Interview with Jacob Young of "Killer Vacation" and "Bold & The Beautiful" - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

Jacob Young

Interview with Jacob Young of "Killer Vacation" on Lifetime Movie Network 11/19/18

I really enjoyed speaking with Jacob. He was so nice, and very professional. He recently left "Bold & The Beautiful" (technically, he's on recurring status), where he played Rick. I really miss him on there. He is doing so many great things now, though. I hope he comes back to the show, but whatever works out for him is best.

He and Alexa Havins (who played his wife, Babe, on "All My Children") are starring in this Lifetime movie; they play a couple having a baby, who are on vacation. It's a great way for their fans to see them again.

Below are the questions I asked (more or less). The transcript should be up tomorrow. Here's the edited audio of our call. There were some possible spoilers for "Bold & The Beautiful" that I edited out, plus a dead spot in the middle when he went to check on something. Because the spoilers were at the end, it ends rather abruptly.

Suzanne: How are you doing?

Jacob: I'm doing good. Thanks for reaching out.

Suzanne: Oh, yeah, no, I'm actually a big fan of yours. I saw you on all the soaps.

Jacob: Thanks.

Suzanne: I actually met you in 2001 at the GH weekend.

Jacob: Okay, wow, throwing it back a little bit.

Suzanne: I know, right? Also, I have your first CD.

Jacob: Oh, right on. Awesome.

Suzanne: So I'm a fan, but I'm also an interviewer.

Jacob: That's great.

Suzanne: So I'm looking forward to this movie. I didn't get a copy of it ahead of time, I apologize. They never sent it to me. Usually I like to have that.

Jacob: They didn't send it to me either. I've been trying to get them to send me the trailer so I could start promoting it on my social media for the rest of this week.

Suzanne: Oh, right.

Jacob: But I reached out to the producer, and he said he's going to work on getting it to me. You'd think they would just be automatic.

Suzanne: Yeah.

Jacob: Here's the press kit, send this out, and utilize it.

Suzanne: Yeah, having worked with a lot of different networks and their PR people and whatnot, it's amazing. Some of them get it right, others don't and you just never know what's going on.

Jacob: Right.

Suzanne: So how did the movie come about for you and having Alexa as your co-star?

Jacob: I don't know who was asked first, but I also didn't know that it was Alexa that was starring in it, and vice versa until literally - I assumed it was somebody who had been in Lifetime movies or somebody who was a fairly known actor, actress and I literally showed up to the production office in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I saw her picture next to mine and I put two and two together immediately and then she said the same thing. So it was just kinda ironic that we both didn't know.

Suzanne: Wow.

Jacob: But it was great because we have such a history. Trust me, I think there was a lot to do on the production end, reason why we were both in this movie. So I think they knew what they were doing, if you know what I mean.

Suzanne: Yeah Yeah, no. That's a good idea. I wish they would do this with more soap stars or actors that have been in soaps, if you prefer.

Jacob: Yeah, exactly. In common storylines, because it's kind of first for All My Children fans, it's a big deal.

Suzanne: Yeah.

Jacob: And it was good that they did that, so I was really pleased.

Suzanne: Yeah, I mean it makes sense you have a built-in audience for both of you that way.

Jacob: Yes.

Suzanne: So, when did you film the movie?

Jacob: We filmed this I want to say it was in the spring of this year and we were in Albuquerque and it wasn't crazy hot. I'm pretty sure it was the spring. It wasn't crazy hot yet.

Suzanne: Spring last year?

Jacob: Yeah, this last spring.

Suzanne: Oh, okay. That's pretty cool.

Jacob: 2018. Yeah it's pretty fast turnaround actually.

Suzanne: Yeah. And how long did it take?

Jacob: These Lifetime movies, unless you're doing something crazy outside the box, they're pretty much all the same format. They're fifteen to twenty day shoots.

Suzanne: Okay.

Jacob: So given that we're used to shooting up to fifty pages a day, you know, they're like,. "well we move pretty fast" and I'm like, "you have no idea what fast is."

Suzanne: Right.

Jacob: I'm behind the ball. I missed the first phone call just by ten minutes.

Suzanne: Oh wow.

Jacob: And that was somebody else and I just told them I would call them back. So, we're good.

Suzanne: I understand I'm supposed to talk to Alexa in about three minutes so I'm ready behind you.

Jacob: Okay.

Suzanne: So let me repeat that question for you. I asked people on social media if they wanted me to ask you questions and Franny on Facebook asked me to ask you what it was like filming with Alexa again?

Jacob: It was like a reunion. Like a family reunion. It was crazy because we worked so closely for so many years and since All My Children, she left the show a few years before the show was actually off the air. But I saw her briefly. She just made this sudden visit I think in Las Angeles. But I hadn't really seen her in six years after that. So it was really nice to be working with her again.

Suzanne: It just was natural? Like you hadn't had any time pass? Or was it different?

Jacob: Yeah it was easy because you know after working together for so many years that chemistry is just immediate. We know each other's moods, we know each other typically delivery. When you've played every kind of storyline under the sun you can anticipate it and add on. So it's really comfortable.

Suzanne: Cool. Now have you done other Lifetime movies before?

Jacob: I did one a couple years back called The Imaginary Friend. It was several years ago, like four years ago. But I did this one and since then I have two other Lifetime movies that are coming out fairly shortly.

Suzanne: Oh wow!

Jacob: I have another film for theatrical release that's coming out and another project that I just wrapped up, a Hallmark movie.

Suzanne: Oh great!

Jacob: So, I've actually been pretty busy shooting films.

Suzanne: Is the theatrical one the one with Johnathan Bennett?

Jacob: Bennett. Yes, with Johnathan Bennett and it's a real ensemble cast. Obviously there's Oolee which is Alexa, Vega, Tina and him, but I have another storyline that takes place with my wife. He's kind of got this... it's not like he's a scrouge-stop-Christmas by any means, but he's just overwhelmed with work and the family kind of bombards him with basically needing to do Christmas at his house because there was a family emergency and he's just not prepared for it. So, that's the basic premise of it and it was a lot of fun. Pretty much worked on that almost every day at the shoot so it was a real ensemble cast.

Suzanne: Oh great! And fans will be happy about that, having two All My Children JR's in one movie.

Jacob: Yeah two JR's on one film. That's pretty ironic.

Suzanne: You need to get like all the actors that play JR in one movie, that would be really cool. Now from reading the description of the movie it sounded like the mystery was whether your character, Jake, is trying to kill his girlfriend or whether it's his ex-wife doing it. Is that pretty much the take on it?

Jacob: Yeah, that's what you're meant to believe is there's a bit of a confusion about what's happening truly as far as is my wife a really bad person? I'm married in to her family so I look to her father. He's the CEO, I'm president of the company and I'm not happy with my life and that's why I want out of it and she's threatening to leave me all the time and that's where the story starts out.

Suzanne: Okay, great. Was it fun playing the character?

Jacob: Yeah! Every time you step in front of a camera playing something different it's exciting and it wasn't like I haven't played this character in the past, but you're in a different setting, with slightly different perimeters and it becomes different. He's a totally different guy than I've ever played.

Suzanne: Cool.

Jacob: So it was nice.

Suzanne: And any fun stories? Anything you'd like to share about making the movie?

Jacob: I think just in general the hardest part about shooting these is there's a lot of changes that come across as far as the script is concerned. It could be changed every single day and in this particular film there was changes on every day.

Suzanne: Wow.

Jacob: Thank god for my training and Alexa's training and so we can maneuver laterally if we need to. We were able to adjust very quickly to the changes.

Suzanne: Good.

Jacob: I think that's probably the most memorable and the most difficult thing about these shoots.

Suzanne: Oh I hadn't heard that before, that's interesting. I did hear that Carla mostly is back filming on Bold and the Beautiful, do you think you'll ever be back there as Rick? Do you know?

Jacob: Well, The Bold and the Beautiful knows that if they need me then I would be there for them but they had had a change of story that wasn't majorly involving me. Of course Carla went back on, she was on maternity leave and she was still under contract at the time and is still under contract currently, so of course they wanted to make sure they live up to the contract. But I've heard that down the pike there might be something, actually pretty soon.

Suzanne: Oh!

Jacob: But, you know that could absolutely change.

Suzanne: Right

Jacob: You know I don't write the shows.

Suzanne: Yeah, sure.

Jacob: So I can't say what's going to happen.

Suzanne: Yeah. Actually, Bold & Beautiful is the only one I watch now regularly, I sort of keep up on the others, but I'm way behind, but I had actually watched it a long time ago but I started back because of the transgender story because it was so unusual and I really liked what you guys did with that.

Jacob: Yeah.

Suzanne: I read an interview you did the other day about it. About how they could have done more, and I agree with that, and your presence is really missed. Especially with all the stuff going on with Ridge and Bill because you know, one of the best things about your character, between you and Ridge, you give him such a hard time. I love that.

Jacob: I agree and I stand by everything I said about they could have done more. They started getting a little more timid and we already had received a lot of acknowledgement for the story from so many platforms and they just kind of backed off. They just took their foot off the accelerator and there was a lot of different ways the story could have gone, especially involving the Avant family. I was personally disappointed by that.

Suzanne: Yeah..




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Lindsey (Havins, “The Astronaut Wives Club”) and Jake (Jacob Young, “The Bold and The Beautiful”) have been together for two years, ever since he discovered his wife was having an affair.  When she finds out she is pregnant, he is thrilled and tells her they will get married the day his divorce is final.  He has to attend a business conference in New Mexico and invites Lindsey to join him for a romantic “babymoon.”

They check into an upscale resort and decide to go on a hike.  When Lindsey falls behind and can’t find Jake, she nearly falls to her death when the trail gives way!  When they return to the resort, they find that Jake’s soon to be ex-wife, Gwen (Avery Clyde, “SWAT”), has arrived to surprise Jake.  He insists to Lindsey that this is the perfect time to get her to sign divorce papers.  He will have them drafted and make sure she signs them before they leave. 

At dinner later than night, Lindsey has a freak accident that almost kills her.  She is saved by Chad, the yoga instructor at the resort.  Lindsey sees a woman who looks like Gwen walking away from the scene of the accident.  When she confronts her, Gwen insists she is only there to warn Lindsey.  There was no affair and there will be no divorce.  Jake sleeps with pretty young girls but when they get too close, he takes them on vacation and they never come back.

Is Gwen telling the truth or just trying to get Jake back?  Is Jake trying to kill the girlfriend he never intends to marry?  Whatever it is, it looks like the dream babymoon has turned from idyllic to deadly!



Raised on a cattle ranch in rural Washington state, Jacob Young is an Emmy-winning actor; 6x Emmy Nominee; best known for his starring roles as ‘Rick Forrester’ in The Bold and the Beautiful (1997-Present), ‘Lucky Spencer’ on ABC’s General Hospital (2001-2003) and ‘JR Chandler’ on ABC’s All My Children (2003-2011).  He was named “Sexiest Daytime Star” by People Magazine and at the closing of 2017 Hollywood Highlighted Jacob Young as best Daytime Leading man of 2017, reaching a global audience of 35 million viewers in 113 countries around the world.   Jacob made his Broadway debut, playing ‘Lumière’ in Disney's ‘Beauty and the Beast'-the show was extended six months due to critical success over his time on the show. Along with his acting career, he’s also an accomplished country singer-songwriter.  An avid outdoorsman, he lives between Utah and Los Angeles with his wife and three children.

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