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Interview with Charice of "Glee"
on FOX 4/18/11.
She was very nice, very chatty. I enjoyed her work in
the show the two times she guest-starred. She is apparently very popular
in the Phillipines, and she is quite popular here as well. Because there
were so many press people from around the world, I did not get time to
ask her a question.
FBC PUBLICITY: The Glee Conference Call
April 18, 2011/11:00 a.m. PDT
Marissa Flores – FBC Publicity
Charice – Sunshine Corazon, Glee
Moderator Welcome to the Glee Conference call. At this time, all
participants are in a listen-only mode. Later, we will conduct a
question and answer session. Instructions will be given at that time. As
a reminder, this conference is being recorded.
I would now like to turn the conference over to your host, Marissa
M. Flores Good morning and good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much
for taking the time to participate in today’s Glee conference call with
guest start, Charice, who returns in tomorrow nights episode as Sunshine
With that, please welcome Charice to the call and we will open it for
questions now.
Moderator Your first question comes from the line of Mike Hughes from TV
M. Hughes Are you doing other episodes after this one, tomorrow night?
Charice Definitely yes, but I just don’t know how many more episodes,
but I’m really excited to do more.
M. Hughes The question I wanted to ask you, you have this huge voice and
I’ve heard different legends about how it started and so forth. Could
you just kind of give us the quick version of when did you discover that
you had this singing voice and how did your mother or your family
realize that this was quite a voice?
Charice Actually, my mom discovered me because I was really shy to sing
and I really wanted to be a dancer, but my mom used to be a vocalist in
a band and when she got back home from work, she saw me singing on top
of the table. I was four years old and I was singing a Celine Dion song,
“My Heart Will Go On.” So she discovered me, and she trained me. So she
used to be my vocal coach.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Leigh Weingus from
J-14 Magazine.
L. Weingus Jane Lynch is very tall, and I was just wondering—how did you
feel standing next to her in the episodes?
Charice Oh, my God, that is a funny question. I feel like I’m a
six-year-old kid because she’s really tall, but I love Jane. She’s
really nice and she’s really sweet.
L. Weingus Good, so you guys got along well?
Charice Yes. Actually when I was in the … for the first time, she was
the first one who really talked to me and we got close. She’s really
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Alexa March from
A. March What did you enjoy most about your time on the Glee set?
Charice Getting to know all of them, I mean the cast, because I’m a
gleek, and when I found out that I was going to be part of it I got
really excited, and when I met them they made me feel really
comfortable. It’s just really amazing to see—to watch them. They’re very
playful and it’s amazing to get to know them. So it’s fun when I’m
having a time to bond with them.
A. March You’re also filming a movie, from what I hear. Do you prefer
television or movies when coming to acting?
Charice Well I love both, but I’m going to say I love doing movies
because there’s more time for me to get to know the people and so far
this movie—it’s been an amazing experience. They’re all very sweet and
it’s about the time, getting a chance to be with them more.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Michael Moore from
M. Moore I’m wondering if you can talk about what it’s been like to know
that the fans have missed your presence on the show for so long and also
if there’s a reason that you’ve been off the show for so many months?
Charice Well there’s actually—I don’t think there’s …, I mean now I’m
back tonight and I’m very happy about it. I’ve been reading a lot of
comments on my Twitter and everything, but I’m really happy to see their
tweets right now that they’re very excited. I think that’s one of the
reasons, I mean, Ryan and everybody, they made my fans wait, but in a
good way. They’re now very excited.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Ashley Fairles from
U.S. Weekly Magazine.
A. Fairles You were saying that you get along with all the cast really
well and you get along with Jane. Do you have a crush on any of the
Charice Well, no, but before I actually got a role for Glee, I had a
favorite character and it’s Kevin. He’s a nice guy. He’s a very nice
A. Fairles Do you know anything about the Rebecca Black song
“Friday”—that Glee might take up the cover?
Charice Yes, I know the song.
A. Fairles What do you think about it?
Charice Honestly, I think it’s incredible how it works. It’s crazy. It’s
really crazy. I’ve been hearing it everywhere, and I just want to
congrats Rebecca for that too.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Daedrian McNaughton
from Premier Guide Miami.
D. McNaughton How do you feel about returning to Glee and singing the
powerful song that was made famous by Celine Dion?
Charice It feels great. I’m very excited to see it tonight, and I feel
really blessed to be a part of this show. When they gave me the song
“All By Myself” I was really happy, because I’ve been singing that song
forever and I love Celine Dion, and that’s why I’m very excited for you
guys to see it.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Lesley Goldberg from
Hollywood Reporter.
L. Goldberg We mentioned Rebecca Black, and with Darren Criss obviously
who started out online with the “Very Potter Musical,” is Glee really
becoming a platform for viral artists like yourself and Darren and now
Charice For me, I think sort of. It’s amazing how they—I mean, like me
and Darren, it’s a dream come true to be part of them. I know how he
feels. So I think that’s one of their goals to help the other teenagers
to make their dreams come true and it’s amazing. I love it.
L. Goldberg How much has Glee really helped you stateside? I know that
Ellen really brought you over here, but has Glee really turned that
around and really added to that?
Charice Glee really—I mean of course. Glee is like one of the best
reasons, best things. That’s why a lot of people recognize me and … me
right now because all of the people, they’ll be like, “I know you. I
think I’ve seen you on Glee. I think I saw you on Glee.” So Glee really
helped me and my career, as well as my life. So I want to thank them for
having me on the show.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Janet Nepales from
Manila Bulletin.
J. Nepales I just wanted to know how is it working with Lea Michele.
Charice Lea’s just a very sweet girl. I mean of course the first time I
was in a scene, I was really scared to meet everybody, not only her, but
when I was on a set she was just like, “Hey, Charice. I’m very glad
you’re here,” and when I actually came back—when I did this episode
tonight, she was just like, “We miss you so much,” and she asked me to
take a picture with her. She’s a really sweet girl.
J. Nepales Do you have another diva off with her?
Charice My character, Sunshine, is looking forward to having another
showdown with Rachel Berry, but I have no idea what’s going to happen
next after this episode tonight. So I think just watch out for it.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Megan Ward from
M. Ward Can you give us any hints as to what you’ll be singing in the
Charice This new episode tonight on Glee, I get to sing the Celine Dion
song “All By Myself.” I’m really happy that they gave me a chance to
sing this song because I’ve been singing that forever. I love that song.
Totally love that song. I can’t wait for you guys to see it.
M. Ward Are you only going to be doing the one song or are you going to
Charice Actually, it’s just one song. The story is going to be really
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Catriona Wightman
from Digital Spy.
C. Wightman Obviously Sunshine comes back to help the Glee Club, but
does she have other motives or another agenda?
Charice That’s funny because even me—I don’t know what’s going to
happen, but I think that’s why I’m very excited as well because I don’t
know either what’s going to happen next after this. I’m very excited to
know what’s going to happen to my character, if she’s going to turn into
a spy or if she’s really going to help Glee Club. It’s been a very
interesting story so I can’t wait.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Lloyd Salac from
Blog Critics.
L. Salac If there is one song at this point that you’d like to sing in
Glee what is it?
Charice It’s been fun that I’ve covered like Beyoncé songs and stuff,
but if they’re going to give me a chance, I think I would love to sing
my own song, especially the song that is actually coming out—my song
that’s coming out today. It’s called “Before It Explodes.” It’s written
by Bruno Mars. It’s a heartbreaking song but it’s a very great, powerful
song. If they’re going to give me a chance, I would love to sing that
L. Salac What is your message here for Latino fans back home or who are
so proud of you?
Charice To all my Filipino fans, I’m just really happy that they’re
supporting me right now. The support is just very strong. I can totally
feel it, and I just want to say that I’m just hoping that—keep on
supporting me and ….
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Sabrina Samuel from
S. Sabrina Obviously, your first appearance as Sunshine … brought out a
nasty side of Rachel’s competitiveness. How does Rachel and Sunshine’s
interactions differ this time?
Charice I am not sure if there’s any difference right now, this episode
tonight, because my character tonight, she’s going to try to help the
Glee Club for their benefit concert, but tonight, Rachel’s not going to
like the idea that my character is going to help them. So tonight, I
think it’s still going to be the same Rachel Berry, but I’m looking
forward for what’s going to happen next.
S. Sabrina Is there anyone on your list of people that you haven’t
duetted with or performed with that you’d like to?
Charice I haven’t met Beyoncé or Lady Gaga, and I would love to perform
with them or maybe collaborate a song or something.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Alison Nadaud from
A. Nadaud I’d like to know if you will be singing any more duets on
Glee, and if so, which actor you’d like to do one with.
Charice For now, I don’t know what are they planning, if there’s another
duet between Sunshine and Rachel, but if they’re going to ask me or give
me a chance to choose one of the cast, I think I would love to have a
duet with Mercedes. I think she’s an amazing singer and I love the way
she sings. I think the greatest song I think she did, “And I’m Telling
You,” and if they’re going to give me a chance, I would love to perform
with her.
A. Nadaud Will Sunshine be going to the prom?
Charice I don’t know. No, I’m serious. I don’t really know.
A. Nadaud Your fans on Twitter have been begging me to ask that
question. So I had to put it out there.
Charice I know. I’ve seen it, actually. I’ve been reading it, and it’s
funny because even me, I don’t know … but I’m really excited.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Andrew Swift from
A. Swift Everybody’s really excited about you going back to Glee, but
they’re also really excited about your next move, Here Comes the Boom.
So I was wondering if you could say anything about your character maybe,
like what she’s all about.
Charice My character’s name is Malia. I’m a high school student and of
course, Kevin James plays a high school biology teacher. He’s my teacher
who actually sidelines as a fighter in MMA to help us save the music
department. Of course, my character, she’s a brainiac and of course,
she’s a musical genius. She plays piano. She sings and everything.
Sunshine Corazon can relate to her, to Malia.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Steve Gidlow from
Life & Style Weekly.
S. Gidlow As a self-confessed gleek, were you nervous to meet the cast?
Charice I was very nervous. Especially when I was on the set for the
first time. I was shaking. It was nerve racking because I was just like,
“Oh my God, are they going to like me or whatever,” but when I was on
the set, they were all sweet. It was very nice of them. They were just
asking me like, “What’s up. What’s next for you?” It’s amazing, and Naya
Rivera, she’s like my favorite. She’s a very sweet girl.
S. Gidlow Do you guys sing together when the cameras aren’t rolling or
do you kind of save your voices for just during the recording because …
musical on the set I would imagine?
Charice Not really sing together, but we just talk—some like random
topics like Twitter and everything. Sometimes when somebody pulls out a
song and somebody’s going to sing it, everybody’s going to start to
sing, so yes.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Neha Gandhi from
Seventeen Magazine.
N. Gandhi I was wondering, you kind of touched on this already, but who
you’re closest to on set?
Charice I can’t choose because all of them—they’re all nice and they’re
all sweet and all of them, they all talk to me, but I’m going to say
that I think Naya Rivera is really nice because when I was on the first
set, she knows all about me. She was like, “I saw you on Oprah.” I was
really surprised when she was like, “I know you play guitar.” I’m like,
“What?” It’s impressive because I know that they’re very busy. She’s
very busy, but she still had time to—she did her research, so I think
she’s the one.
N. Gandhi I know you’re so busy, but do you have plans to do anything on
the tour with them? Do you know what dates you’ll participate in?
Charice Right now, I have no idea about it. I don’t know what’s going to
happen, but if they’re going to let me be part of it, it would be really
exciting and I’d be really happy, but right now I’m having fun shooting
Glee for them.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Jamie Steinberg from
Starry Constellation Magazine.
J. Steinberg What has been some of your most memorable moments you’ve
had while filming Glee?
Charice Let’s see. Wow. I think being on Glee is such a great experience
and the best experience ever, but I think the best part—when I actually
did “All By Myself.” When we were shooting me singing “All By Myself”
because I love that song. I’ve been singing that song forever, and when
they gave me that song I was just like, “This is perfect.” So when I was
on stage, I was really feeling it, so I think that’s the best part.
Moderator Your next question comes from the line of Valis Vicenty from
Glam Media.
V. Vicenty I know you have the rest of the season as well as your movie
and your album out, but are you planning to tour by yourself throughout
the U.S.?
Charice Actually, we’re still working on that. I’ve been working on my
new songs right now and once it’s finished I think we’re going to think
about that, because touring is really fun. I just did a tour in Japan,
and I would love to do tours here in the U.S. as well.
Moderator We’re out of time for questions. Ms. Flores do you have any
closing remarks?
M. Flores Thank you, everyone, so much for participating in the call.
Charice, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. I’ll
send transcripts of the call as soon as I have them ready, but thank you
for time.
Charice Thank you.
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