General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/15/11
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Rebecca
Kate: You're getting predictable. You tell me you're going for a walk, and here you are, like a homing pigeon.
Sonny: Well, uh, it was never really a home. It was a house that I--are you--are you sore?
Kate: Yes. You know, it was your idea to go skating at Rockefeller center.
Sonny: And you loved every minute of it.
Kate: [Chuckles] Did you go Christmas shopping in Bensonhurst?
Sonny: No.
Kate: No?
Sonny: Yeah. It was just a couple things that I couldn't find anywhere else.
Kate: Like in the house? The stuff in there you can't get anywhere else, either?
Carly: Sam?! Michael?!
Michael: Are you sure about the room number?
Sam: The woman on the phone said 491. What?
Michael: This is 491. But this is a mistake.
Sam: It has to be.
Michael: A-Abby can't be in there. She's not in there.
Sam: We'll ask someone. Okay? Come on.
Alexis: I'm worth every penny of the sizable bill. You just keep nagging me, all right? You're released. Hello? Jason? I just said you were released.
Lulu: Hey. You want some help?
Maxie: Really? Is that the game that we're playing now? Because every time I ask you for help, you bitch and moan about the fact that you don't work here anymore.
Lulu: All right, I will just sit here and I'll talk and watch you do 10 things at once, kind of like what you used to do when I worked here.
Maxie: Okay, fine. You can help me sort the shoes. Kate wants them going from bold to neutral. Just do that, and, uh, you can go ahead and talk to me about Dante, since that's obviously why you're here.
Lulu: Why would you assume that?
Maxie: Well, what else could be on your mind?
Lulu: Oh, right, because I have nothing else going on in my life and I don't have a passion or a purpose.
Maxie: Yeah, we really need to work on that. But first things first.
Lulu: Whoa, this is a great start.
Maxie: Really? Don't even give me that look. I mean, seriously, you like the fact that I'm brutally honest. You told me so yourself.
Lulu: Clearly, I'm a masochist.
Maxie: You're in love. It's the same thing.
Lulu: Wow, this is so motivational.
Lulu: Hmm. You want motivational. Okay, how's this? You could go around life with your heart locked up in a box and never take any risks. But that would be crushingly boring. And you did not sign up for boring.
Lulu: Well, what I didn't sign up for is a lifetime of worrying if today is gonna be the day that my boyfriend...
Maxie: The man that you love.
Lulu: ...Won't come home. I can't live like that. I can't invest in a marriage that could end at any moment.
Maxie: Okay, so why are you here?
Lulu: Because--
Maxie: Because you need to make up your mind before somebody else makes it up for you.
Mac: It's all here in this text from first officer Briggs before she killed herself.
Delores: "This rage came over me. Next thing I knew, I'm swinging the wrench at Dr. Niles."
Mac: She had means, opportunity, and motive.
Dante: Are you okay?
Delores: You think I get squeamish over a dead body?
Dante: Well, sometimes it takes some getting used to.
Delores: Get caught up on the human tragedy, you can miss the facts.
Mac: Yeah, well, the fact is even in death, Lisa Niles managed to get one more victim.
Alexis: Jason, did you hear what I just said?
Jason: Yeah, you said it's done.
Alexis: I said it was done.
Jason: Okay. So get me out of here. Let's go.
Alexis: Not so fast.
Kate: Did you go inside?
Sonny: No. I'm not in a rush to, either.
Kate: Uh, ow. Oh, ow, ow, ow. Oh, is that your best sympathetic look?
Sonny: No, it's--I would have left the rink as soon as you fell down.
Kate: I did not fall. I stopped to rest.
Sonny: Is that why your legs were falling out from under you?
Kate: You saw that?
Sonny: Yeah, I saw that.
Kate: Well, you know what I saw?
Sonny: What?
Kate: I saw the look on your face before you collided with that poor old man.
Sonny: Well, the fear was for him.
Kate: Yeah. Hell it was.
Sonny: There it is, that old spark. Connie Falconeri showin' up at the Rockefeller Center. Ooh!
Kate: You were skating with Kate Howard.
Sonny: Yeah? Really? Is that why you were pumping like this, your arms on--right? 'Cause you had to beat me because you were so competitive, like you used to be?
Kate: I did not look like that.
Sonny: It's a compliment.
Kate: All right, well, you know what? If we ever skate again or, at this point, ever see each other again, I promise to keep my dignity.
Sonny: Don't. Because when you left Bensonhurst and Connie Falconeri, you were like a different person. Smile different, laugh different. You walk different.
Kate: I acquired class, sophistication, and became a lady.
Sonny: You were always a lady. It was just nice to see your guard down.
Kate: You know, Sonny, it's taken a lot of control to be who and what I wake up every morning, brace myself for the day both physically, psychologically. No slip-ups allowed.
Sonny: Were there any?
Kate: There were many. And I never want to revisit them...ever again.
Michael: Abby?
Sam: Wait.
Michael: No.
Sam: You don't know that it's her.
Michael: [Gasps] We're too late.
Sam: Michael. Oh, God.
Michael: Oh! [Crying]
Sonny: I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories.
Kate: Just the good ones, then, huh?
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: Like, um--like the time you convinced me to make out with you in the back of that deli.
Sonny: I don't remember twisting your arm.
Kate: [Chuckles] All right, well, how about on the sand when the entire Cerullo was on the boardwalk overhead?
Sonny: Right, right, right.
Kate: Lois saw us, you know.
Sonny: No, she didn't.
Kate: She did.
Sonny: No way.
Kate: She was on all fours staring at us through the planks. Yeah! She never told, though. I'll give her that.
Sonny: You know what we should do?
Kate: What?
Sonny: [Chuckles] We should go see Carmine and Gloria. Remember how at Christmastime they used to do everything up?
Kate: The whole neighborhood did everything up. Oh, yeah, it was like people threw things on trees and rooftops blindfolded and reached for the nearest socket.
Sonny: Like Eddie Esposito's family. Ah!
[Both chuckle]
Kate: I think they went through, what, 3 miles of extension cords? I'm surprised there wasn't a neighborhood outbreak of seizures from all the blinking lights.
Sonny: Remember the baby Jesus?
Kate: The one he stole...
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: ...And hid in Santa's sleigh next to the blinking presents.
Sonny: The blinking baby Jesus.
Kate: [Laughs]
Sonny: I love when you laugh and you smile like that.
Kate: Well, not all memories of Bensonhurst are bad.
Sonny: Well, not for you, because you had the big Falconeri family with the cousins and the uncles.
Kate: Oh, God. God, they drove me crazy.
Sonny: Yeah, it was chaos, but it was good chaos. That was your safe haven, right?
Kate: You wanted to get out.
Sonny: Tell me about it.
Kate: Is that why you had all those kids? To hide the fact that you were lonely?
Sonny: No, I had my kids--it wasn't planning. I just...had them.
Kate: You love them all so much.
Sonny: There's nothing I love more than my children, you know. I always wanted to raise my kids letting them know that they're loved and they're cared for, you know. I wanted to give them a life that I never had.
Kate: Christmas didn't come to this house, did it?
Sonny: Nope. No Christmas, no reindeer...and if God came, his eyes were closed.
Lulu: What's done is done. I gave Dante back the ring.
Maxie: Women give rings back all the time. It means nothing. Just go back to Dante and make it quick.
Lulu: You know something that I don't?
Maxie: Clearly, since you jerk the poor guy around and take him for granted.
Lulu: That's not what I was trying to do! I'm just trying to be honest now before promises are made that I can't keep.
Maxie: Please.
Lulu: Okay, so I'm supposed to pretend that it doesn't scare the hell out of me that he's a cop, and I'm supposed to act like this is the life that I've always dreamed of.
Maxie: Oh, really? Do you think that Dante dreamed of going to a whorehouse or getting mixed up with Helena Cassadine while you were on some tortured, pointless trip to find your father?
Lulu: Those were short scenarios. Dante's career is forever.
Maxie: Okay. Well, how about the small fact that you didn't even announce your engagement? I mean, you didn't even tell me. That's got to suck for Dante.
Lulu: Well, I needed time.
Maxie: Yeah, well, Dante's not stupid. He's just crazy enough in love with you that he gave you all the time and space that you needed.
Lulu: And I loved him for that. him for that.
Maxie: Well, don't tell me. Go tell Dante.
Lulu: He knows that I love him.
Maxie: Okay, Lulu, read my lips. Every good guy has his pride. I mean, even the most gentle, warm, kindest man alive has his limits.
Mac: The search of Briggs' apartment turned up a black napkin from the boat. It had traces of grease from the wrench that was the murder weapon.
Delores: Anything connecting her to the captain?
Mac: You're one step ahead. We found letters. Briggs and he were having an affair. He told her he was planning on leaving his wife for her.
Delores: And she fell for that old line.
Dante: It's amazing what people will believe when it comes down to love.
Mac: They were planning on running charters out of Florida.
Dante: And then along comes Lisa Niles.
Mac: Who accidentally or not stuck a syringe in his neck, tapped an artery, and he died. Briggs wakes up from her sleeping syringe and sees her dead lover.
Delores: But she must have wondered how he died.
Mac: Well, maybe she saw the syringe mark in the neck, but...look, she went after Lisa, found her, snapped, grabbed a wrench from the deck, connected, you know, intentionally or not, killed her, and she panicked.
Delores: So, she dumped the body overboard and then goes back to the deck and pretends to be unconscious till someone found her?
Mac: She didn't want anyone suspecting her. What better way than to play the part of Lisa Niles' victim?
Delores: And then what? All of a sudden, she has a conscience.
Mac: You should be feeling pretty good about yourself. You know, you had Briggs all along as the murderer.
Patrick: Crisis averted. You all right?
Robin: Yeah.
Patrick: What's got you so absorbed?
Robin: Oh, just staring at numbers, willing for them to change. Not very professional.
Patrick: Your HIV patient?
Robin: All we can do is keep looking for answers.
Patrick: You were pretty upset earlier. Something you want to talk about?
Robin: Actually, I would like to talk about one of your patients.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Robin: I don't know if you read the newspaper this morning, but Jason was arrested for attacking our former mayor.
Patrick: Well, I'm sure he had great reason for that.
Robin: You don't know Jason like I do. He doesn't lose his temper like that. And when I saw him at the PCPD, he was not being himself. He blew up, literally, over nothing.
Patrick: Hold on a second, Robin. You went and saw Jason in lockup?
Jason: Why are you stalling me?
Alexis: Because I'm worried about you.
Jason: Well, I'm worried about Sam.
Alexis: You cannot go out there and kill Franco.
Jason: So what do I do, nothing about this?
Alexis: You go home and you take care of my daughter.
Jason: I failed her already, Alexis.
Alexis: Is that what she thinks? She thinks so?
Jason: Yeah, I know so.
Alexis: If you go out there and take care of Franco and not let the police do it, Franco wins. Is that what you want? Then you have violence staining your life all over again.
Jason: It already has.
Alexis: What does that mean? You keep talking in circles. After everything I know about you and Sonny and what you've done, what could possibly be so awful that you won't tell me now?
Mac: Good instincts and hard work paid off.
Delores: There's a couple of things I'm stuck on.
Mac: We have our killer. We have a confession.
Delores: Sent in a text! Nothing in Briggs' handwriting.
Mac: Lisa put everyone on that boat through hell, okay? She's dead. Case solved. Enjoy it.
Delores: Doesn't the Commissioner seem a little too eager to have this case closed?
Lulu: I guess I've messed up, because he thinks that we're over.
Maxie: Dante does not think that. I mean, Lulu, come on! Do I have to spell it out for you? Seriously? Go back to Dante, make up with him, and get that gorgeous ring back on your finger.
Lulu: But what if I honestly can't live with him being a cop?
Maxie: You honestly can't live without Dante. [Chuckles] He's all you talk about, morning, noon, and night--Dante, Dante, Dante. I mean, look at you!
Lulu: You see it on my face?
Maxie: No, I can see it in your outfit. I mean, seriously, did you even look in the mirror this morning when you left? We're gonna need to make a couple adjustments before you go see Dante, and you are going to see him. Just don't think about it. Just go.
[Telephone rings]
Maxie: [Chuckles] Kate Howard's office. Can I help you with something?
Anthony: It's your favorite partner in crime. Have I caught you at an inopportune moment?
Maxie: Miss Howard is not in the office, but I can take a message for you.
Anthony: [Chuckles] Very smooth. I've got an update on that favor you asked me. Meet me at number 4 South Street.
Maxie: Is that really necessary?
Anthony: Do you really need to ask?
Maxie: Okay, I will be right on top of that. Um, hold on to the fort here. Just hold everything down. Keep with the shoes, and I will be back.
Lulu: You told me that I should go see Dante.
Maxie: Let him wait.
Lulu: But you told me not to.
Maxie: You know, I was thinking about it, and I think that you should just kind of let him sulk, let it marinate, and then go back to him.
Lulu: So what was the last 10 minutes about?
Maxie: You helping me with the shoes! Keep on top of it.
Lulu: But I'm not--
Maxie: And the paperwork on my desk needs to go to Kate's desk. Okay.
Lulu: [Scoffs]
Robin: Jason is my friend. I was really worried about him.
Patrick: Jason is a mobster. Getting arrested is status quo.
Robin: It's not that big of a deal, okay? I wanted to see him. I asked Uncle Mac to arrange it, and so he did.
Patrick: I just--I don't understand why. You and Jason aren't that close. He's got friends and supporters. You were probably lined up behind Sam and Carly.
Robin: Actually, I did see Carly. That's kind of what set Jason off. She was snarking at me, and then I engaged. I hate to admit it, but I did. And Jason blew up. I mean, he practically ripped the bolt that he was handcuffed to off the table.
Patrick: See, that bothers me, Robin, that you would go and visit him in prison, a known mobster, and he would react by getting violent and yelling at you.
Robin: I love you for being a concerned husband, okay? But you do not get to pick who I'm friends with. I get to care about Jason. I get to worry about him, okay? And he blew up, I mean, almost over nothing. And I just--I think it might be a complication from surgery.
Patrick: That surgery was difficult, but I did it right. I really doubt that he's having complications because of it.
Robin: Fine. Then why else when someone is normally so calm and self-controlled suddenly be having these rage attacks?
Alexis: Okay, so I had to bargain it out of you. There. You're free. You tell me what you're keeping from me.
Jason: Nothing.
Alexis: You married my daughter. Whether you like it or not, that affects me.
Jason: No, I'm the one who affected--me, my past, and everything else--
Alexis: Then you shouldn't have married her, Jason, in the first place! Tell me what is go--how did you get in here?
Pres: This isn't the end of it, Morgan. Alexis may have pulled a fast one, but we're not done.
Alexis: This is not a good time.
Pres: You're front-page news, Morgan! You and that little psycho freak that you dragged into the life of this town, into your marriage. How the hell can you defend this guy?
Jason: I'm gonna say it one time. You get out of my way.
Pres: Or what?
Alexis: You're doing this on purpose. I just had a discussion with the judge about how you're trying to provoke him. I know what you're doing.
Pres: Oh, just stop embarrassing yourself! Come on! Go--go ahead! Come at me!
Alexis: Damn it, Garrett! Get out! And--and we're not done! Go! Go!
Carly: You okay?
Jason: Yeah. Why'd you come back here?
Carly: Sam and Michael. I went to the penthouse, and they're gone, and they must have left in a hurry, because the door was wide open.
Jason: Did you try their cell phones?
Carly: They're not answering, and I found this.
Sam: I spoke to the nurse at the front desk.
Michael: What'd she say?
Sam: I'm so sorry, Michael. They did everything they could to save her. I'm so sorry.
Michael: [Sniffles] You know, we met through you. She was your friend.
Sam: I know. She shouldn't be gone. You know, it's--it's wrong. In one minute, you can have everything, and the next minute, it's gone. And it's wrong.
Michael: [Gasps]
Sam: It's so wrong.
Michael: Why couldn't they save her?
Sam: The nurse said that they did everything they could.
Michael: [Sniffles]
Sam: Sometimes...fate puts you in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Michael: [Sniffles] Except fate didn't put Abby underneath that crane. I did.
Maxie: Well, this is creepy. Not to mention unsanitary.
Anthony: [Chuckles] We needed privacy.
Maxie: Just you, me, and a family of mutant rodents.
Anthony: I'm sure you'll forgive the ambiance when you hear the news. You and your boyfriend are off the hook for the Lisa Niles murder.
Maxie: That fast?
Anthony: Yeah, the killer confessed and killed herself.
Maxie: God. Really? Wow. That's--who was it?
Anthony: The First Mate.
Maxie: Oh, Officer Riggs?
Anthony: Briggs.
Maxie: Whatever. The woman with the horribly manly uniform?
Anthony: The one and the same.
Maxie: Gosh. I mean, why would she kill Lisa, though?
Anthony: Turns out Briggs was mm, mm, mm with the Captain. She got mad when she found him dead and offed Lisa.
Maxie: Well, that settles that. I guess I don't need a favor.
Anthony: Hey, hey, you got to wake up and smell the coffee, kid. That was the favor.
Maxie: What was--[Gasps] Oh, my God. No, no. No, you--
Anthony: Yes, I handled the problem just like you asked. What a relief, huh?
Maxie: [Sighs]
Mac: Alexis?
Alexis: Yes. Here. What?
Mac: Is this how you got Jason released--a compromise?
Alexis: No. I'm just taking a little nap. I'm tired.
Mac: I ran into our former mayor.
Alexis: Just shut the door and lock it.
Mac: [Sighs] He, uh, seems to think we're up for drinks and an interview.
Alexis: I'm sorry. I--
Mac: I'm in. I'm in. I'm in.
Alexis: You're in?
Mac: He obviously wants to, uh, put you in a corner, compromise you, you know, make you look bad, make me look bad. We'll beat him at his own game.
Alexis: We will?
Mac: We will present a personal united front, even though we're not.
Alexis: We're not.
Mac: I hate that Sonny sucked you back in--or blackmailed you back in.
Alexis: It's a complicated situation. I-it's a parental one.
Mac: Not surprising. I just don't want the papers to make it worse for you.
Alexis: You'd do that?
Mac: Mm-hmm. I'm just sorry you had to ask.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Patrick: Not to sound insensitive, Robin, but it sounds like you're reaching for excuses.
Robin: No, I'm simply expressing concern--
Patrick: You're saying that if something went wrong with the surgery, that would give him an excuse for attacking the mayor and yelling at you. But nothing went wrong in the surgery, which, by the way, if I was there, mobster or not, I would have slapped him for yelling at my wife.
Robin: Okay, okay. I understand what's going on here. Uh, instead of having a medical conversation, we've slipped into caveman territory.
Patrick: It's not caveman at all. I'm protecting my wife.
Robin: Right. You don't like the fact that I went to see Jason in the first place and the fact that he yelled at me and that I'm implying that it had something to do with the surgery.
Patrick: This is not about my ego.
Robin: It's not? Since when?
Patrick: Okay, maybe it's a little bit about my ego, but I don't like to be wrong, like somebody else I know.
Robin: Hold on. Back up. I think you were working your way up to an apology.
Patrick: I will pull Jason's file. I will look to see if there's anything I missed. Short of him being kidnapped and dragged in here, I can't do a full battery of tests unless that happens. That's all I can do.
Robin: No kidnapping required. I'm sorry if you felt like I was doubting you. Because you know that I think you're a rock star.
Patrick: Yeah, and don't you forget it.
Robin: [Laughs] You are so arrogant.
Patrick: Mm. You love it.
Robin: You're right. I love pretty much everything about you.
[Both chuckle]
Patrick: Mm.
Carly: That was Michael. He and Sam are okay.
Jason: Where are they?
Carly: They're in Chicago. Abby was in some kind of an accident, and they couldn't get details, so they just hopped on a plane and went to Chicago.
Jason: [Sighs] I guess it's better that Sam's with Michael, away from all this.
Carly: You didn't answer my question earlier. Are you okay?
Jason: Did you watch this?
Carly: No. I have no idea what's on it. Do you?
Jason: No, I have no idea.
Carly: If it has anything to do with Josslyn or Michael, you have to tell me.
Jason: I'll let you know.
Carly: Wait a second.
Jason: What?
Carly: What do you always tell me? You tell me to count to 10. That's what I want you to do. I want you to count to 10. I don't know what's going on with you, but something's up. I'm here if you need me, okay?
Jason: Thank you.
Carly: Love you.
Jason: [Exhales sharply] R--hey, Robin.'s me. I got released. Listen, I know that you're not okay, but I-I'm here for--for whatever you need.
Delores: Something just doesn't feel right.
Dante: What can you do? Murders are messy, and people don't behave rationally.
Delores: Look, I understand that you and the Commissioner want this case closed so you can cross all of your families off the suspect list--
Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That is one hell of an accusation to make.
Delores: You'd be amazed at what people will believe when it comes to love.
Kate: So, what did you do on Christmas, then, huh? Did you have any traditions?
Sonny: You don't want to hear another Deke story, do you?
Kate: Would I ask if I didn't?
Sonny: He--Deke...he wasn't into trees, gifts. He had one decoration. It was a nativity that he put on the mantle. He would pray, and he would go to church. He played the part of the good Catholic.
Kate: Yeah, I remember seeing you and your mom with him.
Sonny: Yeah. He'd send us home after the service, and he'd go around the neighborhood, buzzed on the holiday cheer, and then he'd come home and pick a fight with my mom.
Kate: Wow. Even Christmas wasn't safe.
Sonny: That was his idea of the holiday spirit.
Kate: How about your mama? Did she--did she get you any gifts?
Sonny: Well, you know, she--she know, sometimes she'd buy me some--like, one time she bought me this car, you know, this toy car. But she couldn't spend a lot of money, 'cause if she did, then Deke would get pissed off.
Kate: You didn't have a tree?
Sonny: One time I begged her. I said, "Mom, can we just have one real Christmas, just one tree?" So she went out and bought this...this tree, you know, 'cause she thought it would make Deke happy. So she decorated it with cranberries and lights and, you know, popcorn, the whole thing, and then...Deke came home. He was--he was drunk. And he tripped over the extension cord that went to the tree. So he threw a fit, so he started smashing everything around.
Kate: You tried to help your mom and you got beat?
Sonny: No. Worse than that. I-I left...before I got hit. Then I came home...and he had--he beat--he beat my mom pretty bad, you know.
Kate: Hey. You tried to help your mom. But you just--you were too small.
Sonny: That was the last time that I ever asked anything for Christmas. And after that, I just--
Kate: Started to learn that if you wanted something in life, you just...
Sonny: Took it. I just took it.
Maxie: I didn't ask you to handle it however you handled it, which I don't want to know! So just don't tell me. I don't want to hear anything.
Anthony: You wanted a clean solution.
Maxie: Do not put words in my mouth! I asked for help.
Anthony: You got it. All I did was--
Maxie: No! La! La! La! I do not want to hear about it! I don't want to hear!
Anthony: You came to me frazzled and desperate. I'm a gentleman. I hate to see a lady in distress, so I kindly obliged, and I made the problem go away.
Maxie: Okay, well, now I want the problem to go away, and I don't want to hear how you did it. I don't want to hear anything. So just don't tell me, because I'm not gonna ask. I just don't want to hear, so--oh, my God!
Anthony: You know, a person could get dizzy listening to you.
Maxie: Yeah, well, today is your lucky day, 'cause you won't have to listen to me anymore, 'cause now we're even.
Anthony: No, I'd say you owe me a favor.
Maxie: What? No. That's not how it works. I did you a favor. You did me a favor. And now we're even. That is how it works.
Anthony: Maybe we should get an outside opinion--say, your father, the Police Commissioner. He might be interested in the company you keep.
Maxie: I realize that I should not say this to a ruthless mob boss, but you're really starting to make me mad!
Anthony: [Chuckling] Go on.
Maxie: I mean, I did you a favor by pulling you out of the water that night that Lisa threw you in the water! And she threw you in the water and I saved your life, which I am now regretting.
Anthony: No! Regret is for the weak and apologetic...pathetic little people who sit around, wringing their hands, going, "Woe is me! Life is so tough!"
Maxie: Okay, that was harsh.
Anthony: You and me, cookie, we grab life where it hurts. We see an opportunity, we take it. We don't look back.
Maxie: Okay, please don't lump us together.
Anthony: We get things done, you and I. You got spark. I got spunk. You panic a little, though. You got to get over that if we're gonna be friends.
Maxie: We're not gonna be friends.
Anthony: Sure we are.
Maxie: This cannot be happening.
Anthony: I want to leave you with a thought. The police think they have this case all tied up in a neat little bow. But the real killer is still out there. Maybe someone we know?
Maxie: No. [Sighs]
Kate: You can't keep taking to make up for what you didn't get.
Sonny: It's worked so far. I got money, power, and--
Kate: Bad dreams.
Sonny: And talking to a beautiful woman.
Kate: Don't distract.
Sonny: Don't pin me down.
Kate: Are you happy?
Sonny: Are you happy? We're both successful. What's--I mean, come on.
Kate: All right, well, then what are we doing on the stoop, Sonny? Why'd you buy your house? Why do you carry that key in your pocket everywhere you go?
Sonny: Because the kid that wanted things and didn't get things and ended up empty-handed, had to pay a sacrifice for it is still--
Kate: Hungry, lonely, and hurt.
Sonny: In this key chain, on these steps, in my head.
Kate: Sonny, you're trying to get past it. Find a better way.
Sonny: It just seems like a lost cause at this point.
Kate: Will you have a little faith?
Sonny: Okay, it's easier said than done.
Kate: You know, you connect with your old life. All it does is disconnect you from the life that you want, the life that you could have.
Sonny: What about the life that I want to get? How do I get that?
Kate: For starters, you don't take what you want, okay? It's okay to ask.
Sonny: Okay, then I'm gonna ask.
Kate: What?
Sonny: Will you--you want to spend...Christmas with--with me this year?
Kate: I don't know. Can we?
Sonny: Well, we'll never know unless we try.
Sam: Michael, what happened--it wasn't your fault.
Michael: I was on the phone with Abby. She wasn't paying attention. I distracted her.
Sam: No, you couldn't possibly have known.
Michael: I'm the one who got her sent to Chicago...made that deal with Tracy to get her out of Port Charles...away from that bastard that was beating up her friends. I sent her out of town to be safe, and I ended up killing her instead.
Sam: S-she wanted to be here. She was excited. She was happy.
Michael: She was all prepped for a meeting. She was...ready to use some of her paralegal skills. [Sniffles] Just...a lot of people around, lots of noise. She said she was doing Christmas shopping. She, uh...[Sniffles] Bought me a gift. Said I should take some days off work to come by and see her. [Sighs] Then I heard a loud crash and the phone went dead. Maybe if I got off the phone with her sooner, she--
Sam: No. No, you can't do that. There's a hundred ifs, a thousand ifs. It's not gonna lead you anywhere.
Michael: Sure it will. It lead me here where Abby died. Because of me.
Franco: I see you...figuratively. The portrait of rage.
Sonny: We should probably head back to the hotel again.
Kate: You sure you're ready?
Sonny: Yeah, I'm gonna take a walk around the block. Is that okay?
Kate: Yeah, of course. See, it never hurts to ask.
Sonny: You're good for me. You know that?
Kate: Yeah. I know. It's Kate Howard. I know you're swamped a week before Christmas, but I need you to do something for me. And don't make me ask you twice.
Sam: Michael, don't do this to yourself.
Michael: Well, if I'd gotten off the phone sooner--
Sam: You can go over every second of every moment--it's not gonna bring her back.
Michael: [Sighs] Me and Abby used to talk about being alone...and how glad we are that we found each other. I told her that I loved her, that I'd never leave her. But in the end, I did. [Sighs]
Sam: Hey. Look at me.
Michael: I never even got to tell her goodbye.
Sam: She knew you loved her.
Michael: I did.
Sam: That doesn't have to change.
Michael: Except now it doesn't have any place to go.
Sam: Come here.
Franco: A still life in cement...the broad strokes of hurt with carefully shaded tones of tortured inertia. Go on. Give us a smile. I can't be positive, but I'm guessing congratulations are in order by now. I'm just honored to have been allowed to be part of the team. Now, I know one child can never replace another, but I believe we have achieved the ultimate in conceptual art. [Chuckles] We're gonna be a daddy.
Dante: You know, I-I told you I respect your professionalism. I'm asking you to respect mine.
Delores: What about the commissioner?
Dante: What about the commissioner? He says the case is closed, the case it closed.
Delores: I'm just pointing out, family is family. It's tough to be objective.
Dante: [Scoffs]
Delores: I'm mean, can you honestly say that you wouldn't have covered for your mother if this confession hadn't fallen into our laps?
Dante: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that. But you know what? I-I don't know you very well, but I know you have a husband. And maybe you have had or have some family, you know? So put yourself in that position. If someone you loved was in trouble, what would you do? That's what I thought.
Lulu: Hey.
Dante: Hey, yourself. What's up?
Lulu: Um...I was wondering if you still had that ring?
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