sonny shot him, and then he died.
Carly: Yes. But AJ loved you so much.
Michael: Who are you to tell me what AJ felt for me?! Okay, he came to Port Charles for me. He sacrificed everything for me. He faced down you and Sonny for me. But he told me over and over again how proud he was of me, how much he loved me, how much he respected me. [Sighs] Too bad I can't say the same about you and Sonny.
Madeline: Are you gonna trust your nursing staff to save that poor man's life, or are you gonna do it?
Dr. Obrecht: This isn't over.
Nurse: We've got to get control of this bleeding.
Nurse: Dr. Matthews is on her way.
Sonny: We're right here, buddy, okay? Stay with us.
Dr. Obrecht: What are you doing in here?
Morgan: Our friend was shot.
Dr. Obrecht: Are either of you a doctor, a nurse?
Morgan: We're just here to make sure that Max --
Dr. Obrecht: You have no place here! Shoo! Let us get to work!
Morgan: Calm down! No!
Sonny: Let's go outside. Make sure you save him!
Heather: Sorry to leave you in a lurch like that. I know from experience there's not many forms of entertainment in here. I hope you found a good way to pass the time.
Shawn: What did you do?
Heather: Oh, you don't have to be like that. I know you wanted me here. But I had some pressing business I needed to take care of. Did you miss me? No. You can try. But you really want to test your speed against my trigger finger? The last person who took that chance came up a little short.
Jordan: What are you -- what are you talking about? What did you do?
Heather: I put a bullet in Sonny's favorite bodyguard.
Shawn: Max? Is he alive?
Heather: How would I know? I didn't stop and take his pulse. It was a pretty easy shot, though. He was closer to me than you are. I had to make a point to Sonny.
Jordan: And that is...?
Heather: Nobody -- nobody -- better ever get near me and my son. He has to leave us alone. And you know Sonny. That meatball doesn't always get the message the first time. But I'm sure he'll catch my drift after two more.
Nathan: Forget what I just said.
Silas: What -- about Madeline helping Nina?
Nathan: It doesn't make any sense for them to be working together, after everything that Madeline did to Nina, unless -- unless Madeline is pulling the strings and taking advantage of Nina's mental state.
Silas: Madeline's broke. Could be she's trying to get on Nina's good side so she can have access to some of her money. I mean, it's a possibility they could be working together, especially if Nina needs something from Madeline, as well.
Nathan: What could Madeline have that Nina could possibly want?
[Cell phone ringing]
Ava: [Grunts]
Nina: Come on. Ava, push. Push!
Ava: [Grunts]
Nina: Is that all you got? Come on!
Ava: I am pushing!
[Ringing continues]
Ava: You crazy bitch!
Madeline: Nina, it's Mother. I've had a little problem here at the hospital with Silas. I-I handled it, but, uh, it's just a matter of time before he comes looking for you again and maybe goes back to find Ava. I don't know. We just have to pick up the pace. What is going on over there? Why aren't you picking up?
Nina: Almost there.
Ava: No! No! No! Nope! Can't do it. Not doing it.
Nina: Yes, you can. Yes, you can. I see the head. It's almost over. You want this to be over.
Ava: [Breathing heavily]
Nina: Push!
Ava: [Screaming] [Breathing heavily] I-- what?
[Baby crying]
Ava: [Laughs] Is -- is that...
[Baby crying continues]
Nina: It's a girl.
Ava: [Laughs]
[Baby crying continues]
Ava: [Crying]
Sonny: How's Max?
Dr. Obrecht: Your associate suffered a gunshot wound to the upper thorax.
Morgan: Yeah, we're aware of that. Is he okay?
Dr. Obrecht: My team is working hard to stabilize him so we can operate and remove the bullet. Mr. Giambetti's survival is by no means guaranteed. That is the nature of his work, is it not? This sort of carnage is almost predestined for men who choose a career in organized crime. Criminals of your ilk, Mr. Corinthos, trade in bloodshed. Your merchandise is death. Surely it comes as no surprise to you that, after a career of dealing it out, someone has tried to return the favor. I must return to my work.
Sonny: Maybe she's right.
Morgan: What? No, don't -- don't listen to her.
Sonny: I'm talking about Max getting shot. With all the security we had, somebody got -- came to the front door. Max said it was a woman.
Morgan: So what?
Sonny: What do you mean, so what? You told me that Ava is afraid that I'm watching her, right? Maybe she was out to get me before I get her.
Nina: Look at you -- 10 fingers, 10 toes. You're so calm. I'm so glad you're here. You're so glad to be here. So am I.
Ava: Give her to me. She needs me.
Nina: What?
Ava: Nina... give her to me. I need to hold her. She needs to hear my heartbeat.
Nina: You already have a baby. Kiki is your baby.
Ava: No. That's my daughter.
Nina: I'm sorry. It's not your daughter. You lost your baby. This is my baby.
Ava: Nina, I just gave birth to her!
Nina: You're hysterical. You've been through a dreadful, dreadful loss. It could ruin someone beyond repair. It's absolutely devastating... to lose a child. I know. But I got through it, and you will, too.
Ava: No. [Groans]
Nina: Okay. We're gonna go start our new life, aren't we? Our new life together. Oh, sleepy baby. Little munchkin. We'll start a new adventure.
Madeline: Nina.
Nina: Here's our ride.
Dr. Obrecht: Nathan, I'm glad to see you, son.
Silas: Save the reunion for later.
Nathan: Look, we need to see Madeline.
Dr. Obrecht: She was here a moment ago. I was dealing with a patient, and when I finished, she was gone.
Silas: What was she doing in your office earlier?
Nathan: Look, it's important that we find her quickly.
Dr. Obrecht: I see that. Yes, Madeline was in my office before because I allowed her to hide Nina there.
Silas: Ohh.
Dr. Obrecht: But, like her mother, she has departed elsewhere.
Silas: So, let me get this straight -- you covered for Nina, knowing what kind of trouble she's in?
Dr. Obrecht: I was trying to protect her for your sake, Nathan.
Nathan: For my sake?
Silas: What, are you gonna hang this on your kid? You're as crazy as your sister. You know that?
Dr. Obrecht: Nina is loved by Nathan. Harm to her is harm to him.
Silas: Oh, boy. All right. I don't have time for this psychobabble. Just -- where is she? Where is she now?
Nathan: She needs help, and we want to give it to her, all right? If you're serious about caring for me, you will tell us everything you know.
Shawn: Your problem is with me, okay? Leave Jordan out of it.
Heather: I'm just not in the habit of granting final requests from those who set out to destroy me and mine.
Shawn: Jordan freed you! She has nothing to do with it.
Heather: Yes, she does. She's a witness.
Shawn: You know, Jordan's a mom, just like you. She has a son -- a son that she loves and she would do anything for, just like you. Come on. That has to count for something with you, right? Go ahead. Do whatever you want to me. But I'm asking... don't tear Jordan's family apart like yours was.
Carly: Michael...please. You know I love you so much.
Franco: Love. What does -- what does love mean to you, Carly? Is it betraying your son? Hearing his father's last dying words and then covering them up, helping Sonny conceal the cold-blooded murder of an unarmed man? Michael, does that sound like love to you?
Carly: You are evil... and I will kill you.
Franco: That doesn't sound like love to me, either, but I commend you, Carly. You're finally being truthful. That must feel good.
Carly: Michael, I know that you're hurting. Look at me. I know you're hurting. But do not let Franco manipulate you, please.
Franco: I'm not manipulating Michael. You did that -- you and Sonny! You hated AJ so much that you put him in the ground, and then you went to his funeral and you threw your arms around your son and you told him that you loved him and that you were gonna help him move on, because your real agenda was to try and sever any -- any bond that he ever had with his biological father.
Carly: That is not true.
Franco: You don't care about Michael. You and Sonny -- you only care about yourselves.
Michael: He's right.
Bobbie: No. Michael, that is not true.
Michael: My whole life... you served Sonny when you weren't serving yourself.
Carly: You had already lost one father. I couldn't let you lose another. So I lied. I lied. I lied for you. I lied to spare you more pain. Please tell me you understand that.
Sonny: Ava's an idiot if she thinks she's gonna shoot Max --
Morgan: Dad, please stop.
Sonny: No, don't, don't, don't. Don't defend her.
Morgan: Look, look -- I wouldn't put anything past Ava now, knowing that she killed Connie and basically blackmailed you for AJ, but, I mean, to just come into the house like that -- I don't see her doing that.
Sonny: Ava would risk it all to get what she wants. You know that, right?
Morgan: She was terrified -- terrified -- when she was having the contractions. She truly cares about the baby.
Sonny: You know what she cares about? Saving her own neck. That's all she cares about.
Morgan: What if she was spotted? What if Max got off a shot? Okay? No. She knows the state she's in. She can't defend herself, let alone that baby.
Ava: Please. Please, let me have my baby.
Nina: She's an angel, isn't she? An angel. Your granddaughter.
Madeline: Right, honey. Right. But right now, we have to go.
Nina: In all the excitement, I didn't even figure out what I was gonna name her.
Ava: No. That's my daughter. That's my girl.
Nina: Shut up.
Ava: She has a name.
Nina: Shut up or I'll do it for you.
Madeline: We can worry about a name later. Nina, now we have to go. Come on -- now.
Dr. Obrecht: I know Madeline sent you on a fool's errand. She was aware that Nina had not taken refuge in Nathan's apartment when she pointed you in that direction.
Silas: Yeah. We got that. Where are they now?
Dr. Obrecht: I truly do not know. But...whatever Magda and Nina are up to, it can't be good for anyone.
Nina: Yes, Mother. You're right. I can't make a snap decision on her name. I can't do that. It's too important. I have to spend time with her... she's smiling at me.
Madeline: Right.
Nina: ...And then figure out what to call her. She's smiling at me.
Madeline: I know, but right now, honey, we have to go.
Nina: Okay.
Madeline: Okay?
Nina: Let's blow this joint.
Ava: Madeline... don't do this. I'm begging you. From one mother to another, please, please don't let Nina take my baby.
Heather: Well, that takes care of that. Now on to more pressing matters. Franco, save a dance for me. Mother's coming.
Michael: Can I understand what you did? You heard my father's dying words, found out that Sonny shot him and left him on Ava's floor to die like some piece of garbage. And you helped Sonny cover it up, and then you helped me bury AJ.
Carly: It wasn't calculated, Michael. It wasn't that --
Michael: That -- that -- that what? That savage? That monstrous? Completely lacking in humanity, in decency, in mercy?! No, no, no, you're right. I don't understand. You lied to me over and over again. You made me believe that you and Sonny love me.
Carly: We do love you. We're your parents. We love you so much.
Michael: Oh, no, no, no, you're not my parents. My only parent is dead!
Carly: You don't mean that.
Michael: God, forgive me. It took AJ dying for me to finally see you and Sonny for what you really are. You're dead to me.
Carly: Michael. Michael, come back here!
Kiki: Michael! Michael, wait, please!
Carly: Michael! Michael! Michael! [Sobbing]
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sonny: (to Morgan) If Ava didn't shoot Max, who did?
Nina: (to Ava, with Madeline) You have three seconds to plead your case.
Julian: (to Alexis) I'd do anything for Danny.
Lab Tech: (to Sam) I have the results of Danny Morgan's labs.
Franco: (to Carly) This is so far from over!
Michael: (screaming, at Sonny's place, with gun in hand) Dad!
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