GH Transcript Monday 12/12/11

General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/12/11


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Maggie: Hey. You doing okay?

Steve: I'm fine. Why?

Maggie: Rumor mill in x-ray here is top-of-the-line, especially where Lisa Niles' murder is concerned. Come on. How long did you really think it would take for me to get plugged in?

Steve: Nothing changes, does it?

Maggie: Some things about me have changed. Some good. Some bad. Not the important things, though. I can still put you in the dust on roller blades.

Steve: Yeah, well, no more gentlemanly head starts.

Maggie: There's my daring dedication. My directness in the face of hostility and humiliation. Care to fill me in on the big Agatha Christie suspect roundup on the charter boat?

Steve: Very Professor Plum in the conservatory with the lead pipe.

Maggie: Or Dr. Somebody on the yacht deck with a wrench.

Steve: There were possibilities.

Maggie: And? Did the police rattle anybody's cage like they wanted? Anyone have an emotional breakdown and confess or point fingers at the killer?

Steve: Nope.

Maggie: Not yet, anyways.

Dante: I was really hoping you wouldn't be the suspect who came back. You looking for this?

Alexis: Can you stamp this for me? Thank you.

Ethan: Hi.

Alexis: Hey.

Ethan: I called your office. They said you'd be here.

Alexis: Oh, you know what? I got a lot going on right now.

Ethan: Okay, well, then I'll be brunt and brief. I just want you to say yes.

Alexis: To what?

Ethan: The caretaker job at Wyndemere--I want it.

Alexis: Why on earth would you want to do that?

Michael: You think I can't tell when something's going on with you?

Jason: It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean you have to know what it is or if there's anything at all, okay? I just want to get out of here.

Michael: I talked to Sam. I know what's going on, what has you so upset. Look, you helped me. Now it's my turn to help you--you and Sam.

Sam: [Crying] Screw you, you sick bastard! No. I won't let you do this to me.

Kate: This is great. I never thought I'd say that about the old neighborhood.

Sonny: Well, you know what? If you don't like this place, why do you keep pestering me to come back?

Kate: Well, the answer's right around the corner.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kate: Yeah. You want to go back for another visit?

Sonny: Uh, no. Look, you know, 'cause we're having such a good time here and the whole thing, I don't want to spoil it. Why don't we go back to your old house?

Kate: No. No way.

Sonny: You said you sold the place after your parents passed away.

Kate: I did. I sold it to my cousin.

Sonny: Well, all you got to do is knock on the door, say, "hey, can I come in and just look around?" 'Cause, you know, I would really love to see the inside of the place since your parents never let me pass the front--

Kate: That's not gonna happen.

Sonny: What? Why? Is your cousin--he's not making the payments or something?

Kate: No. Sonny, that's not it.

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey. You always have good memories, right? Yeah?

Kate: I do, Sonny, but I, um, I don't really feel good about the way I left, all right? The way I treated my mom and dad.

Sonny: From what I remember, your parents always wanted you to be happy. Correction--happy as long as you were away from me.

Kate: That is absolutely right.

Sonny: Well, they got their wish for a good long time. You don't have to feel guilty.

Kate: What if, um, what if your kids achieved everything they wanted, became successful, and they never called, they never came by, and they basically wrote you out of their lives--how would you feel?

Sonny: Well, I can't imagine that, 'cause I--I would never give up on my kids.

Kate: You're a good father, Sonny.

Sonny: Well, at least you think so.

Kate: I do.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kate: I know you so well.

Sonny: Do you? Really? Show me.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Constanza Louise Falconeri, what would your mother say?

Jason: I don't need your help, and I can take care of Sam myself.

Michael: Not when you're flipping out like this. I mean, attacking the ex-mayor in front of a bunch of witnesses? That's not something you would normally do.

Jason: [Sighs]

Michael: [Sighs] Jason, you're acting more like me right now. Look, I know it has to do with Franco. Okay, him being back, bringing up everything that happened last time--everything with carter and what he did to me in prison.

Jason: I should have protected you.

Michael: You got yourself sent to prison.

Jason: Yeah, well, it's too late, Michael.

Michael: Look, you're making it sound like you failed me.

Jason: I did fail you!

Michael: Wait, no. That's something you're putting on yourself, not me.

Jason: I let my guard down!

Michael: Everybody does.

Jason: I don't!

Michael: Jason, you were on your honeymoon, okay? You're doing what you told me not to do--letting your emotions take over.

Jason: I'm gonna be okay. You don't have to worry about me.

Michael: It's too late for that. Look, I understand what you're going through now more than I ever have before because now I have Abby in my life. I know what it's like to care about somebody that much. You want to protect the woman that you love, make sure Franco can never touch her.

Alexis: As long as you're honest with me about your intentions, 'cause you don't really want to be the caretaker. You want to extend your magical mystery tour of Wyndemere, right? You're taking a page out of your father's book.

Ethan: Okay, so what's the problem with that?

Alexis: The list is so long, I don't have time.

Ethan: Okay, well, the family manse is clearly in need of watching. And here I am all wile and willingness.

Alexis: Uh-huh. So, what about your job at the Haunted Star?

Ethan: Well, Luke took off again. You know, and it's time for a new direction. Maybe I don't want to sling drinks and cheat people at cards for the rest of my life.

Alexis: Do you have any experience at caretaking? It's a substantial property.

Ethan: No. But I was an expert at "Dungeons & Dragons" as a kid.

Alexis: Not scoring points.

Ethan: Okay. I actually did have run of a rather large property once. It was a palace, in fact.

Alexis: I'm afraid to ask.

Ethan: Yeah, well, I just pretended to be the college buddy of a prince of a small Arab nation, so I had complete run of the place. I had servants. I had a fleet of Mercedes all at my beck and call. At least until he came home early from his trip to the Himalayas--

Alexis: Okay. All right. I don't need to hear anymore. I want to know your angle, and I know you have one. No disrespect.

Ethan: None taken.

Alexis: What do you think is at Wyndemere? Do you think there's some secret treasure hidden in the tunnels?

Ethan: Is there? Like the Cassadine crown jewels, maybe? See, I hadn't thought of that.

Alexis: Mm. See, if there is, it's cursed.

Ethan: Okay, well, if I do stumble across it, I will give you a cut--of the cash, not the curse.

Alexis: Oh.

Ethan: Besides, money is not really my motivating factor.

Alexis: Since when?

Ethan: Since I lost Maya, and since my father keeps running off again, you know? It's time for me to get out from under the Haunted Star and everything it represents.

Alexis: If that's what you really want, I don't think it's a very good move.

Ethan: Why not?

Alexis: If you want to get away from your father, you're just picking up on his old obsession.

Ethan: Okay. It's his obsession, not mine.

Alexis: Then what do you want? What is it that you're really looking for at Wyndemere?

Olivia: God, you gave me a heart attack.

Dante: Look. Forensics must have missed this on their first sweep, okay? It's your lucky medallion, the one Aunt Theresa gave you to ward off bad headaches, right?

Olivia: Yeah, exactly. That's the one.

Dante: I know--I know I've been a pain in the ass, I've given you so many headaches over the years, but we've been okay, right?

Olivia: Yeah.

Dante: Okay. I want to help you here.

Olivia: Well, you can start by taking that look off your face, and then you can end by relaxing, because I lost that thing when I was fixing the engine in the engine room.

Dante: Okay, why did I find it between two boards on the deck near where Lisa was killed?

Olivia: That's why you're hiding from me over there in the dark?

Dante: It's the oldest cliché in the book. You returned to the scene of the crime.

Olivia: Dante, I have no idea how that thing wound up on the deck. It probably fell off and I didn't notice.

Dante: All right, so you admit you were at the crime scene.

Olivia: Everyone was near the crime scene, Dante! We're on a freaking boat. It's a party. We're all walking around, all right? I was up there. I was on the deck when I got sick.

Dante: You were sick?

Olivia: Yes. I don't do well on boats. You know that. I never have. And on that night, the fumes were driving me crazy. There's some serious mechanical negligence on this boat, I'll tell you what, and if your uncles ever saw me getting sick from the smell of gasoline and oil, they'd be laughing their asses off, let me tell you that. So, yes, I stumbled over to the railing. I thought I was gonna hurl, but I didn't. I was a lady. I was a very dizzy lady, but, you know, I was out of it for a couple minutes.

Dante: How out if it were you?

Olivia: What is your point?

Dante: Did you see Lisa when you were up on the deck?

Olivia: I had no motive to kill that woman.

Delores: Except for the fact that she was sleeping with your boyfriend.

Alexis: Yeah, well, this has been lots of fun, but I'm busy. I can't worry about Wyndemere right now.

Ethan: Okay. Then just give me the job. Please. Look, it's one less thing for you to worry about.

Alexis: I'm worried about you.

Ethan: Well, that's cool. I mean, that's cool that you care, but there's no danger.

Alexis: It's Wyndemere.

Ethan: [Chuckles]

Alexis: All right, look. You were very nice to Kristina, even though I thought you were way too old for her, but you were her friend when she needed one and you helped her.

Ethan: Well, yeah. She's a good girl, you know? She's got a whole new world of possibilities opening up to her, you know? She's moving on. I got to do the same.

Alexis: By chasing my family's dungeon, dragons, and demons.

Ethan: Well, you's something different, right? And you got to start somewhere.

Alexis: All right, as long as you're leveling with me--and I reserve the right to suspect that you aren't--you're either really bored or you're looking for trouble, and my guess is you're probably gonna find it, but if you want the job, the job is yours.

Ethan: Thank you.

Alexis: Don't thank me, because I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing. All right, I will work up some sort of an agreement when I have time. I don't have time right now, but I don't have the keys to the house, either, but I suspect you don't need them, do you?

Ethan: I have found the occasional breach.

Alexis: I hope what you're doing is worth the trouble, Ethan. I hope you find what you're looking for.

Olivia: Steve was not sleeping with Lisa Niles. He slept with her in the past, and he knew it was a huge mistake.

Delores: He told you that?

Olivia: Yeah, he told me that.

Dante: That's enough, Ma. And way more than enough from you, okay?

Delores: Maybe you walked in on them having a fight, and maybe that's how he got those scratches on his face to begin with.

Olivia: And maybe you're looking for something that just isn't there.

Dante: Well, that's a chronic problem.

Delores: Part of the job. You were working on the engine. You had the wrench in your hand. How do we know you didn't lose control?

Dante: Okay, Padilla, stop, please.

Olivia: That's not what happened.

Delores: Tell us what did. Was it Dr. Webber that killed her and now you're covering for him?

Olivia: Steve would not hurt a hair on anyone's head. He's a doctor.

Delores: So was Lisa Niles. Everybody has their limits.

Dante: Including me, so zip it, please, and you--not another word without your attorney, okay?

Olivia: Steve Webber--he wouldn't lie about something like this, and he wouldn't cover something like this up, especially if he knew that I was the one that could get blamed. He's not that guy. He's not.

Steve: Not a single person is mourning the death of Lisa Niles that was on that boat...or sees it as a crime.

Maggie: Except the police.

Steve: Nobody should have to pay for her death. They paid enough when she was alive.

Maggie: Lots of people pay prices they shouldn't. Some don't pay enough. Some of us just fall in the gray area.

Steve: I'm not worried--not about myself.

Maggie: Good. And Olivia?

Steve: A suspect...just like the rest of us. And she wouldn't be if I hadn't made such a stupid mistake and slept with Lisa.

Maggie: Ohh. I saw her picture in the paper. She's very attractive. And from what I hear, equally brilliant--at least as a doctor.

Steve: Lisa was a sick person. Something was broken.

Maggie: Goes to show you never really know what someone might be capable of under the right circumstances, even if you think you know the person.

Jason: I'm proud of you. Took control of your life, you made some smart choices.

Michael: I'm a coffee warehouse manager. It's not exactly Georgia Tech.

Jason: It's a good job. You know, but what's most important is that you stopped fighting everybody. You stopped fighting yourself, and you gave up the idea that you had to prove yourself by being in this business.

Michael: You didn't give me much choice about that.

Jason: What happened to you in Pentonville was hell. Not a lot of people can bounce back from that. It just shows how strong you are.

Michael: You know, you taught me how to be strong in the first place.

Jason: Yeah, but getting through something like that--you did that on your own, Michael.

Michael: Well, I had Abby, too. She's what made the difference. That's why I had to get her out of town, away from danger. I just hope we can find this guy who's going after her friends at the club before she gets back.

Jason: You did the right thing. Kept a cool head--don't go playing hero to find that guy or Franco, because this is what happens when you fall into a trap. You just keep doing everything you're doing, and you're gonna be okay.

Michael: There was a minute when I wondered how okay I really am. I went behind Abby's back and I forced Tracy to set up some bogus business trip to get Abby out of town. And I even joked to Tracy about it. I said, "maybe there's more Quartermaine in me than you realized." And that I realized.

[Door opens]

Alexis: Thank you. What are you still doing here? This is not the time to flaunt that just because you're a Corinthos you get VIP treatment to the PCPD.

Michael: Look, I don't know how my dad got you back on as his attorney, but I'm glad he did.

Jason: Michael. Can you do something for me?

Michael: Yeah. Anything.

Jason: Just go to Sam and tell her Alexis is working on getting me out of here, and if she wants to come down here, tell her not to--just to stay home and just stay safe.

Michael: Okay.

Alexis: Well, that was unsettling.

Jason: Yeah, how soon do I get out?

Alexis: Yeah, how about mother's day six months from now?

Jason: What?!

Alexis: Minimum.

Jason: What are you talking about? I got to get out of here and stop him.

Alexis: By "him" I assume you mean Franco, and the "stop him" I assume means murder him.

Jason: You don't know what he did.

Alexis: Then tell me, because I can't get you out of here unless you do. I'm good about washing my face.

Sonny: Mrs. Lucchesi, right? It's been--it's been a long time. How are you?

Kate: Hello, Mrs. Lucchesi. How are you? We're just here visiting our old stomping grounds.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Yeah, Alva Esposito said she saw you hanging around where he used to live, Connie.

Kate: Oh, it's Kate now.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Oh, I know. I see your name in your magazines. I'm a subscriber.

Kate: Oh, that's lovely to hear. Thank you.

Mrs. Lucchesi: I used to take couture, but it's gone downhill since you left.

Kate: Yeah, well, I'm biased, but I have to agree.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Your mother used to show me all your articles. She was so proud of you.

Kate: She was?

Mrs. Lucchesi: Oh, yeah. And look at you--such elegance, such style--a sense of real style. You were always different from the other girls, Connie. Your mother used to tell me you were gonna make something of yourself.

Kate: Well, I hope I can live up to her faith in me.

Mrs. Lucchesi: So I have to wonder what you're doing sitting on a park bench with this trash.

Maggie: We both know why you brought me here from Memphis and pushed me to the head of the list of Pediatric candidates.

Steve: Because you're that good.

Maggie: [Laughing] Uh-huh. You didn't even get approval from your boss first.

Steve: I knew Robin would trust my judgment. And she's actually our ex-boss for the time being. She's been relieved of her duties as Chief, thanks to Lisa. At least until the investigation's over.

Maggie: Oh. I guess that makes sense. It's a real black eye for this hospital, having so many staff members on the suspect list. It's probably only gonna get worse before it gets better. You undermine confidence in the staff, having their personal lives looked at with such close scrutiny, the police looking into their past. Does that worry you?

[Pager beeping]

Robin: [Crying]

Maggie: Oh. I'm--I'm sorry.

Robin: It's o...

Dante: Go home, ma, okay? Go lay down.

Delores: Why don't you tell us why it was so important for you to come back to the boat and get this necklace? Unless you were worried it would be a clue that would tie you to the murder.

Olivia: That necklace was very special to me. It happens to have been a gift from my aunt Theresa.

Delores: Yet you didn't come back for it sooner. You didn't even call the police to see if they had found it.

Dante: Okay, what's with you?

Delores: Just trying to keep my eyes on the facts!

Olivia: The facts are that I remember that I lost the necklace when I was here on this boat smelling those same boat fumes, okay? That necklace has a lot of religious and personal significance to me.

Dante: Okay. I'm sorry, Mom. You--you can't have the necklace back tonight 'cause it has to go into evidence. I'm sorry.

Olivia: Yeah. You, me, God, and Aunt Theresa. And, you...I got my eyes on you. You keep your hands off my kid. He's taken.

Alexis: There's more to this story. There always is with you. So, why don't you tell me something that I can use with the judge?

Jason: Franco ruined the honeymoon.

Alexis: Bad Mexican food can ruin a honeymoon. Give me more.

Jason: Franco's here. Isn't--isn't that enough?

Alexis: Not for a judge.

Jason: Well, what about Sam's mother? Franco's in Port Charles, I'm locked up, she's out there. If you don't think Franco's gonna hurt her--

Alexis: Oh, I think he could hurt her. Why do you think I was so worried about her marrying you in the first place?

Jason: We don't have time for this, Alexis!

Alexis: Really? It's not like you're going anywhere!

Jason: Well, I don't need you to make a point! I need you to get me out so I can protect Sam! She's gonna go after him to make him pay!

Alexis: Pay for what? Pay for what, Jason?! Look, I'm trying to help you, and I'm very worried about my daughter.

Jason: Then get me out.

Alexis: I can't get you out unless you tell me the whole story!

Sam: [Sighs]

Michael: Hey. You all right?

Sam: I got to go. I-I-I got to go right now, actually.

Michael: Where? To shoot somebody?

Sam: It's...a-a case I'm working on, Michael, and I-I-I-I've got to go, and I've got to go right now.

Michael: This is exactly what Jason doesn't want, Sam. He sent me to check on you. What are you doing?

Michael: Franco's DVD for Jason, which I'm guessing you already watched.

Sonny: You know what, Mrs. Lucchesi? This is a public park. Kate and I have every right to be here.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Why don't you remind me that you were the one who donated the money to have it refurbished?

Kate: You did?

Sonny: know what? This is a-a nice place for family and kids to come. I just wanted to make sure everything was safe.

Kate: That's very generous of you.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Oh, I'm sure he's got the money.

Kate: Mrs. Lucchesi, you might not approve of Sonny, but you don't have to be rude.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Do you have any idea what he's done to this neighborhood since he made it a part of his so-called territory?

Sonny: There was crime long before I got here. And from what I hear, there's a lot less crime, so what are you talking about?

Mrs. Lucchesi: I'm talking about how a thug is still a thug no matter how nice he dresses or how many parks he refurbishes.

Kate: You know what, Sonny? Let's just get out of here.

Sonny: No, no. Hold on. Hold on. I bought this park, all right? And I'm gonna leave when I damn well please. And if you want to criticize me, maybe you should think about there are, you know, alternatives. Well, there are other people who--who do what I do, and they wouldn't be as polite as I am.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Oh, I see. So we should be grateful that our mob kingpin has such beautiful manners.

Kate: You haven't seen Sonny in 20 years, Mrs. Lucchesi. You have no idea what he's been through or the choices he's made. You have no right to judge him or me.

Mrs. Lucchesi: I am speaking for your mother. This is why she wanted you to leave Bensonhurst. This is why she never minded that you changed your name and you pretended that you didn't know who she was--so you would get away from these neighborhood guys, and this one was the worst. What are you doing with him again?

Alexis: Start talking.

Jason: Franco was in Hawaii when Sam and I were there.

Alexis: I got that information. What else?

Jason: He was watching us.

Alexis: What do you mean, he was watching you? Did you see him? Was he--

Jason: He had cameras...all over our place, and he was--he was recording things.

Alexis: God, I can't imagine how creepy that must have been.

Jason: No, you can't, and that's why I have to get out of here, because I'm afraid Sam's gonna try to handle things on her own, and we don't know what Franco's gonna do.

Alexis: Okay. I'm--I'm on this, all right? I will--I will do whatever I can to get you out. I'll use whatever legal tactic I can think of. Y-you need to get the police involved.

Jason: I can't. They're not gonna find him if he wants me to find him. That's the deal.

Alexis: Do you have guards on her?

Jason: Yes, I do have guards--

Alexis: Then stop, Jason. Stop, all right? Just let me do my job.

[Door closes]

Michael: So, what's on the DVD?

Sam: Just more of the same. None of it really made any sense.

Michael: Okay, had to be more than that or you wouldn't be armed, storming out the door. Which wouldn't be very smart, honestly.

Sam: I have to do something.

Michael: Look, I know that you're pissed off right now, okay? I've been there. But you have to be smart, use your head, be patient. Make that the one thing you have going for you. Look, I was able to see Jason, okay? I talked to him.

Sam: You did? What did he say?

Michael: I know why you two are so upset and why you want to make Franco pay so bad. It's about the rape. Does Franco talk about it in the DVD?

Sam: Uh...

Michael: You know what? Never mind. It doesn't matter what he has to say about me. He's just trying to mess with Jason. Look, I don't want you and Jason to tear yourselves up over this. I mean, I already have. I mean, it was eating me alive. I-I couldn't feel anything but hate, anger towards carter, Franco, myself. And I was pissed off at the whole world for just going on like normal when I felt so different and--and...damaged. But fortunately for me, I had Abby. I mean, she just grabbed me and held on, and then she brought me back. You know, I...but I have Abby like you have Jason, somebody that you feel that safe with, who can get you through anything.

Dante: She's just Italian. That's how Italian mothers are.

Delores: Protective of their baby boys?

Dante: Yeah. Look, just don't take it to heart or anything, okay?

Delores: I didn't. I'm afraid you might be.

Dante: [Chuckles] Wow.

Ethan: Come out, come out wherever you are. Hello? You still here?

Mrs. Lucchesi: You made a beautiful life for yourself. Why would you risk it all by getting tangled up with this criminal?

Sonny: 'Cause maybe she likes me.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Well, maybe she should have better sense.

Sonny: You know what? With all due respect, you don't know us anymore, so you have--you're in no position to criticize us or even--even talk to us right now.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Really?

Sonny: Yeah, really.

Mrs. Lucchesi: I read the papers. I know that Connie--excuse me, Kate--I know that Kate was shot on what was supposed to be your wedding day--shot! You should do what your mother wanted. You should get away from him.

Kate: You're not my mother, and you don't speak for her, all right?! And if she was here, I would tell her to mind her own business and that I'm gonna do whatever the hell I damn want! And I would hope that she could appreciate that people can change, Mrs. Lucchesi, that Sonny's more than his bad reputation.

Mrs. Lucchesi: Reputations are earned. His certainly was. I will light a candle for you, Miss.

Kate: Why don't you do that?

Mrs. Lucchesi: I will, because you're gonna need it.

Kate: Can you believe her? [Scoffs] You all right?

Sonny: Why wouldn't I be?

Kate: Hey.

Sonny: Hmm?

Kate: I know what she said wasn't true, but it doesn't mean it didn't make it hurt.

Sonny: Yeah, but she was right about one thing, that, you know, I am a criminal. And your parents didn't want you anywhere near me, and I almost got you killed at the wedding, so, you know, maybe this is just--you think maybe we should just do something about that?

Kate: Look at me. You trying to break up with me, huh? Is that what you're trying to do?

Sonny: Come on.

Kate: Well, I'm not gonna let you do that.

Sonny: Okay. You know what? Um...I should be the one to walk away, but I'm too selfish. I don't know where this is going or where we're headed...but I'm not gonna let some busybody lady, you know, from the past tell us what choices to make.

Kate: That's right.

Sonny: Or what to do, what not to do, you know what I mean?

Kate: You know what? And if anyone else wants to stand up and judge us, you know what we're gonna tell them? "Mind your own business. We're gonna do whatever we want."

Sonny: The hell with them.

Kate: The hell with them.

Robin: Hey. Sorry, I should probably explain what you just walked in on.

Maggie: No, it's cool. It's really none of my business. I mean, you went into the conference room for privacy, and I just barged right on in without even knocking. Sorry.

Robin: It's okay. I'm just--just dealing with a lot right now.

Maggie: I get it. It's really… [Chuckles] You know, if you were a 3-year-old, I could make you a hand puppet out of a surgical glove and give you a lollipop.

Robin: I bet you get good results with that one.

Maggie: Oh, yes. Worked like a charm on your daughter.

Robin: Oh, you met Emma?

Maggie: Yeah, Patrick brought her in here one night when she wasn't feeling well.

Robin: Oh, yeah. He does that.

Maggie: She's beautiful. She was so cute. She had all of her little stuffed animals just lined up right in a row.

Robin: Oh, thank you. Yeah, Patrick, he said that she really liked her doctor, but he didn't mention that it was you.

Maggie: How gentlemanly of him. And I apologize for calling you a battle-ax.

Robin: [Chuckles] He didn't mention that, either.

Maggie: Oh. Oh, so, uh--mm--uh...well, now I'm really sorry...and embarrassed. Shame on me for making snap judgments. I-I tend to do that sometimes.

Robin: It's okay. We all do it. And, uh, I know that I can be overbearing. [Chuckles] Believe me, I've been called a lot worse than a battle-ax. Trust me.

Maggie: I'm sorry I can't cure, um, whatever's in that file, whatever's making you upset. At least I made you smile, right? Here.

Robin: [Chuckles]

Maggie: Worth a shot.

Robin: Definitely. Definitely worth a shot.

Maggie: See you later, Ax.

Michael: So, what was on the DVD? Did you watch the whole thing?

Sam: Yeah.

Michael: And?

Sam: And I was right. Just more of the same thing--Franco trying to taunt Jason.

Michael: Okay, well, it's a good thing we got to it first. That way maybe we can avoid setting Jason off again.

Sam: Again?

Michael: Yeah. Uh, Floyd came to the PCPD, said he was gonna mention me in an article he was writing about Jason, saying I deserved to be back in prison, and then Jason went off. I've never seen him--

Sam: Okay, well--well, t-that proves that he should not see the DVD right now. I mean, my first instinct was to smash it in pieces, and I...I don't know. I-I watched it because I thought maybe we were missing something, a-a clue or...

Michael: There's nothing Jason can do about it when he's locked up.

Sam: Yeah, I know, and that's where I should be--with my husband.

Michael: He doesn't--he doesn't want you at the PCPD. He wants you to stay here where it's safe.

Sam: Safe? W-what's safer than a police station?

Michael: I think he's afraid he's gonna go off again, and this time, in front of you. It's the anger thing. I mean, I-I had the same thing when I came out of my coma. I mean, has he--has he got examined since he's been out of the hospital?

Sam: No.

[Cell phone rings]

Michael: Oh. It's Abby. Hey. How's the business trip going?

Abby: So far, so good. Do you have time to talk?

Michael: Yeah, yeah. Um, I'm at Sam's. She's--she's right here. We're actually just talking about you.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Michael: I miss you.

Abby: Oh, miss you, too. Can't wait to get home and see you.

Pres: I hear your daughter Kristina is at Yale now. Congratulations. You must be very proud.

Alexis: You're checking up on me?

Pres: Why? Is it supposed to be a secret, like the fact that you're working for Sonny again?

Alexis: That's not a secret.

Pres: Good. Then you won't mind if I do a front-page article about you being on retainer to Kristina's father, Sonny Corinthos, and at the same time defending your son-in-law, Jason Morgan, his enforcer. Actually, that would make a good series of articles. "All in the mob family." What do you think?

Alexis: I think I'm doing a disservice to my wrapped fish.

Pres: [Sighs] Well, I'm sure that the article will be a big hit with Kristina's sorority sisters.

Alexis: [Sighs] What do you want?

Pres: What would you say to a date?

Alexis: "No."

Pres: Why the cold shoulder?

Alexis: Why the warm, fuzzy invitation?

Pres: We only had one night together.

Alexis: I know. It's a night I'm trying to forget.

Pres: But you haven't. Look, that night, it was a mistake, all right, only because I was a married man. Our time was rushed. It was filled with guilt. Alexis, you don't know me, but, uh, you have clued in on one thing. I-I am lonely.

Alexis: That is so hot.

Pres: [Sighs] Come on. We're both single, attractive...

Alexis: I'm spoken for.

Pres: Really? Who's the lucky guy?

Alexis: Mac Scorpio.

Pres: Really? Well, huh, good for you. He's, uh--good for both of you. Mac's a good guy. Well, that must make for interesting pillow talk--the Commissioner and the mouthpiece. What a great perspective for an article. Look, why don't the three of us get together for drinks and--and we can talk about it? Hey, I'll give Mac a call. I'll set something up. Thanks.

Dante: Hey, Padilla, you remember I didn't want a partner, right? And if I did want a partner, I wouldn't have asked for you. Ronnie just put us together to--to punish me.

Delores: [Speaks Spanish]

Dante: Excuse me?

Delores: Ronnie. And I didn't want to be your partner, either, okay?

Dante: [Chuckles] Huh. That's--that's really odd. I could have sworn I put that, uh, evidence-room key right here in this drawer, and, uh, and now it's not there.

Delores: Listen, I'm--I'm sorry about this thing with your mother. I-I sounded too harsh back there. I--she just caught me off guard, you know, warning me about not putting my hands on you. Wh--I felt like I was 14 again.

Dante: I know. She can do that.

Delores: She really still do your laundry?

Dante: I'll talk to her, okay?

Delores: No. Please don't, because then she's gonna think I said something. It'll be worse. And I just don't want to make things...look. Here it is. It must have gotten knocked off your desk or something.

Dante: Well, thank you.

Delores: You're welcome. So, are we cool?

Dante: Yeah. Yeah, we're cool.

Delores: Good. I'll talk to you later, then.

Dante: Mm-hmm.

Abby: I'm heading over to the ELQ meeting right now.

Michael: Good. You excited?

Abby: Yeah. I think I'm actually gonna get to put some of my paralegal skills to work. Should be fun. Oh, excuse me.

Michael: Who was that?

Abby: Oh, just some random guy who almost ran into me. It's pretty crazy here. It's like everybody's Christmas shopping at once. I'm gonna have to go in a sec. I'm running kind of late 'cause I had to do a little shopping of my own. I got you something. I think you're gonna love it.

Michael: Oh, yeah? Well, you didn't have to do that. But I'm looking forward to seeing you. And you just, uh, give me a call after the meeting, okay? I want to hear how it went.

Abby: I will. And you know what? I was actually thinking, I mean, maybe if--if you have some time, you could fly out here and we could just spend a few--

[Metallic crash]


Michael: Abby? Abby? Abby, what was that noise? Abby?

[Door opens]

Jason: What's wrong?

Robin: I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be bothering you right now.

Jason: It's okay. Just tell--tell me. What is it?

Robin: I need your help.

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