GH Transcript Tuesday 12/13/11

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 12/13/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Michael: Abby? Abby, you okay?

Sam: Hey.

Michael: Abby!

Sam: What's going on?

Michael: No, she's--[Sighs] The call dropped.

Sam: Okay, take it easy. Calls drop all the time.

Michael: No, no. She was, uh--she was on the street, was in a construction zone or something.

Sam: You should probably hang up the phone if you want her to call you back, 'cause you're not gonna be able to get each other if--

Michael: Right before the call dropped, it sounded like there was a loud crash.

Elizabeth: I didn't think you'd want to see me.

Lucky: You wrote "can't do this" on your pillow with lipstick and then just took off. You didn't think I'd want an explanation?

Elizabeth: That was the explanation.

Lucky: Elizabeth, you deliberately copied what Siobhan did when she was dying. What am I supposed to do with that?

Elizabeth: I'm sorry if that seemed a little insensitive. Clearly I have issues to deal with. That's why I'm here. [Sighs]

Lucky: Why didn't you just tell me what you were planning? I mean, we could have talked it through.

Elizabeth: There's nothing to talk about. I checked myself into ShadyBrook for as long as it takes to get over you.

Maxie: Hey, I can't believe you made me find you.

Matt: I am really busy right now. I can't.

Maxie: Busy? Do you have any idea how rude it was that you disappeared from my bed without even leaving a note? I mean, you didn't call me--

Matt: Can we not do this right now?

Maxie: And you just show up to the hospital like nothing happened?

Matt: Something did happen, okay? It's--it's been taking up all my time.

Maxie: Okay, so just tell me what happened.

Matt: I can't.

Patrick: Yes, I'd like to get item 174 on page 24, please. Yes, the pig that walks and talks and oinks and does all that fun stuff.

Maggie: Bad choice.

Patrick: Excuse me?

Maggie: The pig. That's not what Emma wants.

Patrick: I'm gonna have to call you back, please. Thank you. Um--Maggie, um, y-you've met my daughter once. What makes you think you would know what she wants for Christmas?

Maggie: Sorry.

Patrick: No, no, no. You don't just get to say "sorry" and walk away. You started this, and now you have to finish it. What would a girl Emma's age want for Christmas?

Maggie: Emma strikes me as a girl with a vivid imagination and a natural nurturing instinct. She doesn't want a pig that walks and oinks. She can do the oinking for it.

Patrick: Okay, in your expert opinion, what there says "imagination" and "nurturing"?

Maggie: Uh, there. That, she'll love.

Patrick: Yeah, that's--that's cute, actually.

Maggie: You're welcome.

Patrick: Yeah. Good. Okay. So now that we have that done, I need help with Robin.

Maggie: No. Try asking her.

Patrick: No, I did try asking her. She says she has everything, but I have to get her something, so I need help.

Robin: It feels strange coming to you after all this time. There's just no one else I can ask.

Jason: It's okay.

Robin: I'm sorry. This is not fair. I know you just got back from your honeymoon. You're being here, held on some assault charges, and I guess it's connected to Franco.

Jason: Okay, Robin, just--

Robin: I don't even know--

Jason: Just tell me. What--what do you need?

Robin: Can you help me disappear?

Michael: Abby, just call me when you get this, okay? I'm really worried.

Sam: Hey, come on. You can't go jumping to the worst possible conclusion here.

Michael: I'm sure I heard some kind of a crash.

Sam: Okay, you said you just heard some kind of a crash. Doesn't mean that there was a crash.

Michael: She should have called back by now.

Sam: There are a million reasons why she's not calling back right now.

Michael: Like she's seriously hurt.

Sam: Or she has no cell reception, or she might have dropped her phone and broke it. Do you have any of the numbers to any of the people that she was supposed to be meeting?

Michael: No, but I-I-I can probably get them from ELQ.

Sam: Okay, I'll help you. I'll help you. I can get that information right now.

Michael: [Sighs] You probably think I'm crazy.

Sam: No, I think you are in love and, yes, possibly overreacting a little bit.

Michael: I can't help it. When you're this connected to somebody, you just--you just know when something's going on with them.

Jason: You want to disappear for how long?

Robin: For forever. Well, I mean--for however long that lasts.

Jason: But what--what about--what about Patrick and Emma?

Robin: I'm doing this for them, for my family, for everyone who kept believing.

Jason: I don't understand. What happened?

Robin: I don't know, either. Jason, I don't even know where to start. I can't even think clearly right now.

Jason: It makes things a lot worse, doesn't it?

Robin: Yes, and you know that I am not like this. I am a planner. I see my options, and I set my goals, and I go after them. I do not come barging in on my friends when they're being held and unload all my problems on them.

Jason: Whatever's hurting you, I want to help.

Robin: This is gonna sound like a terrible thing to say, but I honestly thought everything would be better once Lisa was dead.

Jason: Are you worried about what happened on the boat?

Robin: [Sighs] I just don't want Patrick to blame himself, you know? And it's not his fault that she's psycho or that Anthony Zacchara woke her up from a coma.

Jason: Are you sure it's Anthony?

Robin: Yes, and it was so petty and just completely pointless. I mean, he was mad at Patrick for not getting a chance to kill you.

Jason: And then she took the chance to go after you.

Robin: Yes. Lisa is very smart. I will give her that. [Sighs] She knew that Patrick would blame himself for whatever would happen to me. She knew my deepest, darkest fear.

Sam: I've never seen you like this. And Patrick said that there may be side effects, and I was thinking maybe that's why you were so angry.

Jason: I'm angry, okay? I'm angry!

Franco: It is the lady's honeymoon, after all.

Robin: Jason, can you hear me? Jason? Hey, look at me.

Delores: Well, how long is this job gonna take? No, no. [Speaking Spanish] We need the money, so--you think we're gonna--are you gonna make it home for Christmas? [Sighs] Well, do what you can, yeah? Call me tomorrow. Okay. Bye-bye. [Clears throat] That was my husband. He works construction. There's not a lot of building around here lately, so he takes these jobs out of town.

Dante: That's okay. You don't--you don't owe me an explanation.

Delores: Well, we're partners, right? And I've heard plenty about your personal life. Only fair you know a little bit about mine.

Dante: That's entirely up to you.

Delores: Mostly I want you to tell your mother that I am not hitting on you. I've got a husband I happen to love very much.

Dante: Okay, well, you're accusing my mother of being a killer, so she's not gonna be saying the nicest things to you right now.

Delores: Again, I'm just doing my job.

Dante: Look, let's forget the accusations and stick with the facts.

Delores: Fine by me. Did we get a hit on that blood trace?

Dante: Yeah. That was a good call on your part. We got a match from the patient hospital database.

Delores: Someone from our suspect list?

Anthony: Ahh. Detective Corinthos. [Chuckles] Sorry. It's Falconeri, isn't it? You asked to see me?

Lucky: You really think checking in to ShadyBrook is the answer to anything?

Elizabeth: You're the one who said I needed help.

Lucky: I meant counseling, you know, some kind of support.

Elizabeth: Have you changed your mind? You think our relationship isn't a codependent mess?

Lucky: I could have used better words.

Elizabeth: No, not really. Obviously what feels like love to me feels like a trap to you.

Lucky: Look, I just--I just want what's best for us, including the kids.

Elizabeth: You said I only see what I want to see and that it would be a disaster if you came back to me right now. Was there something in there you didn't mean? So you spoke the truth. So if I fall apart because of it, then it's my problem, not yours.

Lucky: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe this place can do some good. You know, offer some perspective, a chance to heal, if--

Elizabeth: If what?

Lucky: If what's going on here is real. When did you decide to do this? Was it when I told you that we always get together because of a tragedy?

Elizabeth: I didn't need to manufacture a tragedy, Lucky. Aiden getting sick was enough.

Lucky: No, what I mean is, are you here to keep me from running away?

Elizabeth: Do you think I'm that manipulative?

Lucky: No, I'm not saying you're manipulative. Maybe this is your last desperate attempt to wake me up.

Elizabeth: [Laughs] How did you ever love me? I must be this terrible, pathetic person, and you're just figuring it out right now.

Lucky: You don't believe that.

Elizabeth: You just accused me of being desperate.

Lucky: I don't understand what you're doing here. [Sighs] Are you sure this is the right thing?

Elizabeth: Are you sure you even care?

Anthony: Must be tough for you, Detective. Spend half your life covering for your old man, and then your mother turns around and makes herself a murder suspect.

Dante: Actually, we have your blood on the boat deck.

Anthony: Well, that's not surprising. I cut myself shaving this morning.

Dante: Oh, no, no, no. No, I'm talking we collected this the night of the murder.

Anthony: You don't say.

Dante: Yeah. Which is strange, 'cause you said in your statement you were nowhere near the boat the night Lisa Niles was killed.

Anthony: What would I be doing out on a party boat?

Dante: A better question--a better question is probably, how did your blood make the trip when you didn't?

Anthony: I can't imagine.

Delores: Try.

Anthony: Oh, another county heard from. Officer Padilla. May I say you look much better out of uniform?

Delores: If you can't explain how your blood got on that boat, you just moved to the top of that suspect list. Or we can arrest him right now, can't we?

Dante: Actually, we can.

Anthony: As it happens, I happen to be a blood donor. When Dr. Niles met with dire circumstances, I banked some blood for her.

Delores: So you and Dr. Niles were close.

Anthony: Well, I figured there was no one else who'd make an effort for the poor woman. In retrospect, I can see that I was misguided.

Dante: I'm still not hearing how your blood made it onto the boat.

Anthony: Well, maybe Lisa took it with her when she left the hospital.

Delores: We're supposed to believe that she was running around with a vial of your blood?

Anthony: Anything's possible. My blood on the deck proves nothing. I think you'd better look elsewhere for your killer.

Matt: Yeah, I'll be right there.

Maxie: You left me here to cover for you in the middle of a murder investigation.

Matt: Look, I wasn't trying to hurt you, okay? That's not my intention.

Maxie: Okay, who is she?

Matt: Who's who?

Maxie: The woman you're seeing, and clearly it's not Elizabeth, since she's been here the whole time. What, is it some cute new doctor, huh? Who is it?

Matt: I'm not seeing anybody else.

Maxie: You honestly expect me to believe that? I mean, come on, Matt. It's a classic case of textbook cheating--unexplained disappearances, vague explanations, and then when I confront you, all you can do is muster up this phony sincerity.

Matt: I was not cheating on you, okay? I was trying to save a life.

Maggie: I'm a genius with kids. Adults, on the other hand, confuse the hell out of me. So basically I'm the last person that should coach you on a gift for your wife.

Patrick: Mm. Great. So I'm on my own.

Maggie: I'm sure you'll figure it out. Seem pretty astute.

Patrick: Really? Here I thought you'd written me off as a clueless dad.

Maggie: About that--thanks for not telling Robin I called her a battle-ax before I realized you were her husband.

Patrick: Well, you were--you were great with Emma that night. I'm not gonna thank you by throwing you under the bus.

Maggie: For the record, my opinion of your wife has changed. She's not just some heartless paper shuffler. Robin actually really cares about what she's doing.

Patrick: She does very much so. I'm glad you see that.

Maggie: Yeah, just had to get to know her a little. We had an interesting conversation.

Patrick: Really?

Robin: Jason, can you hear me? Jason. I'm gonna call someone, make sure they get you right to the hospital right away.

Jason: Don't!

Robin: What just happened?

Jason: [Sighs] Nothing. I'm--I'm okay.

Robin: Did you hear me talking to you?

Jason: Just something you said made me think of Franco, and I just got--I got distracted for a second.

Robin: That was not distracted, Jason. Hey, I need you to look at me. Look at me for a moment, please. I need to see your eyes. Look at me. [Sighs] Have you been having headaches since your surgery?

Jason: It's nothing bad.

Robin: Well, define bad.

Jason: I told you. It's Franco. I should have stopped him, and I didn't! I just get angry, and I try not to get angry, and it just takes over.

Robin: I understand. That's exactly what happened the night that Lisa died.

Jason: What does that mean?

Robin: She chloroformed me and Patrick, she tied me up to a chair and him to the bed, and, uh--I woke up, and there she was--with a needle. I thought she was going to inject me with poison like she did before, but no. She tied off my arm, took blood--and was going to inject it into Patrick--so that we can share everything, including HIV.

Jason: Did she do it?

Robin: No. I got to her before she could. And we fought, and that is when I completely lost my mind. I took the needle, and I went after her, and I wanted to inject her with it. I wanted to hurt her with the virus, the one that Stone died of and the one that I have been fighting my entire life. It was just sick and wrong.

Jason: But you didn't do it.

Robin: No. How'd you know? [Sighs]

Jason: Because I know you.

Robin: I dropped the needle. But not for any noble reason. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands.

Jason: Is that why you want me to get you away?

Robin: You mean, did I kill Lisa?

Michael: Okay, how long ago was that? Okay, if you hear from her, just tell her to give me a call, okay?

Sam: Hey, she never showed for the meeting?

Michael: She said she was five minutes away. That was a half an hour ago. I got to go look for her.

Sam: Come on, all the way to Chicago?

Michael: I can't just sit here.

Sam: There are other ways to search.

Michael: Just forget it. You got to focus on Franco's DVD.

Sam: No, that can wait until Jason's released from custody. We need to find, Abby, okay?

Michael: [Sighs] What are you doing?

Sam: I have a number to the hospital that's close to where she was. Hi. Yes, can you tell me if--I'm looking for a friend that might have been admitted in the past hour or so. Abigail Haver. Um, late 20s. 5'7" and blond.

Lucky: I care about you, Elizabeth. And I always will. But I-I have to figure out who I am and what I believe.

Elizabeth: It doesn't matter how far you go or how much you convince yourself that this is what you need. You're not gonna be able to just stop loving me and the boys. You have too much of your mother in you.

Lucky: We're not my parents. It doesn't matter what they did or didn't do.

Elizabeth: You learned to love from your mom. She gave you compassion. She taught you how to be sensitive and caring, and that is why you are struggling so badly with this.

Lucky: You're asking for the impossible, okay? You--you're trying to hold on to something that it's already gone.

Elizabeth: Fine. Okay. Well, you've made your choice, and now I'm making mine. You no longer have any obligation to this family. So if you want to go--go.

Maxie: I realize that I may have been a little--okay, make that a lot self-absorbed in the past. But not to the point of leaving in the middle of a murder investigation. So you need to tell me where you were.

Matt: I got called to consult on an emergency because of my research.

Maxie: Okay, so we're making progress. Who called you?

Matt: I can't say.

Maxie: Okay. Not as much progress, maybe, as I would have hoped, but can you at least tell me why you didn't call me back or text me?

Matt: I just--I, uh, I--I couldn't. I just couldn't.

Maxie: [Scoffs] What? Like some secret agents just swooped down and flew you over to Langley? I mean, come on, Matt, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to go back to my cheating scenario.

Matt: All right. All right. I performed the procedure.

Maxie: What procedure?

Matt: The one that I outlined in the paper. I actually performed the operation.

Maxie: Who did you operate on? Is that a secret, too?

Maggie: Trying to get this hospital memorized. Think you can give me any good clues?

Patrick: Actually, yes, I can help you with that. Let's have a little trade-off. I will share my expertise as far as the lay of the land, and you tell me what you and Robin were talking about.

Maggie: [Chuckles] Nothing sinister. I promise.

Patrick: Was it about me?

Maggie: You don't have any issues with humility, do you?

Patrick: I'm sure she told you I'm an egomaniac.

Maggie: I believe the phrase, uh, "cocky surgeon" was mentioned.

Patrick: Yeah.

Maggie: But I have to admit, I saw a different side of you that first night you brought Emma in.

Patrick: Right, as opposed to the befuddled, overprotective father.

Maggie: I was gonna say "loving dad with his priorities straight."

Patrick: Well, my, uh--my family's the most important thing in the world to me, and I will do anything to protect them.

Maggie: Can see you mean that. In fact, you seem pretty intense about it.

Patrick: I want them to be happy.

Maggie: 'Tis the season.

Patrick: You know, I used to go away every Christmas to a--beach somewhere.

Maggie: Picking up women.

Patrick: But times have changed. Now all I want is for Robin to have the best Christmas she's ever had.

Robin: I mean, why wouldn't I want Lisa dead, right? She's done every single thing in her power to hurt me.

Jason: Is there something you need me to clean up?

Robin: No, it's too late--for a lot of things. You know, at first, I didn't really understand what the point was of Lisa injecting Patrick with my blood. My viral load has been basically undetectable for years.

Jason: What do you mean? Has--has been? What about right now?

Robin: Do you remember on the bridge that night when I decided to go on the cocktail? Yeah? I mean, I knew even back then how important it was for me to take my meds every single day, and that's exactly what I did. I did it for me, and I did it for Stone, because I got the chance that he didn't get.

Jason: What's your viral load right now?

Robin: [Sighs] The protocol, um--hasn't worked for months.

Jason: Are you sure?

Robin: There's no real way to prove it, but I am pretty sure that Lisa replaced my meds with placebos. It's only a matter of days before I build a resistance to the drugs.

Jason: When did you find this out?

Robin: The morning after Lisa died. But to be honest, I didn't believe it. I mean, how could these drugs that I've been taking for so long just suddenly stop working, right?

Jason: They can just give you another prescription, right? That's what they're gonna do.

Robin: They already did do that. And, um--I-it's not working.

[Cell phone rings]

Matt: I'm sorry, okay? I've already said more than I should.

Maxie: [Scoffs] Okay, what about the call that you made to the General Hospital forensics lab the night that you disappeared?

Matt: It's complicated.

Maxie: No kidding, Matt. I mean, Lisa Niles is dead, and we're both suspects! So I'm just telling you to admit what you found in the forensics lab that made you take off and try to cover it up.

Matt: I'm asking you to trust me, okay? But what I did, when I left had nothing to do with Lisa's murder.

Maxie: Then why is it a secret? Right. You can't tell me.

Matt: [Sighs] What I can say is that it could be very important to my future and involved a very important person.

Maxie: Do you have any idea what I had to do to cover everything up?

Matt: Okay, you keep saying that. What exactly did you do? 'Cause you're making me worry.

Maxie: You're not the only one that can keep a secret.

Matt: Oh, so what is this? This is payback, then?

Maxie: Let's just say that it's very critical to our future and it involves a very important person.

Anthony: I'm getting this prickly sensation. It happens when my rights are being violated. Maybe it's time to talk to my attorney. Have you met Angela Dwyer? She got a hell of a reputation for vigorous defense.

[Cell phone beeps]

Dante: [Sighs]

Delores: We have enough to arrest you here, so Angie can try for bail. I think it's gonna be a little bit hard with the murder charge, though.

Dante: W-wait. Hold the phone. Uh [Chuckles] According to this seemingly legitimate text I just received, he's not the killer.

Delores: What?! Since when?

Dante: Have a look for yourself.

Delores: "I can't live with this burden." What--what is this?

Dante: Well, apparently, it's a full confession to Lisa Niles' murder.

Jason: I mean, are you sure the new drugs aren't working? Maybe there hasn't been enough--enough time.

Robin: My doctor gave me a resistant test. It shows which HIV meds you're resistant to.

Jason: Okay. What--what did your test show?

Robin: Um--well, if you are resistant to a particular drug, that means it's useless, so, um, I'm resistant to the protocol and also the backup.

Jason: But there's other drugs they can try, right?

Robin: Yeah, I mean, they've already put me on the third regimen.

Jason: Okay, so how soon are you gonna find out if it works?

Robin: [Sighs] You sound like how I was with Stone. So optimistic, waiting for the time that the doctor will walk in and say, "everything's gonna be okay. You're cured." But, Jason, that didn't happen.

Jason: Yeah, but--but they know so much more now than they did with Stone. You can get it back under control.

Robin: Or this could be the beginning of a very slow, long decline, of trying all different kinds of meds and then them not working and then me getting weaker un--until I'm just ready. Stone said that once he accepted it that it was, uh--[Sighs] it was peaceful. You know, it was like skating or gliding. But, um, I can't think about that now. I have to think about Patrick, and I have to think about my little girl.

Sam: 5'7. H-A-V-E-R. Late 20s. Yes. Of course. I'll hold.

Michael: She hasn't contacted me. That's why--

Sam: Yeah, I'm still here. Really? I mean, is there any way anyone can get that information to me? All right, I understand. Can I--can I just have the number, then? Thank you.

Michael: Look, could you just please check your emergency-room records? Her name is Abigail Haver. She has blond hair. She's really beautiful. Hold on. I h--I have another call. Just please don't hang up on me, okay? Are you calling from Chicago? Yeah. Yeah. This is--this is Michael Corinthos. Where--where's Abby? Is she okay?

Sam: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, do you want me to talk to them?

Michael: How bad is she hurt? Do--do you know--do you know where they were taking her? Okay. Thank you for calling.

Sam: What happened?

Michael: [Sighs] A construction worker.

Sam: Okay.

Michael: A load fell off a crane. Abby was right there.

Sam: Was she hit?

Michael: She was on the ground, unconscious.

Sam: How--how did--how did they know to call you?

Michael: He got my number off her cell phone. They took her away in an ambulance. [Sighs] I-I-I know the hospital--Chicago mercy.

Sam: Okay. All right. Well, let's go. I'll book a plane from the car.

Michael: No, no, no. You have to stay here for Jason.

Sam: Are you kidding me? Jason would want me to take care of this with you. Let's go.

Robin: I got my old diary out, the one that I used to write in when Stone was dying. It's just crazy to think how those things could apply to me now.

Jason: You--you can't be sure you're dying.

Robin: [Scoffs] Jason, I'm just so stupid. Just working so much, you know, not being with my family.

Jason: How much does Patrick know?

Robin: He doesn't know anything. [Sighs]

Jason: Robin, he's your husband.

Robin: But he will--he will try to keep me optimistic. He will hang on to every new medicine, every last hope, and I just--I just can't do that to him.

Jason: But when you marry somebody, you promise to stay with them for whatever comes.

Robin: I am not gonna put my family through the hell of false hope. [Sniffles] We're gonna have one last amazing Christmas--one last beautiful memory for Emma and for Patrick. And then I need to disappear.

Patrick: See, but the problem is, Robin's birthday's in October, so I-I've used up all my creativity, and I don't really have enough time to recharge my batteries.

Maggie: What'd you give her?

Patrick: Geez, man. Jewelry.

Maggie: Yeah, I'm not really seeing the whole creativity thing just yet.

Patrick: Not--not only jewelry. I-I also got, um, round-trip tickets to Tokyo, Rio, and Paris to be used at any time.

Maggie: Wow. That's a lot more impressive.

Patrick: Mm-hmm. See, but, now, here's the problem, again, is--is that I've--I've raised the bar, and now how do I keep up with the standards that I've set for myself?

Maggie: Nothing like putting pressure on yourself, there.

Patrick: Well, it's been a hellacious year. And I just--I want to make sure Robin knows how much I appreciate her and how--how--how much I just--she's made everything okay, and that--things are only gonna get better. I got it.

Maggie: Adding another city to the itinerary?

Patrick: No, no, no. This is so much better. She's never gonna expect this.

Maxie: Look, I realize that our relationship could use a lot of improvement I-in a lot of areas, but, Matt, I really do care about you, okay? And I promise that if I could tell you, then I would.

Matt: We both have secrets, so let's just agree to tell each other when we can.

[Elevator bell dings]

Matt: [Sighs]

Maxie: You sure you're not cheating on me?

Matt: Oh, my gosh! No! On my scouts honor. And that's worth something 'cause I used to be a very highly decorated boy scout.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Matt: Are we okay?

Maxie: We're not there yet.

Matt: If this procedure goes well--which I'm hoping it will--it'll be very good for the "woman behind the man" article. And I will be sure to tell them how supportive you have been through this very, very difficult time.

Maxie: [Chuckles] Okay, well, then, I guess we're okay now.

Matt: Well--

Lucky: I'm doing this for cam and Aiden. I mean, I can be a better father to them if I just take some time to figure things out.

Elizabeth: Yeah, okay, look, you don't owe me an explanation or anything else. The boys and I can take care of ourselves. And feel free to do the same.

Lucky: What are you talking about? I just told you. I'm gonna be present for them.

Elizabeth: I have enough help. I've got Steven and my grandmother, Lulu. Maybe I'll even ask Luke for help, since you think he's such an awesome babysitter.

Lucky: It doesn't have to be like this.

Elizabeth: [Laughs] Am I making you uncomfortable? Because trust me, it's worse on this end. But that's why I'm here, right?

Lucky: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: To learn how to cope? Thank you for your visit. You know the way out.

Lucky: Elizabeth, I know you're hurt.

Elizabeth: What I am is tired of trying to love you, trying to convince you that we can be happy together.

Lucky: You don't want me. You want the idea of me.

Elizabeth: Okay, okay, I get it! You have made your point over and over and over again, and I have finally heard you. You don't want me, so leave. I'm gonna be fine once I get over this little addiction.

Lucky: Come on.

Elizabeth: Well, isn't that what you called it? The way we feel for each other?

Lucky: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: You got help for your addiction, and now I'm getting help for mine.

Lucky: I just--I don't want to leave it like this.

Elizabeth: Well, too bad. Because this is where I am, and this is what we've become.

Lucky: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: So get out. What do you want?! Just leave! Lucky, please, just go!

Lucky: I'm gonna--I'm gonna--I'm gonna check on you in a couple days, okay? The boys will be fine with me. I'll tell them you love them. [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Lucky: Don't worry. We're only here for a checkup, and then you get to go back home, okay? [Sighs] I know it's not the same without your mother here. It's not the same for me, either. Listen, no matter what happens, we will always, always love you, okay? And that will never change.

[Wind blowing, waves crashing]

Dante: Let me take the lead on this one. Things could get a little dicey.

Delores: It's a full confession.

Dante: Yeah, which means they have nothing to lose. PCPD. I got your text. Oh, crap.

Patrick: Yes, yes, I know time is tight, so I appreciate it so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [Laughing] Oh. I am good.

Maggie: You had me fooled that first night. You were so overwhelmed by your kid, I didn't see the telltale signs of a surgeon. Arrogance, borderline narcissism.

Patrick: I've never put a big point on false humility, whether it's in the O.R. or Christmas presents.

Maggie: Whatever you give Robin, I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than a lollipop.

Patrick: Uh, that's random.

Maggie: I gave her one earlier. It's what I give to all of my patients when I find them crying. Wait. What? Robin was crying?

Jason: Has the doctor told you there's no chance?

Robin: Well, she's talking about options. [Sighs] I remember when Stone was sick, I-I grew to hate that word. I mean, Alan, your dad, was so good to Stone and so kind to him, but whenever he would say "options," I wanted to smack him.

Jason: You know, when I--when I first met you, I didn't--at that time, I didn't understand what sadness was. I couldn't, you know, put a name with the feeling, and I would see your face, and you told me about Stone, and that's really how I understood for the first time that sadness comes from loss.

Robin: It never really goes away. Kind of fades into the background sometimes, but it's always there.

Jason: So why would you want Emma and Patrick to feel that any sooner than they had to?

Robin: Because it's easier to lose someone suddenly, to not have to sit there and watch them die. I mean, a-as awful as it was, what happened to Jake, I mean, isn't it better that it happened that way instead of having him get sick and watching him slip away little by little?

Jason: I mean, I would have never wanted him to suffer. But I would have wanted any chance that I could get with him. Any time I could get, I would have--just wanted to say goodbye.

Robin: I mean--I will say goodbye. I'll say it my own way. We'll have a wonderful Christmas, and it'll be about family, spending time together and love and--won't be about presents. [Sniffles] But then--I need to go. I need you to send me somewhere where no one can find me.

Jason: Please don't ask me do that.

Robin: Jason, you are the only person in the world that understands why I need to leave. I need your help on this. Please.

Jason: I'm sorry. I can't do it.

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