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Interview with Chris Egan and Vaun
Wilmott from "Dominion" on Syfy 6/11/14
Moderator: Stephen Cox
Dominion Premiere Conference Call
June 11, 2014
12:00 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.
Welcome to the NBC Universal Syfy Dominion conference call.
During the presentation all participants will be in a
listen-only mode.
As a reminder, this conference is being recorded Wednesday,
June 11, 2014. I would now like to turn the conference over
to Stephen Cox with Syfy. Please go ahead, sir.
Stephen Cox: Hi everyone, thanks for joining us today. We’re
very excited to have this conference call for you. On the
line we have Dominion star Chris Egan as well as our
executive producer/creator, Vaun Wilmott.
Just a reminder, Dominion premiers next Thursday, June 19 at
9:00 pm ET only on Syfy. And without further adieu, we’ll
hand it over to your questions.
Operator: And our first question comes from the line of
Jamie Ruby with ScifiVision.com. Please proceed with your
Jamie Ruby: Hi guys, thanks for taking the call today. Can
you both just start by telling how you became involved in
the show from the beginning?
Vaun Wilmott: Want me to start, Chris?
Chris Egan: Yes, you go Vaun.
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, so I - the original - the producers of
Legion, the movie Legion, were this company called Bold. And
David Lancaster was the executive producer of that and he
had carved out the TV rights to Legion so that once it came
time to decide if they were going to do a sequel to it or if
they were going to do a TV show or what they were going to
do they decided to do a TV show.
And they went out to a bunch of writers. They had some
writers come in, basically pitch them on how they would do a
TV show of the movie Legion. And I heard about it through my
agent. I came in, I pitched on it, really hit it off with
the Bold folks and David.
They really kind of responded to the way I was seeing it. I
met with Scott Stewart who was the director of the movie and
also the co-writer of the movie Legion. And I got the gig.
And so that’s kind of how it all began for me.
Jamie Ruby: Awesome, Chris?
Chris Egan: Okay, yes, and for me I was approached my
managers. They - you know, there was a few things I was
looking at, a few different scripts. And I heard about this
one through managers that - you know, the same management
company - they rep Scott Stewart.
And they sort of brought it up to me and discussed it and
I’d sort of - had a look at the script and it fascinated me
straight away. Definitely wanted to get on the call with
Scott and Vaun and just talk through the idea and where the
series was going to go.
And I was very impressed with Vaun’s vision, Scott’s vision
for the pilot, where they wanted to take the story and where
they were going to take Alex. So I was just in that
presentation, in that call with both of them - I was
complete blown away. And I loved the idea that we were
taking this to Cape Town, South Africa as well.
To me, just sort of felt that it was - they were really
taking this seriously. We weren’t just sort of going off to
Vancouver or somewhere local that, you know, we were really
going to take this production somewhere that was really
special. And yes, I was just - I was totally blown away by
Jamie Ruby: Great, and then as a follow up, I’m curious, how
much of the mythology from Legion is going to be in the
series? I mean is it completely going to be the same
mythology or have you changed things?
Vaun Wilmott: It was definitely the starting - the jumping
off point. But for the TV show it’s definitely expanded and
changed and there’s all kinds of new stuff. It was - Legion
was definitely kind of our foundation and then from there
the show grew into its own thing with, you know, new rules,
new terms, new angels, new - you know, new mythology, new
mythology for the chosen one.
Then of course for the TV show, you know, a whole new
setting, all new characters with just a couple of the
characters from Legion moving into TV show, the baby growing
up to be Alex, Michael, Gabriel, Jeep. But it’s definitely
become its own thing in terms of the TV show, Dominion.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. Well, I enjoyed the pilot so thank
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you, Jamie.
Chris Egan: Thanks.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Tony
Tellado with Sci-Fi Talk. Please proceed with your question.
Tony Tellado: Thank you. Gentlemen, I’m pretty excited about
this series. I just thought with the original movie it kind
of lends itself to a series where you could expand on the
mythology. Kind of both of you, kind of give us - kind of a
walk through as to what this world of Legion now Dominion
is, like, 30 years later and certainly, Chris, you can do it
from your character’s perspective as well.
Chris Egan: Yes, well, I think - I mean for me, you know,
watching Legion and then, you know - I mean for those that
are fans of Legion this will be a whole new story and for
those that haven’t seen Legion it’s - it really is a whole
new world 25 years in the future.
The world of Vega and this fortified city and the - you
know, the land is desolate apart from these fortified
cities. It really is - it’s a completely different spin to
the movie. Vaun, take it from there I think?
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, I think that - you know, in terms of what
the world is like versus - you know, 25 years in the future,
it’s got contemporary aspects, it’s got all the - you know,
it’s definitely grounded. It’s definitely a big what if, you
know, what if angels appeared in the sky? What if this
actually happened what would life - or what could life be
like? So it’s not an alternate reality.
It is very much based in what could have happened and Vega
has a lot of, you know, giant casino hotels that could
actually be perfect for housing people if need be. And we
use all of that to basically create this new city, this new
civilization, built a wall around it as Chris said to
protect this from the angels. But it will definitely be a
recognizable world in terms of things we know. But it will
also have things, I think, that, you know, the what if
aspect of the storytelling.
Tony Tellado: Great, as a follow up for both of you
gentlemen as well, what about Alex’s kind of rebellious
nature and kind of talk about that a little bit?
Chris Egan: Yes, well, I think - again, like what - in the
interest - in the story is that hero’s journey that he takes
to - you know, to discover himself, to discover who he is.
And that’s sort of between being a man and the
responsibility that’s laid on his shoulders to save mankind.
It’s - from that beginning, you know, and the pitch of the
story for me was so interesting and where that was going to
And I think, you know, we establish that in the pilot but
then as the episodes come on it gets crazier and crazier and
the relationships around him are redefined between Michael
and Claire and really it’s about which path is he going to
take as a man to realize and understand his calling in a
sense upon his life.
Tony Tellado: Anything to add, Vaun?
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, I’ve always loved characters that, you
know, have a strong point of view and who really either
something’s thrust on them or that they didn’t expect or
didn’t want or something’s asking them to change in a way
that’s uncomfortable for them. And they fight against that,
you know, like John Conner in the Terminator.
You know, characters that either have, you know - something
about their personality that fights against what’s being
done to them or, you know, they just have had - you know,
Alex’s journey ahs been a tough one. And so he’s had to take
care of himself, he’s had to survive.
So that rebellious nature has actually kept him alive. But
now he’s being asked to do something that he didn’t expect,
that he didn’t ask for, it becomes a trick like - what is
that rebellious nature going to do in terms of, you know,
how he handles that destiny that he’s been given.
And I think from a character point of view that’s where all
of the fun of the storytelling comes in. And we get to watch
Alex go through really the thing that we all watch
characters for, which is just growth and change. We want to
see what they’re going to do.
And that’s what’s exciting for me about Alex’s character,
about Chris’s character.
Tony Tellado: Cool, thank you gentlemen.
Vaun Wilmott: Thanks, buddy.
Chris Egan: Thanks, man.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Tim
Holquinn of ScreenFad. Please proceed.
Tim Holquinn: Hi guys. It’s a treat to get to speak with you
today, thanks for doing this.
Vaun Wilmott: No, thank you.
Chris Egan: Thanks, man.
Tim Holquinn: Chris, on a personal note, I wanted to thank
you for following me so soon after you joined Twitter. And
I’m curious how you like Twitter - if you like it at all and
if you plan to live tweet along with the show when it airs?
Chris Egan: Yes, I’m - you know, Twitter’s one of those
things that took me a while to really grasp, I think, just
the world is changing so quickly. And I think sitting in
that conference call, with all the actors and everyone’s
explaining Twitter and how important it is.
And you know, it really is a whole new world out there. And
you know, this is how we promote the show. And I just
realized, you know, and every actor has turned to me and -
you know, every single person had Twitter except me. And it
was kind of like - have to jump on board.
So I walked away from that conference call learning so much
about Twitter and I had producers give me a nudge every
week. And so eventually we got there, we got there. Now I’m
addicted, now I love it, now I love tweeting, overly
Tim Holquinn: Great. Well, I look forward to your future
tweets. And to Vaun, thanks also for following me yesterday,
I really appreciate it.
Vaun Wilmott: Of course.
Tim Holquinn: Can you talk a bit about the specific scene
that inspired your pitch for continuing the film story for
TV? And what’s been the most surprising or challenging
aspect or aspects of bringing it to TV?
Vaun Wilmott: Okay, on the first part for - that’s an easy
one. For me when I saw the movie Legion I really - when I
saw two brothers, Gabriel and Michael fighting over this
baby and having very different perspectives on what should
happen to that baby and what that baby means, that was it.
I mean I just immediately saw the series because I thought,
you know, that baby grows up, 25 years later he’s a grown
man, what’s happening to him now, what are the two
archangels doing, what are they up to. And that’s where it
began, that’s where I started building out the series.
And the one thing about that is that in series we don’t - I
don’t track kind of Gabriel and Michael’s point of view in
the movie Legion with - like in the series, it kind of
became its own thing. But for me that was definitely the
starting point for the series.
And in terms of the kind of what is the most surprising or
kind of the most difficult thing, I got to say this has been
one of those crazy projects that has been, like - just a
blessing, you know, in terms of - it just came out of me.
You know, from the moment I started working on it and I
wrote the initial script, I had this weird state that I went
into that I ended up writing the original script in four
Tim Holquinn: Wow.
Vaun Wilmott: My experience at the network has been
wonderful, like, from beginning - top to bottom, all the way
through. It really has been, you know, getting Chris on
board, getting the cast, the actors we did, filming -
filming in Cape Town. It was just a crazy good experience.
So for me it was just a - one joy after another. And I think
that the most - the really - it’s really just been a
gigantic learning curve. I just - the amount that I’ve
learned about storytelling, about show running, about
managing a crew and a set and interacting, interfacing with
the network and the studio, I mean it’s all just been a
fantastic incredible learning experience. I learn every day.
Tim Holquinn: Thanks for sharing those insights. I have more
questions and I look forward to interacting with you both on
Twitter. Thanks.
Vaun Wilmott: Absolutely, any time, shoot a question over.
Chris Egan: You're welcome, man.
Vaun Wilmott: Yes.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of
Courtney Vaudreuil with Oh So Gray. Please proceed with your
Courtney Vaudreuil: Hi, my first question is for Chris. Alex
and Michael seem to have a complicated relationship. How
will we see that evolve throughout the season?
Chris Egan: Great question, well, he - I mean that really is
the - you know, I’d like to think, you know, there’s a Star
Wars element to this, the teacher, the student, and those
roles that reverse, you know. It’s a great relationship and
it is constantly getting redefined. Alex is constantly
learning more about Michael, and Michael is learning more
about Alex.
So it’s - it grows. It’s constantly growing and as Alex is,
you know, struggling with this responsibility and learning
about the tattoos and learning about his destiny it’s - it
gets tense with Michael and then, you know, it’s back on
track and it’s this back and forth that’s - it’s been really
And you know, really wonderful to play with Tom as well, the
actor who plays Michael. It’s just been fantastic. He’s a
great actor and - yes, it’s a great relationship.
Courtney Vaudreuil: Thank you. And for Vaun, will the action
primarily occur in Vega or will we be moving on to other
cities as well?
Vaun Wilmott: In the first season we’re very much based in
Vega. I wanted to - it was important to kind of, like,
establish that world, establish all the characters,
establish - you know, Dominion kind of the series. But
definitely in future seasons we’ll be expanding out to New
We’ll learn what the camp is, the camp is a city that moves,
which is very mysterious. We don’t really know much about it
or who they are. So we will definitely explore the world and
the world will grow out with, you know, each season as we
But for the first season it was kind of important to orient
the audience I think in the world of Dominion and then Vega
so we didn’t kind of overwhelm right up front. And so that
was kind of - that’s definitely was the focus for the first
Courtney Vaudreuil: Thank you both, appreciate it.
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you.
Chris Egan: You’re welcome, thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of
Theresa Argie with America’s Most Haunted. Please proceed
with your question.
Theresa Argie: Hi Chris, hi Vaun. Thank you so much for
taking our calls today.
Vaun Wilmott: Hi, America’s Most Haunted, that’s a cool
Theresa Argie: America’s Most Haunted, yes, America’s Most
Vaun Wilmott: Love that.
Theresa Argie: A little bit of everything and yes, we’ll be
following you on Twitter because we love to live tweet
during these shows as well.
Vaun Wilmott: Awesome.
Theresa Argie: Yes, it’s great. We love it. It’s a lot of
fun. Our followers love it. A question for both of you if
you could answer each, what are your personal beliefs when
it comes to angels? I know that this is a fictional story
and - but how did your personal or religious beliefs play
into this?
I mean it's so different from the traditional angels that we
were brought up knowing and learning about as children at
least I was. So how does your personal belief - what do you
personally believe in angels? And does that affect your
performance, Chris? And your writing, Vaun?
Vaun Wilmott: Do you want me to start, Chris?
Chris Egan: Yes, yes. Great question.
Vaun Wilmott: That is a great question. You know, it’s
interesting, two things. One is the show is very much
nondenominational. You know, I always intended it to
actually not make a statement about religion. I really view
the angels, Michael, Gabriel, and all the other angels as
literary characters, storytelling characters, as interesting
as - you know, super natural characters.
As interesting as vampires and werewolves and ghosts or
anything else that we use that’s being used in genre right
So for me it was very much about just simplifying it, just
seeing it as a literary creation. There’s a God and that God
has angels and these angels are doing X, Y, and Z in this
story. For me, I have my own personal faith but it really
doesn’t - you know, it isn’t like I grew up fascinated by
angels or, you know - or had that be a focus of my religion.
I definitely have my own personal faith but for me, this
show is purely for entertainment, purely for storytelling
purposes, and they don’t really intersect with my own
personal beliefs other than the way that all storytelling is
informed by what you believe in all ways, not just in your
religious beliefs. You know, the themes you’re interested
in, the things that attract you to characters of the story
but for me, those two things are separate.
Theresa Argie: Excellent, and you, Chris?
Chris Egan: It was a great answer, Vaun. I agree with Vaun
and - yes, I mean I have my own personal faith and I think
really it’s about - there’s a greater good, you know. I’ve
always been very fascinated with that outer world, you know
- like with Kings, we took a biblical story, we made it
modern day. Now we’re taking angels that are in the bible
and we’re putting them into this world. So with mythology is
- has - it interests me and I want to know these guys, I
want to - you know, discover their world.
But yes, I mean I have my personal faith but this story, I
mean it resonates with me and I think - as an actor and as a
person - maybe I don’t quite understand subconsciously why
I’m so attracted to it and what it is the - message in this
story, what we’re trying to say. But yes, I think it’s - I
think it hits on all those points.
Theresa Argie: Excellent, and as a follow up, will we be
seeing any other sort of beings coming into play during this
series? Is - will a God or a higher power or anything that
can kind of rival these angels be coming into play during
the series as it develops?
Vaun Wilmott: There definitely will be new and exciting
angels, new additions and expansions of the mythology. So
yes, but you know, those will all be spoilers if I were to
say anything now.
Theresa Argie: All right.
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, we’ll be expanding. We’ll keep growing
the mythology, definitely.
Theresa Argie: I look forward to seeing how it plays out
definitely. Thank you so much.
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you.
Chris Egan: You're welcome.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Henry
Otero with TV Den. Please proceed with your question.
Henry Otero: Hi guys, it’s Hank from Twitter. Nice to talk
to you.
Vaun Wilmott: Hi, Hank. How you doing, man?
Henry Otero: Good, nice to talk to you. Yes, I just - I
wanted to ask real quick - I mean since I’m running that
account I’ve come across a lot of people that are prejudging
the show because they were a bit disappointed with Legion,
they found Legion to be just kind of a monster, shoot them
But when I watch the pilot I got it, you know, right away,
what you were doing. So I’m - how do we sell the show to
these people?
Vaun Wilmott: I think the most important thing to sell to
people is that really - you know, give it a shot. If they
have interest in genre, if they have interest in super
natural anything, if they have interest in angels or just
good characters and drama to give it a shot because it
really is its own thing. It’s not called Legion. It’s called
Henry Otero: Right.
Vaun Wilmott: And it really is...
Henry Otero: I like what you said that it’s a jumping off
point, that Legion’s a jumping off point.
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, it really is.
Henry Otero: I think I’m going to use that.
Vaun Wilmott: So - yes, that would be great. I think that’s
- for me, I don’t know what Chris thinks but that’s - I
think that’s the best way because it really - for the
quality of Dominion really is its own thing. And I think
people will - I think people will hopefully embrace it.
Henry Otero: Absolutely.
Chris Egan: Yes, I think - yes, everything Vaun just said. I
think - you know, essentially this is a hero’s journey, this
is a hero’s story, this is Alex, this is his discovery of
himself. And you know, really it’s about taking the audience
with him.
You know, it’s - I mean I watch Legion and, you know, I
think I would like to think people would be - I think people
are going to be pleasantly surprised. It really is a
completely different world to where the movie is at.
And you know, of course, being 25 years in the future, I
mean it just - it really is - yes, it really is far from the
movie, yes.
Henry Otero: I agree. And I loved it right away. All right,
thank you guys and I’ll see you on Twitter.
Vaun Wilmott: One quick thing - because one thing you can
say is - are you still there, Hank?
Henry Otero: Yes, yes.
Vaun Wilmott: One thing you can say is - I saw this on some
comments board is - you know, Buffy was a movie that some
fans loved, some fans didn’t. And then it became a very new
and different show that was very popular that people really
loved and embraced. I think they’re two separate things.
Personally I liked the movie. I saw Legion and I was a very
attracted to it and I thought it was well done but in terms
of our show it’s just - it’s really is its own thing.
Henry Otero: Great, thank you.
Vaun Wilmott: Thanks, Hank.
Chris Egan: Thanks, Hank.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. And remember to ask one question and one follow
up. If any more questions, please requeue.
Our next question comes from the line of Raina Stephens with
Spoiler TV. Please proceed with your question.
Raina Stephens: Hi, thank you for the opportunity to speak
with you both. My question, I understand that David Peterson
created a language for Dominion. I was wondering how much
this language will speak to in the series?
Vaun Wilmott: You know, David Peterson is an absolute genius
and the stuff that he creates is just incredible. And he
did, he created a language called Lishepus for the angels
and we do - we feature it here and there depending on - you
know, where it’s kind of the most dramatic and the best
used. But it definitely is going to be in series.
We don’t - we try not to have it be, like, used in an entire
scene where, you know, you’ve got giant, you know, blocks of
dialog being said in it. But we definitely utilize it and
when we do it sounds cool. David is amazing.
Raina Stephens: Okay, wonderful, thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Simon
Applebaum with Tomorrow Will Be Televised. Please proceed
with your question.
Simon Applebaum: Yes, thank you very much. And a point of
disclosure, America’s Most Haunted, like my show, are both
blog talk radio programs.Vaun, we seem to be in a mini spell
of movies being adapted for television.
Your show, About a Boy for NBC, and also Fargo, which had an
incredible episode by the way, next to last episode last
night. What do you think about being part of this and why do
you think we’re seeing this mini spell of movie adaptations
or movie expansions if you will?
Vaun Wilmott: I think that - I think that networks and
studios are looking to pre-brand, you know, a TV show or
anything that they’re doing right up front. They want to get
that built in awareness and that built in recognition from
the audience. So it’s just - it kind of eases its way into
the marketplace.
It starts from a base. Certainly Fargo is a perfect example
of doing that. I mean the show has a beautiful symmetry
between the look of the movie and the look of the show. I
think it all comes down to storytelling. For me, it wasn’t
that, you know, we had to do Legion as a TV show.
It was something in Legion that attracted me to it and then
all the other people that have worked on it and that kernel
that I spoke about earlier was there that just seemed right
for a TV show. And so that was the jumping off point and
that’s how we did it.
I think as you’ll see - I mean I haven’t seen About a Boy or
some of those other examples you used but sometimes you use
a little bit of it and it kind of is a jumping off point
like ours or sometimes they really - you know, it really is
a continuation of the movie.
I think it’s - it tends - it’s all pre-branding an audience
awareness I think are the two main reasons why networks are
doing it right now. So it’s good to have underlying material
I think. They feel like they’re hedging their bets if they
do that.
Simon Applebaum: The follow up for Chris, Chris, any
similarities you see between this series and Kings? Kings
was a very highly thought of show. It did have a short life
on NBC but I know a lot of people still remember your role
and that series very fondly and definitely in terms of the
ambition the show brought to it.
Chris Egan: Yes, no, again, like it’s - you know, I mean
thanks for bringing up Kings. You know, and I loved Kings,
it was a fantastic series. But again, that same thing, boy
becoming a man, you know, that burden that’s been, you know,
put on his shoulders to carry the fate of mankind that’s
resting on his shoulders.
You know, and that question of - is he going to run from it
or is he going to sort of follow his destiny. I’m really
attracted to that sort of story and both - yes, it’s - it
just - both of those stories just - I’ve loved it. It just
feels very, very Kings for me and, you know, it’s got a
similar theme.
Simon Applebaum: Well, thank you both very much and good
luck with the premier starting next week.
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you.
Chris Egan: Thank you.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie
Ruby with ScifiVision.com. Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi again, guys. I was wondering if you could
talk a bit about some of the special effects and maybe the
stunts and things like that that are used in the show?
Vaun Wilmott: The - we have a really great VFX vendor, Spin
- the name of the company is called Spin. They’re located in
Toronto. And you know, they do special effects for Game of
Thrones and a bunch of other really - some high-end movies.
They’re just really, really talented people. We had someone
who was on the pilot with us the entire time from Spin and
the same within the series.
And I think the special effects, the angel’s wings, the
flying, the fighting, all of the stuff we’ve got going, the
cityscapes of Vega, I think people are going to be really
surprised by the quality of the special effects on Dominion.
In terms of the stunts, we have a really great stunt team
down in Cape Town and in terms of the action - I mean Chris
can speak to training with them because he did a lot of
training in terms of preparation for his action sequences.
But I mean they’re really just top notch, top notch stunt
people. Don’t you think, Chris?
Chris Egan: Yes, no, these guys were great. It was a great
stunt team and, you know, the training was - training was
full on. I mean I think before we started the series they
just wanted to test our agility and endurance and made us -
you know, run around 20 blocks just to see how - you know,
see how our bodies worked.
And you know, I don’t have wings in it but, you know,
watching Tom, you know, fly off on those wires in those
scenes it's just fantastic. I’m just hoping Vaun can, you
know, write something where I’m attached to a wire and I get
to fly around like that. It’s great.
So you know, being good with a gun, being good with a
sword—these guys understood the importance of it, so there’s
a lot of sword training, a lot of firearms training. We
really wanted to keep it tight.
Jamie Ruby: What we saw looked good so far. I mean we didn’t
see all the final effects but so far it looks good so can’t
wait to see the rest.
Vaun Wilmott: Great, wait until you see it when it's all
done. I saw it on Friday night at the mix and, boy, I was
really impressed.
Jamie Ruby: Cool, can’t wait, thanks.
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you.
Chris Egan: Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. Remember to keep it to one question and one
follow up question. And any other questions you’ll need to
Our next question comes from the line of Tony Tellado with
Scifi Talk. Please proceed.
Tony Tellado: Hello again, gentlemen, this first question is
for Vaun. What was - I had kind of a Planet of the Apes
moment when you first see Vega. It sounds like you talked
about it a little bit. T here’s some CGI and is there a lot
of green screen or did you guys also have practical sets
built as well?
Vaun Wilmott: We actually used a mix of both but we have -
we did build a lot, that was one of the advantages of going
to Cape Town was - the level of crew was really high in
terms of their talent and experience, but also in terms of
what we could build, how far our dollars went.
So there’s a lot of - and where we could, you know - Scott
Stewart who was a director of the pilot, he was the founder
of a special effects house called the Orphanage, one of the
founders. And so he’s a real genius at special effects and
he’s just a really talented guy. He used to always say to
me, you know, real is better. Whenever you can point your
camera at something real is better.
So we built a lot of sets but, you know, we also had Spin
working for us and they - you know, they could create
unbelievable, you know, vistas and landscapes and buildings
and - so they were also - so we did a lot of that as well.
And then of course, you know, wherever there’s angels flying
sometimes it’s - you know, we do something more practical
with the wires or we, you know, use green screen and those
as well.
Tony Tellado: Cool. Sounds great. And for Chris, can you
kind of describe Alex’s relationship with Claire? It sounds
like it’s also kind of a complicated kind of thing.
Chris Egan: Yes, Romeo and Juliet. And really it’s that
great unattainable love. Their love is full of tribulation.
You know, and the responsibility - and I mean the pilot -
really Alex just wants to get out of Vega. He’s got the love
of his life, you know, he’s got his family.
He’s just ready to get out and he’s over the system, he
wants the freedom. But then there’s sort of the - you know,
this - what happens in the end and the responsibility and
this great calling and then there’s a responsibility that
Claire has to Vega and, you know, we go into that back and
And we go - they take that road so sort of discovering
themselves, discovering responsibility that they both have
and I think - you know, it’s going to be interesting to see
where that goes.
Tony Tellado: Cool, well, I kind of look at Legion as the
prequel and I look at Dominion as kind of like the meat and
potatoes of the story so that’s the way I look at it. It’s
easier to see. Thank you.
Vaun Wilmott: Great, thanks, Tony.
Chris Egan: Thanks, man.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Tim
Holquinn with ScreenFad. Please proceed. Mr. Holquinn your
line is opened.
Tim Holquinn: Okay, well, Tony brought up Claire so for
Chris, I’m wondering how you found the experience of working
so intimately with Roxanne McKee, both as a cast mate and as
a scene partner?
Chris Egan: She’s fantastic and she’s so strong. She really
- she plays that strong woman. I mean it’s just - she was
fantastic and fantastic to work with. There was great
chemistry, the natural connection between the both of us.
And it’s a great love story. It’s a really great love story.
Tim Holquinn: Okay, cool. And for Vaun, you mentioned Buffy
earlier, certainly American genre fans have a fond affection
for Anthony Head be it his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Can you talk a little bit about working with him and what
he’s brought to the series as a cast member? And Chris,
maybe you could talk about him as a scene partner?
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, I think, you know, like Tony has - Tony
Head is just - you know, he’s Tony Head. He’s so funny, he’s
so talented, he’s smart. Yes, I mean the guy just - you
know, he just - he pops off the screen and I think the Buffy
fans will be really interested to see him in such a
different way because he plays such a different character
than he did on Buffy.
David Weel is this rakish and manipulative, charismatic,
articulate kind of power broker. And it will be - I think it
will be a big surprise for the fans of Buffy and Tony Head
to see him in Dominion. It’s really a whole new - it’s a
whole new Tony.
Tim Holquinn: Yes, he’s really great.
Chris Egan: I agree with Vaun. I was very lucky to have him.
He’s fantastic. He’s just an absolute professional and - you
know, working with a great like him, it’s - you know, you
learn a lot, you learn a lot from these guys. And yes, he’s
Vaun Wilmott: On Dominion we really lucked out. The level of
cast that we have on the show is just a cut above, just
amazingly talented group of actors that bring a heightened
world to life with a real legitimacy. You know what I mean?
I don’t - just as a fan, when I watch the dailies and
watched the episodes I really - I just believe it. I believe
what I’m seeing and that’s a testimony to really great
Tim Holquinn: Yes, I was very impressed with the pilot.
Thanks so much guys.
Vaun Wilmott: So glad, thank you.
Chris Egan: Thanks, man.
Operator: Our next question comes Courtney Vaudreuil with Oh
So Gray. Please proceed.
Courtney Vaudreuil: Hi, just am following to what you were
talking about for Tony Head. I think one of the most
shocking things for people who have seen the first episode
is Tony speaking with an American accent.
Were you surprised at how well - was that a conscious
decision to have him do an American accent since we usually
don’t see that from him?
Vaun Wilmott: Yes, the - it’s funny. I think I’ve seen a
little bit of that on comment boards. But yes, I think that
- the whole idea was that it was set in America, it was the
west - the western States of America, the - it’s called the
Cradle, which is what’s left of what know of humanity.
And so it was important to have it be American characters.
The funny thing about the show is I don’t think we have a
single American on the cast. I think that the entire cast is
either British, Australian, or New Zealand, I think is the
breakdown. But yes, Tony, he’s an American on it and he does
a great accent. He sounds the part.
Courtney Vaudreuil: Yes, he definitely does.
Chris Egan: Yes, he’s got that - he’s got that politician
thing down so well. I mean watching him do that speech in
the pilot, it’s like - yes, it’s like he’s got the
politician thing.
Vaun Wilmott: He really does.
Courtney Vaudreuil: And just as one final question for the
way that the social society is structured, it’s a very
strict caste system. What’s the thinking behind having these
very specific social structures and people unable to move
between them?
Vaun Wilmott: I think that - it basically was a system that
General Rysen created at the beginning basically at the
founding of Vega when they were still fighting the war
against the eight balls and the angels. They were quickly
trying to build a wall at the same time as fighting off
these onslaughts of these eight balls.
So it was a chaotic time and they needed a way to kind of
give everybody a job, give everybody a designation, give
everybody a way to pitch in and be classified. It was a very
military system that Rysen used. It was a V - it was called
the V system for Vega, the V one through six. And each level
had a different designation in terms of what it means and
who’s in it.
But then, like all systems that - you know, that start out
intended to be one way and often become something else, that
happens. Over time you have the elites getting entrenched,
taking control of more and more of the resources of the
city, you know, installing themselves as senators, as
basically the fat cats of the city.
And then everybody else kind of below them, you know,
getting kind of further and further cemented into their V
system or their V level and not being able to move about.
So I think that’s one of the great conflicts in the season
and in the series will be certainly in Vega, which is, you
know, what is right and what’s wrong and what’s happening to
the people and is it fair?
I think Claire certainly represents a very different point
of view than her father in terms of believing that it needs
to change whereas he is very much fixed in - you know,
although he recognizes that it did get warped and it did get
- just - it did get - you know, I’m blanking on the term,
but it became distorted basically over time.
He’s not really willing to get rid of it. But that was the
thinking at the beginning. It was definitely created for
survival and then overtime just unfortunately became - it
turned into something else.
Courtney Vaudreuil: Great, thank you, appreciate it.
Vaun Wilmott: Of course, thank you.
Chris Egan: You’re welcome.
Operator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie
Ruby with ScifiVision.com. Please proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi again. That gave me another question, you're
talking about the caste system and everything. Now that Alex
- you know, we know who he really is. Is he going to kind of
- to some extent maybe move up or is he going to continue
for most of the series to - like, hide since nobody else
knows anyway?
Vaun Wilmott: He’s - we can - I’m sure we can both answer
that. From, you know, my point of view, you know, he’s got
bigger fish to fry because of what kind of landed on his
shoulders. But certainly, you know, he - as we clearly see
in the pilot, he does not like the system. He hates it. He
wants to escape it.
And who knows, I mean down the line we’ll get to see if he
does anything about that as part of his journey and that’s
just something that we’ll learn as we go. But I’m sure Chris
can speak about that from a character point too.
Chris Egan: Yes, I think it’s - you know, it comes down to
that saying, with great power comes great responsibility. I
think we’re going to see that struggle, that constant
struggle with himself and with his relationships around him.
I think - and by the end you’re really going to be left with
that - will he - you know, what’s going to happen? Is he
going to leave? Is he going to join?
You know, with the relationship with Michael, you know,
where does that leave us? Is this - he really goes on this -
you know, he goes through stages and he makes sacrifices
and, you know, it’s really about someone owning that calling
on his life.
Jamie Ruby: Great. And then as a follow up, I know earlier,
Vaun, you were talking about learning a lot, you know,
starting with the process of this show and everything.
So I was wondering, I was going to call you Alex, don’t know
why, but anyway, Chris - almost there, is there certain
things, like, you’ve learned since you started filming this
show that you can think of?
Vaun Wilmott: Wow, so much. I mean look - just putting words
in people’s mouths and hearing how they sound live and
hearing how specific characters and actors bring very
intricate and distinct styles and humanity to each
character, that’s one of the most interesting things that
I’ve learned about how to calibrate that.
Also, you know, just kind of the realities of filming a show
and how fast we move. It takes your breath away.
It really is - the speed with which everybody’s working on
these TV shows is really - you know, it’s an endurance run
and you really realize quickly, like, what works, what
doesn’t work, what can you film, what can’t you, you know,
what is affordable, what is just something that we would
love to do but we can’t because it’s not practically since -
you know, possible or the - we can’t find the location for
it or - you just - it’s - for me, it was a total immersion
in the reality of making TV.
And all the millions of little choices you make on a daily
basis to make it happen. But for - as I said earlier, the
learning curve has been wonderful, it’s just - it’s been an
amazing experience.
Jamie Ruby: Awesome, Chris, is there anything to add?
Chris Egan: Yes, I mean I think we’ve all, as a cast as
well, just really come away learning about ourselves and our
character because. We just couldn’t wait to read the next
episode. I mean it was the writing and, just from the pilot,
what it does, it just gets so crazy and I think we were all
so invested in it, as a cast we were just so in love with
the writing.
But you know, it was some crazy hours and some long days
because the material was so good and, you know, the
writing’s fantastic, there’s - just the scenes that we got
to do together it was - you know, we really took something
from it and I think we all felt - it just uplifted and
encouraged and - it was an amazing experience.
Jamie Ruby: Awesome. And then just curious, because you said
about waiting to read the script, how far in advanced did
you guys know what was going to happen for your characters?
Chris Egan: We had a lot of changes that were happening. I
mean - and some rewrites and - but we usually get - we
usually get about a week with an episode. So it was very
much like sneaking into the makeup trailer or sneaking into
the AV trailer because you know someone’s got the next
You want to read it and they’re not releasing it yet and
you’re like, but no. Even getting to episode - you know, the
very end episode and the real finale and you just - I want
to know what happens next. I mean it really leaves the
audience with a lot of questions and a lot of - you know,
where are we going to go next. So you know, I’m just - I
just can’t wait.
Vaun Wilmott: Full disclosure, Chris - Chris was the one,
the actor with the stickiest fingers of all.
Jamie Ruby: Have to learn to hide it better.
Vaun Wilmott: He’d be sneaking around, getting those new
drafts before anybody else.
Jamie Ruby: All right, well, thanks guys, I’ll see you on
Twitter I’m sure.
Vaun Wilmott: Great, thank you.
Chris Egan: See you.
Stephen Cox: This is going to be our last question.
Operator: Our final question is coming from the line of Tony
Tellado with Scifi Talk. Please proceed.
Tony Tellado: Hi again, guys. You know, Vaun, it sounds like
a lot of planning went into this series before it made it.
As far as what’s ahead do you guys - how much do you have
planned out as far as this season and possibly beyond?
Vaun Wilmott: I - when I wrote the pilot I spent about six
weeks working on a series document that broke down the first
three seasons in detail. And then another three series after
that - three seasons after that in, you know, kind of more
And I - and one of the main kind of spines through the
series is, of course, Alex’s journey and the stages that he
goes through - through each season. So I - I’ve got loads of
ideas, loads. So yes, we have all kinds of stories to tell
for many seasons for Dominion.
Tony Tellado: Sounds great. And Chris, I mean as a fan boy I
got to say you wear some cool outfits I’ve seen so far.
What’s it like with the costumes that you wear on the show
as Alex?
Chris Egan: You know, it’s - that blue man outfit, that
soldier outfit I wear, it’s a great costume and, you know,
you just feel like a kid again and playing dress up. But
they just keep adding so much to it. I mean now I’ve got a
knife and I’ve got something else and I’m waiting for maybe
some grenades. I mean it’s a lot of gear to put on but it’s
- it’s a great outfit.
You know, I - I’m often doing, like, pushups maybe before
scenes just to get, like, warmed up and to loosen myself.
It’s like - they’re just adding so much stuff, it’s just
getting heavier and heavier. And so I’m waiting for the
second season, I’ve got a full camping gear on my back.
No, it’s great. We’ve got a great costume designer. Neil was
just fantastic and I know the girls too were really happy
with their dresses and he’s just done a fantastic job.
Tony Tellado: Super, guys, thank you so much for doing this
and really looking forward to seeing what Dominion’s going
to shape up. Sounds like a pretty cool story.
Vaun Wilmott: Thank you.
Chris Egan: Thank you.
Stephen Cox: Thank you all very much for joining us today. A
special thank you to Vaun and Chris for giving us their
time. And just as a reminder, Dominion premiers next
Thursday June 19 at 9:00 pm ET only on Syfy. Thanks
everyone, have a great day.
Vaun Wilmott: Thanks, guys.
Chris Egan: Thanks everyone.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today’s
conference call. We thank you for your participation and ask
that you please disconnect your line.
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