Days Transcript Thursday 1/23/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 1/23/20


Episode #13694 ~ A guilt-ridden Will confides in JJ. Kristen's entire world is shattered. Justin informs Sonny that Adrienne has died. Victor and Xander make a fateful decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: You should have made ciara promise to keep our secret.

Xander: And you shouldn't have told her anything in the first place.

Victor: I had no choice. I was about to lose my granddaughter.

Xander: Well, now you might lose everything. I mean, my god, the consequences if she talks, and not just for us, for a lot of people.

Victor: I know, damn it.

Xander: Well, you better start praying that she keeps quiet. Because if she doesn't, all hell is gonna break loose.

Victor: Doing everything I could to protect maggie, now it could all blow up in my face.

[Baby crying]

Sarah: Isn't she beautiful?

Xander: I've agreed with you the last 11 times you've said that.

Sarah: Oh, it's the mother in me. I guess I'm never gonna lose the doctor in me either. I was so scared when she didn't cry at first. That's not a very nice way to come into the world now, is it?

[Baby crying]

Xander: Okay, I'm gonna bring my car around and get you to the hospital.

Sarah: Xander? I'm so sorry that I said that I didn't want you in the delivery room. 'Cause thank god you were here.

Xander: Just thank the doctor that told me what to do.

Sarah: I wish I could have helped adrienne more.

Xander: Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be fine.

Sonny: How did you know to come, that I needed you? Did jj call you too?

Will: No. When your mom had her accident, I was there.

Sonny: You--you saw it? You--you saw what happened?

Will: Not exactly.

Kristen: She's choking. Our baby is choking. Where the hell is the doctor?

Haley: She's here now; it's okay.

Brady: Relax. Relax.

Dr. Raynor: The baby's heart rate beat is still decelerating. We're gonna need to deliver now.

Kristen: No! My baby--my baby can't die! She can't die! Do you hear me?

Haley: You are not gonna lose this baby, okay? Dr. Raynor is the best.

Dr. Raynor: Kristen, I need you to push, hard.

Kristen: Okay. Okay.

Haley: Don't vocalize, okay? Just squeeze my hand and push.

Dr. Raynor: Good. Good. Good.

Kristen: Ahh!

Dr. Raynor: Kristen, one more big push.

Haley: Okay, deep breath.

Dr. Raynor: If she doesn't deliver immediately, we're gonna have to prep for a c-section. Mr. Black, you'll have to leave.

Kristen: No!

Haley: Don't vocalize.

Dr. Raynor: The baby's crowning.

Haley: Did you hear that, ms. Dimera? The baby's crowning. You can do this, okay? Just one big push and you get to hold your baby.

Kristen: Ahh! Ohh!

Dr. Raynor: There we go. There we go.

Brady: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

[Baby crying] Oh, my god.

Dr. Raynor: Say happy birthday to your baby girl.

Brady: Happy mother's day. You did it. You did it.

Kristen: We did it.

Jj: Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't get you guys in with adrienne. First babies don't usually come that quickly.

Xander: She's impatient, like her mother.

Jj: A girl, that's great.

Haley: A lot of babies this mother's day. I got to take your little one to the nursery to get checked out if that's okay. But as soon as she gets her clean bill of health, I'll bring her back. She's so beautiful. Then again, all babies are.

Jj: Do you have any news on adrienne?

Haley: No, I don'T. I know she was in pretty bad shape when you brought her in.

Jj: Yeah. Praying for a miracle here.

Sonny: I don't understand. You were there, but you didn't see the accident?

Will: I'm the one who called 911. But I didn't see it, because--sonny, I don't know--i don't know how to say this.

Justin: Sonny.

Sonny: Dad?

Justin: Your mother's gone. We lost her.

Sonny: What?

Justin: We lost her.

Sonny: Oh, my god.


Brady: She really is.

Kristen: Brady. I'm so sorry that you weren't there when tate was born. I know that was horrible of me.

Brady: Oh, no, no. Don'T. You don't--we don't have to go there, talk about that right now.

Kristen: I wasn't always so awful. I wasn'T. I remember when I was a social worker, and coaching baseball teams, and leading church retreats. I just always wondered what happened with that woman. I know what happened. My first child died, and everything changed. And I was so desperate, I stole tate. Brady... this is everything I've always wanted.

Brady: You have--you have a beautiful little girl. That's what you have.

Kristen: Oh, I just--I wish I felt I deserved her.

Brady: Look at me. You do. You do. You are gonna be a wonderful mother. I've been watching the way that you've been looking at her. She's a lucky little girl.

Kristen: Honestly, I don't think that's true. She's lucky to have a dad like you. You are so loving and so generous. And I also know that I have never been happier or more in love than I am at this moment.

Xander: Are you in any pain from the accident?

Sarah: I'm just a little achy here and there. But the doctor said I'm gonna be fine, and the baby is gonna be fine. Let's just be happy.

Xander: Oh, I am, very happy.

Sarah: My mom is gonna be so excited. Wait, where is she?

Xander: What?

Sarah: My mom. She said she was gonna follow me to the hospital after she finished up with summer. Where is she?

Victor: Thank god you weren't hurt. Thank god everything turned out all right.

Sonny: She was so happy today... with her mother's day gifts. She was so grateful.

Justin: Yes, she was.

Sonny: Yeah. I just can't--like, I just--how is this--she was here, dad. I mean, she was fine. And I just don't understand it. I don't understand why this happened.

Justin: I don't either. But one thing I do know is that kayla said that after she passed out, she never regained consciousness again, and that she was not in any pain.

Sonny: Well, thank god-- thank god for that, that she didn't know. She didn't know, right, dad? She was just thinking, like, "I'm gonna--I'm gonna come to in a little while, and everyone is gonna be there, and we're gonna be by her side, and we're gonna be happy that she's okay." That's what she was thinking, right?

Justin: Yes. Yeah. Yes. I think so too. I think so too.

[Knock at door]

Kayla: Do you guys want to say good-bye?

[Somber music]

Sonny: [Sobbing] Oh, dad.

Justin: Come on. I know. I know.

Sonny: [Sobbing]

Justin: Ohh.

Sonny: [Sobbing]

Justin: Come on.

Sonny: [Sobbing]

Sarah: Why are you looking at me like that?

Xander: Sarah! Maggie. Maggie, are you all right? Victor sent me a text. Maggie's not feeling very well, so he decided she should stay home tonight.

Sarah: Oh, so the patriarch decided that she didn't need to see her own granddaughter? Is something else going on? Did summer do something?

Xander: I don't know, but there's nothing to worry about. Your mom was thrilled to hear about the baby. She just needs some sleep, and she'll come see you in the morning.

Sarah: Does she know about the accident?

Xander: I--I don't think so.

Sarah: Good. Good. She would worry about it.

Xander: Sarah? Before the accident, did you see the other car? The driver?

Sarah: Not really. I mean, it was dark, and like I said, I think it was a black car, but I was pretty focused on adrienne. Xander, why haven't we heard anything about her?

Xander: I'll go find out if you promise to get some rest.

Sarah: I am pretty tired.

Xander: Well, gee, I wonder why. Sarah was wondering about adrienne; is she all right?

Kayla: Um... she, uh... her injuries were too massive. She didn't make it.

Xander: No.

Kayla: I heard that sarah and the baby are good. So I'll be by to see them, okay? Excuse me.

[Line trilling]

Victor: What?

Xander: It's really bad. Adrienne's dead, and I think maggie's the one that killed her.

Jj: Hey, will, are you okay? What?

Will: You don't know? I'm so sorry, jj.

Jj: Aunt adrienne? What?

Will: She died, and it's my fault.

Victor: We have to make sure maggie never finds out what really happened.

Will: It was me. I ran them off the road. I killed sonny's mom.

Sonny: Dad, it looks like she's sleeping. How can this have happened? Why was she even on the road?

Justin: Sarah was in labor. She had to take her to the hospital, her last good deed.

Sonny: But it's mother's day, and it should have been perfect for her. She just couldn't sit there and just enjoy it.

Justin: No, she couldn'T. That wasn't her.

Sonny: Oh, dad.

Jj: What do you mean, it's your fault?

Will: I didn't just stop by and call 911. I was--I was involved. I was--I wanted to text my mom a happy mother's day message, and I didn't want it to be too late, so I just-- I took my eyes off the road for a second-- just a second--and then I heard the horns blare, and I saw lights, and I swerved. And I didn't think I went into the other lane, but I must have, because I looked back, and I saw that adrienne had--had crashed.

Jj: Okay, but sarah said the car was black. Your car is gray.

Will: It had to have been me. There were no other cars on the road. I mean, who else could it have been?

Victor: You said it was maggie. It was will.

Xander: No, no. He didn't see maggie's car. It had already gone off the road into the brush. He thinks he killed adrienne, but he didn'T.

Victor: And he's gonna keep thinking that.

Xander: But--

Victor: Shut up. Best for maggie if no one knows what really happened. So no one will.

Xander: I don't know about this.

Victor: I do, damn it. Maggie were find out what she really did, it would kill her.

Xander: But what about will? That would be involuntary manslaughter; that's prison.

Victor: I don't mean to tell you what to do.

Xander: Well, it sure sounds like it.

Victor: I'm begging you, please help me. It was summer--that recyclable bit of california trash--that sent maggie over the edge this time. But before that it was me. I was to blame. And you're the one that brought her back. You saved her. Please tell me you'll do that again.

Xander: Of course, I will.

Brady: You look so beautiful. I want to get her face in.

[Knock at door] Come in.

Haley: Hello.

Brady: Hi.

Haley: Hi.

Brady: We're doing a photo shoot.

Haley: Do you want me to take one of the three of you?

Kristen: Yeah.

Brady: Yes, yes. Thank you.

Haley: Of course. Aww, looks like I don't have to tell anybody to smile.

Brady: We're smiling.

Haley: Beautiful.

Brady: Did you get it? That's great.

Haley: Aww. And that bracelet. My god, it's so pretty.

Kristen: Oh, thank you.

Haley: Yeah.

Kristen: Brady got it for me.

Haley: Oh, what a lucky woman. So does the baby have a name yet?

Kristen: Well, we... we wanted to meet her first.

Haley: That makes sense. Well, I would hate to ruin this lovely moment, but I am here to take your vitals.

Kristen: Oh.

Brady: It's got to be done. I'm gonna step out for just a little bit, just a little bit. I promise. I promise. I promise.

Kristen: It's okay.

Brady: Here, give here one of those.

Haley: That man is besotted with that baby.

Kristen: Ah, me too.

Haley: Well, it looks like you're doing great.

Kristen: I feel wonderful.

Haley: Well, that's good to hear. But if you're having any post-partum cramps or any discomfort, just let me know and we'll get you the pain meds. Okay?

Kristen: Haley, I, um... from the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank you for all your help.

Haley: It's my job. And I don't think you're gonna want to thank me for taking your baby, but I need to get her to the nursery to get her checked out, so...

Kristen: Oh, no, no, no, no. Why? I mean, can't you see she's just perfect?

Haley: She is, but we're just gonna confirm the fact, okay?

Kristen: Okay. I'm gonna give you that. You'll be right back, my love. Okay?

[Baby coos]

Haley: Oops. Hi.

Kristen: There we go. Bye-bye. Momma loves you.

Haley: See momma. Be right back.

Xander: Well, since it seems the situation with maggie seems to be in hand for now, I think I'm going to see my--see sarah's baby.

Victor: I'll go with you. You know, at least the baby was born healthy. It's a shame what happened to adrienne, but if maggie had hurt her own grandchild, she'd never be able to live with that.

Justin: I remember the first time I saw your mother. She was all alone sitting on a park bench. She was crying. Hi. What's wrong?

Adrienne: Nothing.

Justin: Okay. Maybe you can use this?

Adrienne: No, thank you. I'm fine.

Justin: You sure?

Adrienne: I just want to be alone, please.

Justin: Sure. I understand. Well, if you change your mind... and I felt like a knight in shining armor.

Sonny: You gave a handkerchief to that fair lady. It wasn't the first time I heard that story, dad.

Justin: Wish I had one right now. But you know what? The whole thing was a basic bait and switch, because she saved me. She went through so much crap growing up, and yet she was so damn strong... like we need to be now.

Xander: Where is she? Is everything all right? I'm the father.

Dr. Raynor: The baby seems to be in some distress. Her neurological reflexes are sluggish.

[Monitor beeping]

Xander: What's going on? What was that? What happened?

[Tense music]

Will: Um... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know you must hate me right now.

Jj: I'm in no position to judge anyone. And I know what you're going through.

Will: How is--how's sarah and the baby?

Jj: I think she's fine. When they brought sarah in, she had the baby in her arms.

Will: Okay. Thank god.

Jj: Will, you have to tell the police what you told me.

Will: I will, but I need to talk to sonny first.

Sonny: Dad, should I call my brothers?

Justin: No. No, no, no, no, no. No, they need to hear this from me.

Sonny: You know the one thing that I couldn't figure out? Is how someone who grew up in such a horrible family but could still be a great mom. It's not like the four of us were saints.

Justin: She thought you were. She was right.

Sonny: [Sobbing]

Dr. Raynor: Come on.

Xander: Don't stop! You can't stop!

Dr. Raynor: I'm sorry. The trauma from the accident. I couldn't do anything.

Xander: No. Oh, no. Please, no.

Jj: I have to call my dad. Tell him.

Will: Right. Yeah.

Jj: You gonna be okay if i leave you alone?

Will: Jj, I'm the last person you should be worried about right now.

Jj: Just hang in there, okay?

Will: What choice do I have?

Xander: Everybody said she was healthy.

Dr. Raynor: No one could have known. No one could have done anything. I am sorry. Would you like a moment alone with your daughter? I'll be right outside.

Xander: I loved you so much.

Victor: My god. Maggie killed her own granddaughter.

Xander: What are we gonna tell her?

Victor: We're not.

Brady: God, you were amazing. You were a rock star. You really are.

Kristen: I'm a mother, brady. We have a baby girl.

Brady: We have a beautiful, beautiful baby girl. I got to call my dad. I got to tell him.

Kristen: Oh, no, no, no, no.

Brady: I got to give him the good news.

Kristen: Oh, then hurry back, please? Nurse chen's gonna come by and bring our sweet little baby so we can hold her.

Brady: Oh, I wouldn't miss that for the world. I'll be right back.

Kristen: Okay.


Brady: I want to stay.

Kristen: No, no. You have to.

Brady: Hey.

Kristen: Huh?

Brady: I love you.

Kristen: I love you too. Ohh.

Xander: What do you mean we're not gonna tell maggie? Gonna blame will for this too?

Victor: No.

Xander: Then what?

Justin: I thank god I got to say everything I needed to say to her before. And I thank god that I put a ring on her finger and that we said I love you to each other every night.

Sonny: I just hope I said it enough. I just hope that I told her enough just how much she's the best mom in the world. And every time I was sad or I was hopeless for any reason she was there for me. I just had to think of her and I'd be okay. I had a mom that cared so much. Good-bye, mom. I love you. I just want you to know that, and I hope I told you that I love you enough.

Justin: Until we meet again, my beautiful adrienne.

Haley: What a horrible night. Now I have to go check the vitals of a woman who just heard the worst news in the world.

Jj: Yeah. I had plans for us today, but maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Haley: It couldn't be worse.

Kayla: Justin, I, um...

Justin: [Sobbing] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Sonny: Thank god I have you. Oh, thank god you're here.

Will: Sonny, I need to tell you something.

Sonny: Right now?

Will: Yeah. I was at the accident, 'cause I caused it. It is my fault that your mother is dead.

Victor: When you wake up tomorrow, you're going to have a new granddaughter. And please, god, no memory of what happened tonight.

[Baby crying]

Sarah: You were gone a long time. Is the baby okay?

Xander: She's perfect.

Sarah: Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.

Brady: Dad. Dad, I've got great news.

[Knock at door]

Kristen: Yes. Where's my baby?

Haley: Dr. Raynor isn't here.

Kristen: No, why--I mean, why would she be?

Haley: She--she needs to talk to you.

Kristen: About what? Where's my baby? You said you were gonna bring her back here so that I could hold her. What are you not saying to me? What are you not telling me?

Haley: I'll--I'll go get her. Okay.

Kristen: You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my baby.

Haley: Let me go find your doctor, okay?

Kristen: No. No, no, no. You answer me. Tell me, where is my baby girl?

Haley: I was just in the nicu. And unfortunately, there were complications.

Kristen: What kind of complications?

Haley: Kristen--

Kristen: No. I need you to tell me, please. Tell me, please.

Haley: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I'm afraid that your baby didn't make it.

Kristen: No. No. No. No.

Haley: The doctors, they tried everything that they could. They really did. But your baby's gone, kristen. I'm so sorry.

Kristen: You're sorry? Oh, god, you're sorry? Do you know--do you know--do you know how long I have wanted this child?

Haley: Yes. Yes. I understand. But just let me go find kayla, okay?

Kristen: You--ahh! You don't understand, you little bitch! You were supposed to be watching my baby! You were supposed to keep her safe!

Haley: Ahh!

Kristen: Ahh!

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