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Interview with Clea Duvall of "The
Lizzie Borden Chronicles" on Lifetime 3/24/15
Clea is an amazing actress! She does a fabulous and
understated job in this show. It was so nice to speak with
her. She was great!
Moderator: Sony Publicity
March 24, 2015 1:00pm CT
Sony Publicity: Welcome to the Sony Pictures Television and
Lifetime Television Press Conference Call for The Lizzie
Borden Chronicles with Clea Duvall. Clea reprises her role
of Emma Borden, Lizzie’s sister, based on the hit Lifetime
and Sony movie Lizzie Borden Took an Ax, which aired in
January 2014.
The eight part limited series premieres on Sunday, April 5
at 10:00 pm ET/PT. Operator, please proceed with the call.
Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen participating, if
you’d like to register a question please press 1, 4 on your
telephone. You will hear a three-tone prompt to acknowledge
your request. If your question has already been answered and
you want to withdraw your registration, please press 1, 3.
Please be sure to lift your speakerphone before - I’m sorry.
Be sure to lift your handset before entering your request.
I see our first question comes from the line of (Jamie
Ruby). One moment here. (Jamie Ruby), your line is open.
Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi thanks for talking to us today.
Clea Duvall: Thank you for - thank you.
Jamie Ruby: I’m really enjoying the series so far and also
(unintelligible) in the rest of your work, too.
Clea Duvall: Thank you.
Jamie Ruby: I think I mostly remember you from The
Faculty, I think. That’s quite a while ago.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Jamie Ruby: But anyway, my first question is do you think
that Emma is generally safe from her sister or do you think
that if she becomes kind of unnecessary, that Lizzie would
take her out as well?
Clea Duvall: I think that Lizzie needs Emma more than Emma
needs Lizzie. I think that Emma is the only reason why
Lizzie has been able to survive as long as she has been - or
as long as she has, because Emma is kind of her greatest
enabler. That’s true.
Jamie Ruby: All right. And then as a follow-up, can you
talk about the costumes, you know, the period clothes and
Clea Duvall: God yes. Our costume designer was so
incredible, (Joseph). He, I mean, so creative and so
beautiful and was able to make everything that Christina and
I wore from scratch and, I met him in LA before we went out
to shoot and he just had these bolts of fabric in this room
just stacked up and would just go, “Do you like this? Do you
like that? Do you like this?” And then when I got to
Halifax, there was this rack full of incredible, incredible
clothing. And it really, you know, the second you put it on
it was hard to not just kind of slip right into character
and slip into that time.
Jamie Ruby: That’s beautiful. All right well thank you so
Clea Duvall: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie
Steinberg with Starry Constellation magazine. Your line’s
open. Please proceed.
Jamie Steinberg: Hi. Such a pleasure to speak with you.
Thank you for your time.
Clea Duvall: Of course. Thank you.
Jamie Steinberg: I was wondering was there anything you
added to this role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
Clea Duvall: Well I think something that happened very
naturally -- and it happened during the movie -- was just
that as much as it is this kind of fun thriller, kind of
horror series, what it really is, is a story about a family
- these two sisters trying to survive. And that’s something
that Christina and I both really kind of fought for and
tried to keep at the forefront of everyone’s minds, just in
terms of always what we were thinking about when we were
approaching our scenes together.
And I think there were definitely elements of myself that I
brought just in terms of, you know, I think we’ve all had
those dynamics, whether it be with a partner or a parent or
a friend or a sibling that weren’t necessarily good for us.
But there was something we were getting out of it based on
where we were in our lives at that time and I think that
Emma definitely goes through such a huge change in that
dynamic throughout the course of the season. And it was
really a fun thing to play and I got to do a lot of really
cool stuff.
Jamie Steinberg: Well you and Christina have such great
chemistry together. Did you spend some time to bond or did
you guys - were you familiar with each other before filming?
Clea Duvall: We’ve known each other for god, well I think I
met Christina when I was 20, so she would have been 17. I’ve
known her for a really long time and we ran in the same
circles. We weren’t necessarily that close when we were
younger, but there’s just a level of comfort there that just
really came naturally to us.
And we got along very well during the series - during the
movie and then coming back, we spent a lot of time together
offset and I really care about her. I think she’s a really
special person, a really smart person and such a good
actress. Like it never - I was never not impressed by her.
There were days where I was just like, “God, how are you
even doing that? How are you just acting totally normal with
me and joking around and then the camera turns on and that’s
what you’re doing?” Like no wonder.
Jamie Steinberg: No wonder.
Clea Duvall: No wonder you’re a movie star. It was pretty
exciting to be a part of.
Jamie Steinberg: Great. Thank you so much again for all of
your time.
Clea Duvall: Of course.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of
Suzanne Lanoue with the The TV MegaSite. Your line’s open.
Please proceed.
Suzanne Lanoue: Good morning, Clea.
Clea Duvall: Good morning. How are you?
Suzanne Lanoue: All right, thanks.
Clea Duvall: Good.
Suzanne Lanoue: I enjoyed watching both the movie and the
two episodes of the Chronicles I saw. I actually re-watched
the movie last night to remind myself. It’s very - they’re
very different in a way because, you know, they expand so
much more and the TV show is kind of more like a fantasy
thing. And...
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Suzanne Lanoue: ...I was wondering your character - all the
characters are more flushed out, it seems. I was wondering
if they gave you any additional information besides what’s
in the script about how your character is and going forward
and all that kind of thing, background?
Clea Duvall: I think the movie was really trying to straddle
the line between reality and fiction, and that, it’s a
tricky thing to do. And the movie to me felt a little more
straightforward, a little more serious. And in the show,
we’re able to have more fun with it and take way more
liberties and create a whole different world.
And I think that was really - it just gave us so much more
room to play and it was really, really fun. And we didn’t
really know what was going to happen because we would get
the script so close to when we were shooting that we didn’t
always know what was coming next. But...
Suzanne Lanoue: I’m very glad that your character seems
smarter this time around.
Clea Duvall: Yes. I think that it was - the show definitely
has a clearer point of view I think. I think we really - it
found itself a lot more in the show, just because, being
able to tell a story over eight hours as opposed to two
hours affords you a lot more luxury in terms of creating a
character and arcs and stuff.
Suzanne Lanoue: Right, and make so much more creative
Clea Duvall: Yes. I love...
Suzanne Lanoue: ...not based on reality.
Clea Duvall: Yes. I love, I mean, I also just love the
format of series. I love growing a character over time
because you just don’t get that luxury when you’re making a
movie. Everything is so compressed and you get to really
just let things breathe a lot more in the series.
Suzanne Lanoue: Right. Well I enjoyed it and I hope it’s a
big success.
Clea Duvall: Thank you so much.
Operator: Ok our next question comes from the line of (Eric
Kavan) with Fire Down Below. Your line’s open. Please
Eric Kavan: Hi Clea.
Clea Duvall: Hey (Eric).
Eric Kavan: So this year marks the 15th anniversary of But
I’m a Cheerleader, which I want to say thank you for being a
part of such an iconic LGBT film. Was there any - can you
offer - was there any memorable moments you can share from
like the filming?
Clea Duvall: My god so many. There were so many memorable
moments. I can’t believe that was 15 years ago. Way to make
me feel super old on a Tuesday morning. So crazy. Yes I
mean, Natasha is still one of my best friends, as is Melanie
That movie was such a huge deal for Natasha and I as actors
but also in our friendship. And we were very much like
siblings in the filming and, you know, fighting all the time
and I would just get so mad at her and (Jamie) is one of my
oldest friends too and it just - I don’t know if I can think
of any one anecdote -- certainly not one that I would share
publicly, or should.
But there was always Cathy Moriarty who was so incredible in
that film and like the den mother for all of us. When we
were shooting out at the house, that was a big house out in
Palmdale and we were all staying out there and she was so
cool. And at night, she would bring us all into her room and
just talk to us and tell us stories. And we would all just
sit and listen like little kids at story time and that was
really fun.
It was such a great experience and, you know, I’ve been
doing this for such a long time and the most vivid memories
I have are of that and I think it’s because, (Jamie) and
Natasha and Melanie are still such significant parts of my
life that, we all share those memories together and it
really feels like just sort of like family experience. I’m
so grateful that I got to be a part of it. I think it’s
certainly one of the most important things I’ve ever done in
my career.
And still people come up to me all the time and kids, you
know, like teenagers who are teenagers now who probably
weren’t even alive when it was made, that A, make me feel
super old but also grateful that it’s still relevant for
people now and I just love that idea that it’ll just
continue on and keep being as meaningful to people today as
it was 15 years ago when it came out.
Eric Kavan: Yes and then you also got to work with RuPaul
in that.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Eric Kavan: Have you ever been asked to be on her show as
a judge?
Clea Duvall: No she’s never - we’ve never seen each other
again. I think she and Natasha have had contact since then
but I don’t - I’m not really sure.
Eric Kavan: Yes Natasha’s been on. Cool thank you.
Clea Duvall: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Megan
Schaefer with International Business Times. Your time is
open. Please proceed.
Megan Schaefer: Hi Clea. Really (glad) to be speaking with
you today.
Clea Duvall: Thank you. I’m excited to be here.
Megan Schaefer: I was wondering in this first movie, your
character seems like she assumed her sister committed the
murders and...
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Megan Schaefer: ...she leaves the town.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Megan Schaefer: But in the upcoming series you’re back. What
happened? Did Emma forgive her sister or did she think
there’s no way Lizzie could have done this?
Clea Duvall: Well we really approached the series as though
the movie was a very separate thing, for us, it wasn’t
connected. It kind of created a different history and so I
think that in that story there was a lot more questioning.
And I think in this story Emma believes her sister and all
of the doubt is so subconscious. And there’s this element of
her that wants everyone to like - she wants their to - I
mean I don’t know what I’m allowed to say -- what doesn’t
ruin anything.
But I think that she’s still holding onto this idea that her
sister is good and her sister is innocent, even though
there’s the part of her that knows that isn’t true. But that
is buried so deep under the surface. And I think it was just
a lot closer to the surface in the movie.
Megan Schaefer: Ok that makes sense. Thank you very much.
Operator: And as a reminder everyone, to register for a
question or a comment please press 14.
Our next question comes from the line of (Nat Bremmer) with
Wickedhorror.com. Your line is open. Please proceed.
Nat Bremmer: Hi Clea.
Clea Duvall: Hey (Nat).
Nat Bremmer: When you were working on the movie, was there
any talk of a follow-up series at that point or did it all
develop after the movie premiere?
Clea Duvall: No I was totally taken by surprise. I had no
idea that was going to happen. I don’t think any of us did.
Nat Bremmer: And one of the previous (parts) of where
Emma’s at this point was accepting - you talked about this a
little bit but (unintelligible) were with what her sister’s
done and who she really is?
Clea Duvall: Can you - I’m sorry. I didn’t hear the first
part of what you said.
Nat Bremmer: So at the start of the new series...
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Nat Bremmer: ...where’s Emma at with accepting her sister?
Clea Duvall: Where is she at, at accepting her sister.
Nat Bremmer: Yes.
Clea Duvall: I think that there is - Emma is in a place of
just blind acceptance. And it’s not, you know, she can’t
face any other reality than her sister being innocent. That
really motivates her to stay with her and to protect her,
because ultimately Lizzie is the only family she has left.
Nat Bremmer: Ok thank you so much.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Trish
Bendix with AfterEllen. Your line is open. Please proceed.
Trish Bendix: Great thanks. I was wondering, you’ve done so
much horror in your career Clea.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Trish Bendix: What makes you drawn to that, or what do you
think it is about you that people want you to be playing in
their scary movies?
Clea Duvall: I don’t know why anybody wants me in their
scary movies. I mean, I really like it because it’s a lot of
fun, and especially in an environment like this where I get
to play this interesting, complicated character. And then
there’s also that really fun, kind of heightened reality
that comes with horror. And I love watching horror movies.
They’re so fun to make. It’s when you really feel like
you’re making a movie in the way that like, you know, when
you’re a kid you imagine all that like make believe, and...
Trish Bendix: And do you get to do anything evil or creepy
like your sister does in this, in the series?
Clea Duvall: I don’t know. You’ll have to wait and see.
Trish Bendix: Ok thank you.
Operator: And our next question is a follow up question from
the line of (Eric Kavan) with Fire Down Below. Your line is
open. Please proceed.
Eric Kavan: Hi. So going along with the question just
asked about your horror genre, do you have any plans to
return to American Horror Story?
Clea Duvall: I mean, I would love to. I don’t know where
they’re at. I don’t know what they’re doing. I think it’s
going through a lot of changes, right?
Eric Kavan: Yes.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Eric Kavan: Yes and you worked with Ryan Murphy before
too, right I thought?
Clea Duvall: Yes, on Popular.
Eric Kavan: Yes.
Clea Duvall: Yes I would...
Eric Kavan: (Unintelligible) on there.
Clea Duvall: Me too.
Eric Kavan: Yes.
Operator: And our next question is a follow up question from
the line of Megan Schaefer with International Business
Times. Your line’s open. Please proceed.
Megan Schaefer: What scene are you - not scene, but what are
you looking most forward for fans to see in The Lizzie
Borden Chronicles? I saw the first few episodes and it’s
jam-packed with some brutal, gruesome stuff, but is there
anything you’re like, “I can’t wait for you guys to see
Clea Duvall: I really think the last two episodes are - I
mean, they were my favorite. They were my favorite scripts
and my favorite to shoot. And there are two really great
actors who come in at the end. And then also Michelle
Fairley comes in at the end and there are just some really
exciting actors that I really want people to see that I was
so blown away by when they got there.
And I think there are some really - I would say the last
three episodes, there are a lot of changes.
Megan Schaefer: Exciting stuff.
Clea Duvall: Yes.
Operator: And as another reminder if you would like to ask a
question, please press 14. And I’m showing no further
questions at this time. I’ll turn it back to the speakers.
Sony Publicity: All right. Operator?
Operator: Yes?
Sony Publicity: Any other additional questions?
Operator: I’m showing no further questions at this time.
Sony Publicity: Ok then we will end the call. And we thank
everyone for participating today.
Operator: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, that does
conclude our interview for today. We thank you for your
participation and ask that you please disconnect your lines.
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