This show is aimed at high school kids, so I'm definitely
not their target audience. It seems pretty good to me, for a
kids' show. I watched "Degrassi Junior High" back in the
80's, and I really enjoyed it. That was a very realistic
teen drama. I read that there were many other Degrass shows
that I didn't watch. I wouldn't say that this current show
is very realistic.
In fact, when I was watching the first episode with my
husband, we jokingly referred to it as "Beverly Hills N9O
2I0." It seems like your typical teen high school show. We
meet the characters in the first episode. One girl is still
sad because her boyfriend broke up with her over the summer.
Two gay boys are running for class president; they both used
to date, but one dates girls as well. Another girl running
is Muslim. One girl wants her lab partner to like her.
Typical teen stories. Some of the characters seem a bit
exaggerated, and not in a good way.
If you're a kid, or a teen, or a fan of the other
Degrassi shows, you may like it. I certainly won't be
watching it again because it's not very interesting or funny
or intriguing. It's just a teen soap without much to hate or
like about it.
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