GH Transcript Wednesday 12/14/11

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/14/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Lucky: Oh, hi. Excuse me. Um, I was wondering if you could help me out. Um, I brought my son, Aiden Spencer, in for some follow-up tests with Dr. Wurth, and we've been waiting for quite a long time.

Worker: I'll see what I can find out.

Lucky: Okay. Thank you. [Sighs]

Matt: Hey.

Lucky: Hi.

Matt: What the hell did you do to Elizabeth?

[Waves crashing]

Ewen: [Australian accent] Don't just stand there. Come in.

Patrick: Maggie--you found Robin crying?

Maggie: Not out in public. Um, I walked into the conference room without bothering to check. Sometimes--you know, maybe she was having a bad night?

Patrick: No, this is, uh--that's alarming.

Maggie: Why? Women cry.

Patrick: Not Robin. Not at work.

Maggie: Sometimes the job overwhelms. Tears release pressure.

Patrick: Did she say why she was upset?

Maggie: Um, no. Uh, but I think it had something to do with a patient.

Patrick: Why would you say that?

Maggie: Because she was reading test results when I walked in.

Jason: I want to help you any way I can.

Robin: E-e-except in the way that I really need.

Jason: Yeah, but disappearing, it's not fair to anybody.

Robin: What's fair about aids to begin with? What's--what's fair about a 19-year-old boy having to die before he gets a chance to live? Or--or--or about a disease ravaging Africa, okay? I'm not thinking about what is fair. I'm thinking about what is best for my family.

Jason: Well, you're what's best. Patrick and Emma need you with them.

Robin: Do you think that I want to leave right now? I am in love with my husband. I can't even believe that I found this most beautiful, brilliant man to agree to marry me. I mean--we're supposed to grow old together.

Jason: Well, you still could.

Robin: [Sighs] And my daughter, I mean, Emma, every time I look at her, my heart is just bursting with love. I mean, I-I-I don't even want to go to work. I don't want to leave her to go to work. You think I want to leave her forever?

Jason: Then--then don't leave, Robin.

Robin: [Sighs] Jason, I know what's coming. I have lived through it. I have lived through that with Stone.

Jason: But--but you're giving in to fear right now. You're convincing yourself that there's no hope at all.

Robin: I can read my test results. The numbers are very clear.

Jason: The numbers can improve. You're not even giving your new meds a chance to work yet.

Robin: I know how horrible and annihilating it is to sit there and have to watch someone die, okay? I am not gonna do that to my family.

Jason: Whatever you're going through, Patrick deserves to know.

Robin: Is that what you would want? I mean, if Sam, if something was happening to her, if a disease was ravaging her body, if she was getting weaker all the time, you're honestly gonna sit there and tell me that you would want to watch that?

Jason: I wouldn't even have to think about it. I'd want to be with her through whatever happens.

Sam: Hey.

Michael: How long are we just gonna sit here?

Sam: It hasn't been that long.

Michael: Every second counts. Abby needs me.

Sam: I know. And you have done everything humanly possible to make sure you get there, so just try and relax, okay?

Michael: How?

Sam: How?

Michael: Abby could be seriously hurt--or worse.

PA: Welcome aboard flight 327 nonstop service to Chicago. We'll be pushing back from the gate--

Michael: Thank God.

Sam: Hey, just so you know, I made sure there's a car service ready for us when we land.

Michael: [Sniffs] I sent Abby to Chicago so she would be safe.

Sam: It was good instinct.

Michael: If something happens to her, it'll be my fault.

Sam: Don't. Don't do that. You have done everything you can to protect her.

Michael: She has to be okay, Sam. I can't lose Abby. I can't.

Matt: Are you that self-centered or are you just obtuse?

Lucky: Excuse me? I'm sorry, is this like a multiple choice or something?

Matt: Niles throws Elizabeth into the harbor, right? Elizabeth doesn't drown, thank God. But she walks away with a severe case of pneumonia, life-threatening complications. And then her son becomes critically ill.

Lucky: My son, you mean. He's both of our son. We were--we were both devastated.

Matt: Right. Devastated so much that you decided to what, just make things worse?

Lucky: Sorry, I don't understand w-w-w-why is this any of your business? All I did was tell Elizabeth the truth.

Matt: Oh, yeah, and that was a great job. Great job, Lucky, because where does she end up? Where does she end up? Oh, in the mental ward. That's right. [Sighs] Do you--do you have any idea how hard it is to find a woman who is as smart and compassionate and I-intuitive, a woman who really listens to you and gives a damn whether you're doing all right or not?

Lucky: Do you have feelings for her or something? Is that what this is?

Matt: No, she is a very good friend who I don't appreciate when she gets treated like garbage.

Lucky: A friend? Really? Oh, do you do this kind of thing for all of your friends?

Matt: You know, I could call it some compassion for a single mother of two. When the father is not around, that kind of pisses me off a little bit.

Lucky: [Sighs] What--what--what is this? What do you want from me?

Matt: [Sighs] I want you to pick a new hobby. Stop using Elizabeth as your emotional punching bag.

Lucky: Be careful.

Matt: Of what?

Lucky: Rescuing Elizabeth can be a full-time job.

Matt: [Scoffs] Go to hell.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry for disturbing you.

Ewen: Do I look disturbed?

Elizabeth: Well, no. I--

Ewen: Are you lost?

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Aren't we all?

Ewen: What does that mean?

Elizabeth: Well, we wouldn't be here in this place if we weren't a little lost. Maybe "hopeless" is a better word.

Ewen: There's no such thing. Only helpless for a while. That's what people come here to find--a little help. Would you like some tea? Sympathy? All of the above?

Shawn: [Laughs] You are just having yourself a grand, old time, aren't you? Huh? You playing with Rufus and the gang? Well, which wouldn't be a problem except for one thing--you are supposed to be getting that beauty rest, huh? Well, not that you need it. You're perfect just the way you are.

Josslyn: [Babbles]

Shawn: Yeah. Just like this other little girl I knew once upon a time.

Josslyn: Mommy.

Shawn: Your mommy.

Josslyn: Mommy.

Shawn: Yeah. You're talking about curious. Now, that baby, she wouldn't want to miss a minute of one thing. You know, she fought sleep just like you, hmm? Like it was the boogeyman coming to get her. You think so? You think so? Is that--is that Mom?

Carly: Hi!

Shawn: Mommy. Is that mommy?

Carly: You've been up here for about an hour.

Shawn: Well, your daughter doesn't think she needs to sleep.

Carly: No?

Shawn: No. Just when you think she's down for the count, those eyes open up, boom. Wide open, huh? Now, I wonder where she gets that from.

Carly: You're deflecting.

Josslyn: [Babbles]

Shawn: I didn't realize that I was.

Carly: You've been avoiding me all night, which means there's something you don't want me to know. Spill it.

Robin: You are the worst patient I've ever seen. And it turns out, I am, too.

Jason: I mean, what about what Patrick wants?

Robin: What if it was you? Really? W-what if--what if you were the one that was sick and you were fading away little by little. You would want Sam to see that? No. I know you. You would get on your motorcycle. You would drive out of town. You'd find the nearest body of water, and you would walk right into it. I know it.

Jason: You don't--you don't think that Patrick's gonna blame himself if you disappear, feel like he failed you because you couldn't tell him what was going on?

Robin: I'm just exhausted, Jason. I can't do this anymore.

Jason: Well, maybe you're tired because you're trying to go through this by yourself.

Robin: I'm not by myself anymore. I have you. You're gonna help me through this.

Jason: Leaving is not a solution.

Robin: It's the right thing to do.

Jason: And what about Emma?

Patrick: Damn it.

Maggie: Voicemail?

Patrick: Robin. Yes. Why isn't she answering?

Maggie: Out of cell range, maybe.

Patrick: We have a kid. She's never out of range. This doesn't make sense on so many levels. The fact that she's breaking down at work is not like Robin.

Maggie: Sometimes they get to you. I had this kid once, Isaac. He was 7 3/5 years old. Bone cancer. I thought I had a handle on it, and it came back, and it took him fast. It was the first patient I ever lost. If I think about Isaac for too long, I still tear up.

Patrick: Robin hasn't been dealing with patients because she's been bogged down with the bureaucracy of running a hospital as Chief of Staff.

Maggie: I thought Monica Quartermaine reclaimed that title.

Patrick: Yeah, she did, but that's my point. She hasn't been dealing with patients, so for her to get this upset doesn't make sense.

Maggie: Maybe my initial guess was wrong. Robin is a suspect in a murder investigation.

Patrick: Don't go there. Robin did not kill Lisa Niles.

Maggie: I'm not saying she did. But being on the radar for the criminal justice system is enough to bring anyone to tears.

Robin: I was older than Emma when, uh, my parents first disappeared, when I thought that they were dead. And, of course, I missed them so much, but I remembered them in a good way. You know, my dad always making everything into a joke. My mom being the bravest, most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

Jason: And you don't think Emma sees you that way? You want to take that away from her?

Robin: How could you give up Jake? I mean, how could you let someone else be his dad?

Jason: I mean, he didn't know that I was his father, but I was trying to do what was right for him.

Robin: Exactly. Jason, that's what I'm trying to do.

Jason: I know, but if you suddenly disappear, Patrick's gonna have to explain to Emma what happened and make it okay for her.

Robin: [Sighs]

Jason: You got to stop shutting him out. And if you're not gonna tell him as your husband, you need to tell him as--as Emma's father.

Robin: But I want her to remember the good things, you know? I wanted her to remember us waking up in the morning and making crepes and being in our PJs till noon. I don't want her to see me sick. It's kind of already happened.

Jason: When?

Robin: At Thanksgiving, I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open, and--I had to leave the table. She was so disappointed. That's why Christmas has to be really special. It has to be--a really good last memory for Patrick and for my little girl.

Jason: Do you remember the night on the bridge?

Robin: There were a lot of nights on the bridge.

Jason: Yeah, I mean, it was the night that you were really upset because a girl with aids had died.

Robin: Jenetta.

Jason: And you told me that it was only a matter of time before it was you and you didn't want to go through that.

Robin: [Sighs]

Jason: So, we stood on the side--and we were holding hands. Do you remember what happened?

Robin: We didn't jump.

Jason: What if we had? What if we had? Think of all the things we would have missed. You never would have become a doctor. You never would have met Patrick. You never would have had your baby girl. It's too soon to jump.

Carly: You realize I'm not gonna let it go until you tell me. Come here.

Shawn: God knows that's the truth.

Carly: [Groans]

Shawn: Jason was arrested.

Carly: How serious?

Shawn: Assault.

Carly: Oh. That's no problem. Even Alexis should be able to get him out in an hour. There you go.

Shawn: I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Carly: Why? What happened?

Shawn: The guy Jason went off on--was the former mayor.

Carly: [Chuckles] Garrett Floyd? Oh, my God. That guy is an ass. He deserved everything he got.

Shawn: Well, Garrett goes by the name of "Pres" now, and he runs the Port Charles Press. He threatened to put a story about Franco being back in town.

Carly: And did Jason freak out like he did here the other night?

Shawn: Well, I guess he got pretty violent.

Carly: Why didn't you tell me this?

Shawn: I just did.

Carly: How long has Jason been in lockup?

Shawn: Since last night.

Carly: Since last night? This is great, all right? Jason's in lockup, Franco's out there, my daughter's a target.

Shawn: Look, Carly--

Carly: [Sighs]

Shawn: --I've got you. You've got me. I haven't taken my eyes off your daughter. Hey, where you going?

Carly: I got to get Jason released!

Shawn: Look, Jason has a wife and a lawyer, okay? Don't go messing around, all right? Do you really think Jason needs that right now?

Carly: I need Jason right now.

Elizabeth: I should probably go back to my room. It's getting late.

Ewen: Somewhere. It's early somewhere, too. But in our little corner, it's whatever time we say it is, and we can spend it wherever we like--within the rules. Come.

[Waves stop]

Ewen: How about that tea?

Elizabeth: Okay. If it's not too much trouble.

Ewen: You say that a lot.

Elizabeth: Excuse me?

Ewen: I can give an example. I'm guessing you like honey in your tea, but you're resigned to going without because you don't want to bother anyone.

Elizabeth: That's very insightful.

Ewen: Well, only if I'm right.

Elizabeth: A-alarmingly so, yes. I-I--uh--how long have you been here?

Ewen: ShadyBrook? A few months.

Elizabeth: What do you think?

Ewen: Tolerable. Pleasant at times.

Elizabeth: Is this your first facility?

Ewen: Are you always so inquisitive?

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. That was incredibly rude of me. On second thought, thank you, but I-I really should go. Like I said, it's getting late.

Ewen: You have an unproductive relationship with time.

Elizabeth: I do?

Ewen: You let hours and years and days box you in.

Elizabeth: A-as opposed to--

Ewen: Letting the moments ebb and flow until, strung end to end, they form the story of your life. Instead of counting the moments away, you should fill them with as much passion and excitement as you possibly can.

Elizabeth: That's very poetic, but my situation is a little more "feet on the ground." I-I'm a-a single mom and a nurse. My, uh, situation is--is, uh, not so passionate right now.

Ewen: Tsk, tsk. Seems like a waste. Here you go.

[Glass clinks]

Elizabeth: Thank you.

Ewen: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Mm. This is really good.

Ewen: Mm. Murwillumbah.

Elizabeth: Uh, wh--I'm sorry?

Ewen: Where the tree comes from. A subtropical plantation in Australia. And the honey you're enjoying so much--made by stingless bees. How many children do you have?

Elizabeth: Two. I have two.

Ewen: Why does that make you sad?

Elizabeth: I had three. But I had, um, a little boy who passed away. I really should--I should go.

Michael: I mean, it's unthinkable, right? After everything Abby went through with that bastard Brandon knocking her around, to be in a situation where she'd get hurt the same way again--

Sam: No, no, no, no. Don't--don't think like that, Michael. You've got to try and stay calm right now.

Michael: She was supposed to be safe in Chicago. What if we're too late?

Sam: Well, I mean, she's a really strong woman. She knows how to take care of herself.

Michael: If something happens to her, I have no idea what I'm gonna do. [Sighs] Probably go after the nearest doctor that I see. Like Jason did to Floyd. [Sighs]

Sam: [Sighs]

Michael: That was strange, right? Usually when a cop or somebody like that gets in Jason's face, he just shuts down usually. But--I thought he was gonna kill Floyd.

Sam: Yeah. Well, thank God he didn't because we have enough to deal with right now.

Michael: [Sighs] Do you think maybe these rage attacks have something to do with the surgery? Like they're side effects or something?

Robin: [Sighs] I've been meaning to ask you something about the bridge.

Jason: Yeah?

Robin: Are you the one that donated the money?

Jason: Yes, I am.

Robin: [Chuckles] Why?

Jason: Um--because I missed--I missed it.

Robin: Me too. Have you been out there?

Jason: Yeah, a couple times.

Robin: So, what do you think?

Jason: Think it sucks.

Robin: [Laughs]

Jason: [Chuckles]

Robin: That's exactly what I thought. You know, next time you donate money, you'll have to give them a detailed description of exactly what you want built.

Jason: Yeah, maybe it's better this way, you know. You can't bring back something that's gone.

Robin: That's true. But you can remember it. You can be very grateful for what you had.

Jason: You know, what I learned from you--it changed my life.

Robin: Me too. After Stone died, I thought my life was over. I was on the bridge, and then there you were. [Chuckles] The guy with no past and the girl with no future.

Jason: Come on. You have a future.

Robin: It really was because of you that I was able to move on. And even though we didn't work out, you'll always be my friend. And because of you, I was able to believe that I could find love again, and I did. I found--Patrick, you know, the love of my life.

Jason: Mm-hmm. If you mean that and if you really love him, you need to--give him the chance to know what's going on.

Robin: If you don't agree with me--I mean, you clearly don't--I need you to respect my decision and not say anything to Patrick.

Jason: I won't say anything to Patrick.

Robin: [Sighs] Thank you.

Jason: You need to be the one who says something to Patrick.

[Door opens]

Carly: Jason. Robin, what are you doing here? Where's Alexis?

Robin: I imagine trying to get Jason released.

Carly: Don't tell me you're here whining about the mess you're in over the Lisa Niles murder.

Jason: C-Carly, stop. Come on. Just--

Carly: No, you have more important things to deal with right now, Jason.

Robin: Having to do with you, I'm sure.

Carly: No, Robin, you're wrong. I'm trying to protect my daughter.

Robin: While you're visiting Jason and your daughter's at home with what, the nanny and the bodyguard?

Carly: Are you that caught up in your own drama you don't know what's going on? Franco's back.

Robin: Yeah, I do know that, actually, and Garrett Floyd was giving Jason grief, and that's why he got so upset, and that's why he's here. Clearly, your presence is not helping.

Carly: Franco is sending my daughter threatening messages, okay? This man wants to be a daddy.

Robin: Okay, can you just calm down?

Jason: Enough!

[Chair clatters]

Ewen: Something wrong?

Elizabeth: No. I-I--no.

Ewen: Well, that's not entirely true. I apologize for the mess. I--tend to sprawl when I paint.

Elizabeth: I know what you mean. I-I used to do the same.

Ewen: You paint?

Elizabeth: Well, I used to.

Ewen: Past tense.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I don't have a whole lot of time for it anymore.

Ewen: There it is again--that relentless focus on time. Time is elusive. It slips away. Burns away.

Elizabeth: Well, we can't just go through life avoiding it.

Ewen: But you can use it to good advantage instead of letting it rule you. Do what calms and lifts you. Do what speaks to your soul. Does painting speak to your soul?

Elizabeth: It used to.

Ewen: Then you should make time for it.

Elizabeth: I have to admit, being here in the middle of your creative chaos, it makes me want to make a little of my own. Oh, God, I love this blue. Is it cerulean?

Ewen: Good eye.

Elizabeth: It reminds me of the ocean. Is that what you're painting?

Ewen: Water figures in a lot of my work.

Elizabeth: I used to love the water.

Ewen: Past tense again.

Elizabeth: I recently had a little accident. I almost drowned.

Ewen: Obviously, you didn't.

Elizabeth: No, I didn't. Someone saved me.

Matt: Elizabeth?

Lucky: Well, this is a first. Aiden slept through the entire exam. You obviously have the magic touch.

Maggie: Just experience. Anyone who specializes in Peds quickly learns how to examine without disrupting sleep. Makes it easier on everyone. Trust me, there is nothing worse than a floor full of cranky kids.

Lucky: Oh, I can only imagine.

Maggie: [Chuckles] Ah.

[Plastic rustles]

Maggie: Aiden's a little young for this, so, yeah, you just keep it for yourself.

Lucky: Thank you.

Maggie: Mm-hmm. And you can take him home whenever you're ready.

Lucky: The, uh, tests came out okay?

Maggie: Right as rain.

Lucky: Okay.

Maggie: Yeah, it's as though nothing ever happened.

Lucky: It still amazes me how resilient kids are.

Maggie: Well, Aiden had more than a fighting chance, largely due to the fact that he received medical attention so quickly. His daddy must be doing something right.

Lucky: Why would you say that?

Maggie: Someone up there decided you qualified for a genuine miracle.

Lucky: Oh, I don't know. I doubt that. I mean, you know, stones flying around spelling out words? I mean, come on.

Maggie: Is that what happened?

Lucky: [Sighs] It's crazy, right?

Maggie: I'd settle for "unusual."

Lucky: I know. I just--I'm--I'm starting to wonder if I just imagined the whole thing or dreamt it, you know, like my subconscious was somehow telling me something I already knew, that I need to get home and be a father to my boys.

Maggie: But wasn't the message specifically about Aiden?

Lucky: Yeah, it was a warning that he was sick.

Maggie: How could you possibly know that? I mean, even subconsciously.

Lucky: I'm not the right person to ask. There are just some things that you can't explain, like why certain people die--and others live.

Carly: You okay?

Jason: Yeah, I'm fine.

Robin: You are not fine.

Jason: I just--I don't want to hear the two of you fight. That's all.

Carly: Okay. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry.

Robin: Is that what happened with the mayor--ex-mayor? You blew up at him like that?

Jason: Yeah, pretty much.

Robin: I mean, I haven't seen you lose your temper like that in years.

Jason: Yeah, I just got a lot going on right now, you know.

Robin: I'm sorry, you know. My visit probably didn't help much.

Jason: No, I'm--I'm glad you came to see me.

Carly: You want to help? Ask Mac to let Jason out of here.

Jason: Alexis is working on getting me out of here, Carly.

Robin: Are you having any other symptoms? Blurred vision? Headaches? Anything like that?

Carly: Why? Do you think there's something wrong with the surgery?

Jason: Nothing--nothing's wrong.

Robin: Have you been back for checkups since you got back from Hawaii?

Jason: No, I-I've been busy.

Robin: Come on. I know you hate hospitals. I know you avoid them like the plague.

Jason: Yeah, that too.

Carly: Okay, Jason, you got to go in for the checkup. That's how we know you're okay.

Robin: I hope you're listening, because for the first time, Carly and I are in agreement. You have to call Patrick. Please call him. Make an appointment. Don't blow it off.

Jason: You're the one who needs to talk to Patrick.

Robin: [Sighs] Call him.

[Door closes]

Carly: All right, that's a lot. That was about a lot more than a checkup. What's going on?

Jason: Robin needed to talk.

Carly: And she picks now to talk to you? I mean, she calls me selfish. What the hell is that?

Jason: Carly, don't start. Please.

Carly: It just never ceases to amaze me how she still thinks you're her personal property.

Jason: I asked you not to start!

Carly: Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Calm down. Geez. I'm worried, all right? I'm worried. This whole checkup thing has me freaked out.

Jason: She's a doctor. That's her job.

Carly: Come on. I've seen you lose it three or four times lately. And it's not over me and Robin fighting, 'cause we do it all the time. What the hell is going on?

Maggie: I was just telling one of my colleagues about the first patient I lost--a little boy named Isaac back in Memphis. He was smart and funny, and he loved to build things, you know--skyscrapers, castles, rocket ships.

Lucky: Mm-hmm.

Maggie: The things the little boy could put together just blew my mind. He was so creative.

Lucky: I guess kids have the luxury of not knowing what's impossible yet, you know.

Maggie: Yeah.

Lucky: They're just not afraid to dream and believe that those dreams are gonna come true.

Maggie: If anyone deserved a shot at life, it was Isaac. As a medical professional, I-I generally don't look at death as fair versus unfair. It's a set of circumstances and leads to an inevitable outcome.

Lucky: Right.

Maggie: But sometimes it's hard, you know. It hits you--why? Why this lovely, little human being?

Lucky: Yeah, I've been asking that a lot lately. Any answers?

Maggie: No. When I have a bad day, I look out at the city, and I look at the skyscrapers reaching up into the sky. It makes me feel better. It makes me think of Isaac, you know, his passion, his imagination. I remember that people who are gone--you know, once they've touched your heart, they're always there. Their signs, you know, they're all around you. They're in the air. You just--you have to look to see them.

Lucky: [Sighs]

Matt: What are you doing in this guy's room?

Ewen: Elizabeth took a late-night stroll and had pity on a lonely man. She was gracious enough to share tea and a little conversation. I look forward to the next time.

Elizabeth: It was nice meeting you.

Ewen: Likewise.

[Door closes]

Elizabeth: What are you doing here?

Matt: I look away for five minutes and you commit yourself to a mental ward? Uh, uh, what--what the hell are you doing here? What are you thinking?

Elizabeth: Uh, it was the right thing to do.

Matt: In what universe? Seriously, w-why--why didn't you talk to me first?

Elizabeth: I talked to Lucky. And after that, I was all talked out.

Matt: It didn't seem like you were having a problem talking to the painter guy.

Elizabeth: He was very nice.

Matt: Y-yeah, well, of course. Beautiful woman walks into your room in the middle night, I'd be nice, too. Hello? Hello? What?

Elizabeth: Something about that guy seems awfully familiar.

Shawn: That was a good story. Made you sleepy, huh?

Josslyn: Story.

Shawn: Yeah? Made you sleepy? Yeah? No? Not so much?

Josslyn: No.

Shawn: [Laughs] You are a stubborn, little thing, you know that? Okay. Okay. You win. I'll read it again. I don't mind. All right. You know what? You have no idea how much I've missed this. Ready? Okay. "I love you as the bee loves a fragrant flower."

Carly: You didn't answer Robin's question. Are you having headaches?

Jason: It's nothing serious.

Carly: How do you know?

Jason: Because when I had my seizure or my blackouts, it felt like someone was sticking an ice pick through my forehead, and it doesn't feel that way right now, so I'm fine.

Carly: No, you're not. I have watched you be interrogated by the police. I have seen a lawyer hammer you on the witness stand, and you do nothing. You--you don't even react at all. Why would you lose it with a guy like Garrett Floyd?

Jason: I don't know. I shouldn't have.

Carly: That's not an answer.

Jason: That's my answer!

Carly: I'm scared, okay? I'm scared. Franco is sending Josslyn messages and little baby dolls. It is clear that he is fixated on her.

Jason: I don't--I don't think so. I'm trying to get Franco right now. Alexis is trying to get me released!

Carly: You're not yourself, Jason. I mean, did something happen with the surgery?

Jason: All I did was miss a checkup.

Carly: And then what?

Jason: Then what? I don't know what, Carly! I'm angry! What do you want me to say?! Sam and I got married! I thought I could give her just a little bit of happiness!

Carly: Okay. Are you and Sam having problems?

Jason: But my problem is Franco!

Carly: That's not it, Jason, or Sam would be here.

Jason: I don't want Sam here. I want her at home with Michael.

Carly: Michael? Why is Michael in this?

Jason: Bec--Franco spray-painted something new in--in the alley at--at Jake's, and Michael showed up with Sam, and then Mayor Floyd came in, and that's when this whole thing--

Carly: I don't want Michael involved with anything that has to do with Franco! He has suffered enough from that freak.

Jason: Michael is safe at the penthouse, okay? You have nothing to worry about.

Pilot: We'll be making our final descent into Chicago in just a few minutes. Please make sure your seatbelts are--

Sam: Everything's gonna be fine. Abby is--is gonna be fine. I mean, you have to believe that.

Michael: [Sighs]

Lucky: Miss, you dropped this.

Woman: Thanks. Wouldn't want to lose that. Can't find red berets just anywhere.

Lucky: No, you can't.

Matt: And just another thing, it's--it's probably not a good idea to fraternize with the patients.

Elizabeth: I can't control who's across the hall from me.

Matt: You don't know why he's here. He could be dangerous.

Elizabeth: I don't even know why I'm here.

Matt: Okay, that one's easy, actually. If I may, it's to push Lucky's buttons, especially the big, red one that's flashing "guilt."

Elizabeth: Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that I'm trying to manipulate Lucky?

Matt: Because you usually are.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Matt: But checking yourself in here, I mean, that's a little, uh--it's a little over the top, don't you think?

Elizabeth: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Matt: This is disturbing. I mean, this is--I-I-it's extreme, don't you think, all this maneuvering to get a guy who doesn't even deserve you to fall back in love with you?

Elizabeth: Okay. Thank you. You made your point. Can we talk about this another time?

Matt: L-look, you know, I-I-if I offended you in any way, it's just out of deep concern.

Elizabeth: I get it. I get it.

Matt: Yeah.

Robin: Hey.

Patrick: Hey.

Robin: Hey, I thought you went home. Everything okay?

Patrick: No, apparently not. Why didn't you tell me?

Robin: What do you mean? Tell you what?

Patrick: The lab results, the--the bad news. Maggie said she saw you crying in the conference room. Did you lose a patient?

Robin: Um--I don't know. I guess you could say that. I don't--

Patrick: Robin, you okay?

Robin: I wish I was. I--sometimes, things don't turn out the way that you--you know how much I love you, right?

Patrick: Yeah, I do.

Robin: You know that I would do anything in the world for you, right?

Patrick: Yes, I do. Is there something going on, something you want to tell me?

[Beeper sounds]

Patrick: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I have to take this. It's an emergency.

Robin: That's okay. Go. Take it.

Patrick: We'll talk about this later.

Carly: Sam?

[Door closes]

Carly: Michael? Sam?

Jason: Franco had, uh, cameras all over the place. When you got dizzy in the shower, he--he was the one who caught you. How long are we gonna play games?

Franco: I would have thought that you saw it instantly.

Jason: See what?

Franco: Us. We're the same. Just tell him that Franco says hi.

Jason: Get out! I'm not like everyone else!

Franco: Yoo-hoo!

Jason: [Echoing] Franco! Franco!

Franco: [Echoing] This will end when I say so, not before.

Jason: No!

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