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Interview with Terry Bradshaw and
William Shatner of "Better Late Than Never" on NBC 9/8/16
I was really looking forward to this interview.
First of all, Shatner is one of my idols, since I was a
little girl. These guys are hilarious, and their show
is SO funny!
Unfortunately, they only had a half an hour, and too many
press people on the line, so I didn't get a chance to ask
any questions. I was very disappointed, even though
this has happened before with other big stars, and I should
have known better than to get my hopes up. But it was Star
Trek's 50th anniversary, so I got excited, despite myself.
Ah, well. They did send me this transcript. After you
read it, check out my
one-on-one interview with the show's Executive Producer,
Jason Ehrlich. I hope you got to watch the show because it's
really funny (Read
My Review!).
NBC UNIVERSAL Moderator: JC September
8, 2016 1:30 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for standing by, welcome to the William Shatner
and Terry Bradshaw Better Late Than Never Press and Media
call. During the presentation, all participants will be in a
listen-only mode. Afterwards we will conduct a question and
answer session. At that time if you have a question, please
press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.
at any time during the conference you need to reach an
operator, press Star 0. As a reminder, the call is being
recorded, Thursday September 8, 2016. I would now like to
turn the call over to JC.
JC: Hi
everybody and thanks for joining. We are delighted to have
with us today William Shatner and Terry Bradshaw, two of our
stars for NBC’s hit summer series, Better Late Than Never
which will finish its first season run on Tuesday September
13 and they are ready to take your questions now. I would
just like to ask that you please limit questions to two per
outlet until everyone has had a chance to talk to them,
thank you.
Operator: And again, ladies and gentlemen,
press 1, 4 to register questions. One moment please for our
first. And our first question is from the line of Mike
Hughes from TV America, please proceed.
Mike Hughes:
Hi, thanks. William, I just wanted to - this is a question
about Better Late Than Never but I'm asking it because we're
right on the 50th anniversary of Star Trek today which is
kind of cool. So I wanted to ask you to reflect back when
you were a young captain back then, what did you think the
odds were that that show would still be famous now and also
what did you think the odds were that 50 years later you'd
be doing a TV show where you climb 800 steps?
William Shatner:Well, I think the same odds that Terry and I will
be icons 50 years from now based on Better Late Than Never.
After four shows you know it's a phenomena and it's going to
last another 50 years. Those would be the odds. We were
doing a middling successful TV show for three years, it was
canceled and everybody thought that's it and on to the next
thing and then slowly it snowballed and even while it was
rolling down the hill gathering speed and momentum nobody
fully realized it and every one of the movies that I made,
six or seven movies, they would burn the sets to have room
for some other show because they figured that was the last
Mike Hughes: Cool and I want to ask you, the
800 steps, did you really walk 800 steps and…
William Shatner:Terry carried me over the 799th. He staggered up
there and said I'll help you buddy and I just depended on
Mike Hughes: Cool, thanks a lot.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Steve Gidlow
from MediaVillage.com. Please proceed.
Steve Gidlow:
Hi guys, this is actually a question for both of you. I was
wondering if you could reflect on the success of this show.
Did you know going into it, it was going to be - did you
know you had something special I guess is the question?
William Shatner:Terry?
Terry Bradshaw:I had no
idea that this show would be successful. I mean, there's so
many - I've been a part of, I don’t know, four, five, pilots
that never made it and yet we got a chance to actually shoot
this show. I think while we were doing it I was so hot and
miserable and hurting I never gave any thought that this
thing would just be more than what it was, four shows, six
shows and then you sit around and you go, well will it be
picked up? Who knows that and you just move on.
So I
know it was fun and I wanted to continue because it was so
much fun but I'm not privy and savvy enough to know what
America is going to want to watch. That's kind of what's
kind of cool about this show.
William Shatner:And I
agree with that. You just don’t know what America is going
to watch. It's a great phrase. We were staggering around in
the monsoon season in East Asia and tripping over each
other's feet and eating each other's worms and octopus and
unshaven and unkempt and miserable at times and joyous at
others and we were just fending for ourselves and trying to
help each other with no thought of how this is going to sell
and the fact that it is as successful as it is comes as a
surprise, certainly to me.
Steve Gidlow: Well of
course it begs that there's going to be a Season 2. So going
into Season 2, how different will be it kind of knowing what
you're dealing with now versus going into sort of unknown
territory the first time?
Terry Bradshaw:Can I
answer? I think it will - as a matter of fact, Bill, I
talked to Jeff Dye this morning before I left Dallas and I
said if in fact, and we don’t know that we have - I don’t
know that we have the second season, but if we do, now that
I know Bill and George and Henry and Jeff and the producer
and the folks at NBC and I understand, I see now what
they're cutting this thing up to be, the second season will
be ex - it will be more exciting for me because I walked
into the unknown and I've got to tell you, it was so humid
and so miserable I - all I would want to know is I want to
make sure we don’t go south again or go to Asia.
William Shatner:Into the snow, we've got to go into the
Terry Bradshaw:My God! Yes, I was miserable,
just miserable.
William Shatner:It was miserable.
But the danger is now - and I haven't watched any of the
shows so I really don’t know what they're doing. People have
commented and I've listened to their comments but the danger
is now that we know what works and what doesn’t work, we're
liable to go and do what we think is working and without the
knowledge that what the reason the stuff works is because we
didn’t know whether it would work or not.
Gidlow: Right.
William Shatner:Is that obtuse
Terry Bradshaw:Yes but is that - I don’t
think on a show like this though Bill that - I mean, they
could have said look, here's what we want and our stumbling,
bumbling personalities all came together as we tried to
figure out what they want and that will be the same thing
here. I don’t think - you can't contrive this stuff, you
can't make up the dialogue, you just do it and so therefore
I think it will be funny. If you haven't watched any of it,
I mean, it's funny. Seriously funny, it is funny. It reaches
my people and my people as you well know talk like I do. It
reaches them, they love it. It…
William Shatner:Well, hell, I talk like you do and I'm from Montreal.
Terry Bradshaw:I know.
William Shatner:It
sounds wonderful and keeping that sort of spontaneous
approach is critical and that's what we would aim for, yes
Steve Gidlow: Well, it is (hysterical),
thank you so much, it's been great to see.
Our next question is from the line of Jamie Ruby from
SciFiVision.com, please proceed.
Jamie Ruby:Hi guys,
thanks so much for talking to us today, really appreciate
it. It's great to talk to you. Also, I'm from Pennsylvania
so I have to say go Steelers.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes, or
Eagles. Or Eagles.
Jamie Ruby:True. So I know you
guys really obviously didn’t go to the DMZ but did you
really believe that you did and if you did when you found
out kind of how did you react when you found out it was all
Terry Bradshaw:Nobody told me it was fake.
William Shatner:Nobody told me it was fake.
Terry Bradshaw:I'm telling you, I was not comfortable in a
lot of things we did but that DMZ deal, yes, I mean, you see
it and I'm tall, I'm staring this thing down and I'm going,
really? I mean, really? We're going - I mean I was a little
bit nervous about it and then you know obviously Jeff sticks
that thing - it's funny. It's stupid funny.
William Shatner:I - when we got there I thought that was the place.
It looks very much like it and when this North Korean
officer was talking to us I was looking at his uniform and
it was quite warm. It was like the braid was unbraiding, you
know, and the elbows - and I thought, wow, it is really a
poverty stricken nation. And then when it was revealed as a
joke, I was put out. I sat down. I thought, “I don’t want to
be part of this.”
Terry Bradshaw:Well, you know, I
was mad because I really wanted that story to be real.
William Shatner:Yes, we both - we were both upset. We
were both upset that it wasn't real.
Terry Bradshaw:Exactly and when the guy on the other side, the North
Vietnamese guy says, what? Go Pittsburgh or…
William Shatner:And the fact that some
people knew it was real and some of us didn’t, that stuck at
me too. I mean, what is the policy? Is the policy to look
like an idiot in front of everybody else or to be in on the
know? Those are editorial decisions that had to be made like
working it out. Do you reveal - did Shatner and Bradshaw not
know and we tell everybody else?
Terry Bradshaw:I
told you, I didn’t know. I thought when the parking lot was
empty I thought man (alive) are we that stupid that we're
the only idiots that are going to park and then we parked
God knows out in the middle of nowhere.
William Shatner:Exactly.
Terry Bradshaw:…closer and I'm
like, really, are we stupid here? We're going to go up to
this - and it looks just I suppose like the DMZ. I mean, it
just looked - I had no idea.
William Shatner:It was
very much like it and the geographical conditions - well it
was only about 20 miles away so the geography was very
Terry Bradshaw:Well, how about the jets? Do
you remember the jets coming over Bill?
William Shatner:And the jets coming over.
Terry Bradshaw:Exactly. Nuts, anyway, it got me.
William Shatner:Got me!
Terry Bradshaw:Yes, the guy spoke better
English than I did though.
Jamie Ruby:(Unintelligible). All right, and as a follow-up, obviously
you know we only got to see tiny bits of your trip. Was
there anything in particular that like you would have liked
to have been left in the show that they had to take out?
William Shatner:Well, I haven't seen the show so Terry,
do you have an opinion on that?
Terry Bradshaw:Yes,
I think that…
William Shatner:Is that your agent
Terry Bradshaw:No, no, no, I'm in the
corner. I'm in a cafeteria somewhere. I thought that the
editing was phenomenal and I have not given any thought to
well where is this scene or that scene, I thought right now
that there is going with one more show. I haven't - there's
nothing Bill that you would say well, I wish they would have
added this or added that. It wasn't - I haven't seen that
yet. I'll have a better understanding or a better answer for
you after seeing the next one.
William Shatner:And I
have no opinion on that.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes,
Jamie Ruby:All right. All right, well thank
you so much.
Terry Bradshaw:You've got to - why
don’t you watch it? You didn’t watch it Bill?
William Shatner:Well, I don’t watch it Terry because I don’t like
the way I look. I don’t like the way - it always is - the
edit is always somewhat of a disappointment and I just - so
I find it better not to look at what I'm doing.
Terry Bradshaw:Really? I'm like that about a lot of things but I
actually wanted to see how they cut this thing up and it was
just - God, you'd laugh your butt of it is seriously funny.
It is…
William Shatner:I'll look at it some time.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes.
William Shatner:Is it as
painful to watch - is it as painful to watch film on you as
a football player or do you…
Terry Bradshaw:No, no
because I had to watch that.
William Shatner:You're
okay with that?
Terry Bradshaw:Yes, I had to watch
that so I could make the corrections and stuff.
William Shatner:Right.
Terry Bradshaw:No, no.
William Shatner:But, when you look at the football film
do you say, oh gee, I wish I put my foot there or backed up
maybe a step there?
Terry Bradshaw:Exactly. Why did
I make that call? Why did I go to that guy? Why did I make
an (audible) here.
William Shatner:Right, right.
Terry Bradshaw:Oh that's a stupid pass. Yes, no it's
part of getting better the next time. This show is an
entertainment show and I think if you see it. I was actually
telling Dye, I said, when watching it you don’t necessarily
watch yourself which is such a selfish thing and a very vain
thing to do, you watch the whole show and you just take in
the show and that, to me, was just funny. Now, the…
William Shatner:Well, that's successful.
Terry Bradshaw:Hi, listen, the octopus thing was hysterical and
when I - do you remember when I…
William Shatner:Well, they tell me…
Terry Bradshaw:Oh, it was funny
William Shatner:That I started to laugh. I
remember, I remember the laugh because you did it so well.
This octopus came out of your nose. I'm still thinking about
Terry Bradshaw:I know, no you did. You were just
hanging out trying not to bust up. It was - God…
William Shatner:That was funny.
Terry Bradshaw:Next.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of
Rebecca Murray from ShowbizJunkies, please…
Terry Bradshaw:ShowbizJunkies. I've got to tell you, I'm doing
interviews with people I've never even heard of this stuff.
I'm used to Sports Illustrated and the sports magazines.
Rebecca Murray:Well, it's good talking to both of you.
I was wondering if there was like one particular moment from
the trip that you both will cherish specifically? Something
that you went through that you didn’t expect maybe?
William Shatner:Well, it was filled with unexpected things;
both known and unknown. There were - I probably the best of
the moments was between human beings that five people who
had no knowledge of each other, maybe some cursory knowledge
which may have been curse words, but some little tiny bits
and pieces here and there but no depth and then we spend a
month in each other's company and had some really meaningful
talks. It was very interesting from that point of view.
Getting to know these marvelous people at the top of their
Terry Bradshaw:There's two things that I
really enjoyed. I enjoyed getting dressed and doing makeup
with everybody in the morning because there was more
(jockery) going around, more slapstick comedy, more - I
mean, it was really seriously funny and I enjoyed that part
a lot because it's like we're all getting dressed together
to go to work. I enjoyed that everybody's lose and cracking
jokes and then - and Bill touched on the talking part. Bill
do you recall, we had several talks?
William Shatner:You and I? Absolutely.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes, and the
one at the cave.
William Shatner:The monks.
Terry Bradshaw:The purple cave with the monks and
William Shatner:Yes.
Terry Bradshaw:That was - I enjoyed that because one thing about
Bill, and I accused him of studying the night before so he
knew everything that was going on the next day. I said, how
can anybody know this much about monks or Thailand or, I
mean, that man is seriously educated and I tried to
pigeonhole him, I tried to catch him, but he always had an
answer and me being uneducated about this stuff it sounded
good to me, you know? But Bill and I had some really, really
good talks and he made a lot of sense about where we were
and how this all got started. So I enjoyed that, I
especially enjoyed getting dressed, doing the makeup and
having fun with everybody. That to me was a blast.
William Shatner:And you look good in lipstick.
Terry Bradshaw:I do. You know what, I do. Now, you didn’t watch
this thing but I actually turned to my wife and I said, hi I
look like I'm retaining a little fluid.
William Shatner:You had to specify what fluid.
Terry Bradshaw:Oh my God, man I looked like a big old blimp in
this thing.
William Shatner:And that's one of the
reasons I'm not watching it because we had all of that salty
food. There was a lot of water… I'd like to think of it as
water retention.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes, that's what I'm
going with. As a matter of fact, I still have it.
William Shatner:Oh man. It's awful.
Rebecca Murray:Well, thank you both and it's really entertaining, love the
show. Thank you.
Terry Bradshaw:Thank you.
William Shatner:Thank you so much.

Operator: Our next question is from the line of Alexis
Joy from VIP Access, please proceed.
Alexis Joy:Hello there Mr. Shatner and Mr. Bradshaw, it is such a great
honor speaking with you guys today and thank you so much for
your time.
Terry Bradshaw:You're welcome, thank you.
William Shatner:You're welcome.
Alexis Joy:My
question is, you guys have had so many life changing
experiences on your show Better Late Than Never, but if
there is another thing you can check off your bucket list
what would it be?
William Shatner:Well, my bucket
list was to catch a pass from Terry.
Terry Bradshaw:Did that.
William Shatner:And get in the ring with
George Foreman.
Terry Bradshaw:And you did that.
William Shatner:And to have Henry make me laugh and he
told me a great joke so I laughed hard. So the next bucket
list is, well, I wrote Terry saying, “Imagine us, you and I
Terry with a cigar in one hand and a Cuba Libre in the
other,” and that's going to be part of my bucket list.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes. I had never thought about a bucket
list. This wasn't on my bucket list but now I guess I could
say that I've done a movie, I've done a TV show, I've done a
pregame football show, I played football, I've sung, I've
danced, I've done Vegas. What's next? I haven't skydived and
I'm not going to. Bucket list? Bill and I both are horse
competitors. Oh Bill you'll love this, Tammy won the world
in the age mare at the Palomino World Show this year. How
about that?
William Shatner:Oh, that's fantastic.
Terry Bradshaw:That's her first world title.
William Shatner:That's wonderful Terry.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes. I think I would just - my bucket list is way
over full. I would just like to continue - my wife goes swim
with the sharks, she knows I'm petrified of the ocean. I'm
not swimming with sharks. No way is that going to happen. I
just think I would just like to keep raising really good
horses and have world champions that I've raised. That is -
man that…
William Shatner:And avoid…
Terry Bradshaw:At this stage of my life that's it.
William Shatner:And avoid kicking the bucket.
Terry Bradshaw:Oh. Well, you know that was part of our bet on
this show was that which country will Bill pass away on? And
I said Thailand.
William Shatner:Making bets as to
where I would die.
Terry Bradshaw:I thought that
would be a ratings grabber right there.
William Shatner:I fooled them all. I'm waiting for a pickup. I'm
waiting for the second season and we'll call it, Where Am I
Going to Die?
Alexis Joy:Yes, that is so funny.
Terry Bradshaw:I mean, seriously if you think about it,
if this thing does a second season and Bill is 85 now, if
they don’t put us back in the heat in the tropics I think
he's going to be all right. We've got to go cold because old
people like cold weather. I think.
William Shatner:But…
Terry Bradshaw:I mean eventually it's going to
happen, right? It's going to happen.
William Shatner:Well, it's got to put the blood closer to the heart where it
Terry Bradshaw:See there? See there, there
he goes being all smart. He said it puts the blood closer to
the heart.
Terry Bradshaw:And
my wife just said it freezes up your joints. I know at our
age I know there's a joint that's frozen pretty good.
William Shatner:I was going to go there but yours was
Terry Bradshaw:Oh my God.
Alexis Joy:That is so funny. Well, just as a follow-up question, if you
could turn back time and teach yourself something you've
learned from your time in Asia or maybe while working on the
whole show Better Late Than Never as a whole, what would it
William Shatner:Well, I would go to a Pittsburgh
game with Terry playing.
Terry Bradshaw:And I would
never go to Asia.
William Shatner:And therefore this
conversation would never have taken place.
Terry Bradshaw:Exactly.
Alexis Joy:Exactly. Thank you
guys so much for speaking with me today and congrats with a
phenomenal show, we love watching it.
William Shatner:That's great.
Terry Bradshaw:See there
Bill, people love it.
Operator: Our next question is
from Jay Jacobs from pop-entertainment.com, please proceed.
Jay Jacobs:Very nice speaking with you both.
William Shatner:Thank you.
Jay Jacobs:I saw Henry
Winkler saying you learn a lot about yourself when you
travel and you step outside of your comfort zone talking
about the show. What did you both learn from the trip?
Terry Bradshaw:Bill?
William Shatner:Well, I'm
pretty much a loner, very few people get into my life and
these guys and the people traveling, and the person
traveling with them, these guys got into my life. It got
personal and loving and genuine and warm. I admired the
experience of the togetherness in front of my - I'm sitting
at a desk and in front of me is a piece of paper and I've
been trying to write a song about space and entanglement and
entanglement is a word that's being used now as the building
blocks of nature but entanglement also refers to how we're
all connected. And the five of us got connected on this trip
to one degree or another and it was quite an experience.
Terry Bradshaw:I - you can't spend 34 days together and
not work through - if there is issues you work through them
because it's important that you get along. So that
experience, that anticipation, that anxiety attack that I
had prior to leaving Los Angeles together I've got to tell
you, was immediately taken away. So I found out that
superstars Winkler and William Shatner are real people and I
was so thankful for that. And then I knew that this was
going to be good. This was going to be good, it was going to
be comfortable.
But what I also found out, and I'm
really proud of, is that as hot as it was and as humid as it
was is that I could literally live the life like an actor
putting in such extremely long hours going and showering and
going to bed without eating and getting up and starting
over. I found out that I have patience and I have a
durability about me at the age of 67 when we shot this that
I was kind of impressed with myself.
William Shatner:Well that's great but you know, it's staggering to hear you
say that because the rest of us looking at you this
phenomenal athlete who was at the top of his game during
those years, better than anyone, maybe the greatest that
ever lived is the epitome of endurance and strength and
courage and durability. That's amazing.
Jay Jacobs:Now you both have toyed with the idea of if there is a
second season where you'd like to go but specifically, if
you had a choice, is there some place in particular that you
would suggest for the show to do for the second season?
William Shatner:Terry?
Terry Bradshaw:Some
place cool.
William Shatner:Or air conditioned.
Terry Bradshaw:Right. I've heard (words cities) passed
out but I've never been to Paris. I've never been to Madrid.
I think that would be - I think those cities would be
fascinating for me. Obviously Cuba would be a place that I
would really - Cuba would be cool. There's just a lot of -
I've never been to Niagara Falls so…
William Shatner:No kidding?
Terry Bradshaw:Yes I've…
William Shatner:You're a tourist. I want to go to China. I want to
go to China, I want to go to India.
Jay Jacobs:Okay.
Terry Bradshaw:Let me know how it is and then…
Terry Bradshaw:You really would want to - I wouldn’t
mind going but I'd like to go at a little different time of
the year. It was - God dang it was…
William Shatner:Oh no. No, no, we have to go when it's cool. No, it was our
death almost. You could see the air in the monsoon season.
No, but Northern India and China in its complexity and…
Terry Bradshaw:I've never been there, I'd like that.
I'd like to go to Russia.
William Shatner:Russia
would be great.
Terry Bradshaw:Yes. I'd like to do
all of this before we all can't walk and talk and see
William Shatner:And I'm very close to that.
Terry Bradshaw:Unless they do the show out of a
wheelchair then we're good, we've got ten more years.
Jay Jacobs:All right.
William Shatner:And then
retitle it, Too Late!
Terry Bradshaw:Too Late. Oh my
Jay Jacobs:Okay, thank you.
Terry Bradshaw:Too Late, that's good, I like that. Bill says
we'll name that one Too Late.
Woman 1: Too Late and
William Shatner:Right.
Operator: And
our final question is from the line of Cody Shultz from
Hidden Remote, please pro…
Cody Shultz:Hi guys,
thanks so much for speaking with us today.
Terry Bradshaw:Thank you.
Cody Shultz:You know listening
to you guys just even on this call it's still hard to
believe that you weren't good friends before the series
started because you have such crazy chemistry and this
really good banter. How surprised were you guys by how
quickly you clicked and have you stayed in touch since the
season wrapped up?
Terry Bradshaw:Bill?
William Shatner:Well, you know we haven't. Everybody's busy
and goes on so Terry and I for example have a few times
communicated by email to say how are you, what are you doing
and Terry comes to Los Angeles and he'll be doing so more
often now that he's going to be Color and the Rams have come
to Los Angeles so Terry is going to celebrate that with me
before it's too late.
Terry Bradshaw:(Unintelligible).
William Shatner:And so no, we have
communicated very little but with - on my part with the
anticipation that now that we know this is working, the show
is working, that we will spend more time together. And as a
result I will appreciate more emphatically the time I will
get to spend with Terry and the others. But I'm looking
forward to spending the time. We ate meals together, we'd
meet in the morning, walks and the activities that we had to
do. I will..
Terry Bradshaw:You and I worked out
just about every day in the gym. Bill's got a workout habit,
I mean, you've got to see this guy. It's pretty impressive.
But we - I never saw Henry in there but he and I were in
there. And Jeff Dye never worked out.
William Shatner:No, he's too thin.
Terry Bradshaw:George
did. Yes, yes, exactly either that or he was hung over
drinking all of that beer.
William Shatner:Right.
Terry Bradshaw:Bill's right, when we finished - well
first of all you heard me say that he's not real sure, or I
wasn't meeting these guys and I was scared perhaps Bill ask
me Star Trek questions to see if I was a fan. So I had my
wife - my wife actually Googled all of the information and
gave me everything I needed to know.
William Shatner:That's hysterical, I didn’t know that.
Terry Bradshaw:That's why I came up with beam me up Scotty. So I
didn’t know that because I didn’t watch the show.
William Shatner:And I had to ask people was it three or
five rings?
Terry Bradshaw:Yes. Yes, right. I
reminded you of what that was. No, it was we built the
relationship and you just don’t know when you put five
people together, five total strangers how is it going to be
received. What's the perception through a television and
that is exactly what it was. It was chemistry, it worked.
It's like the pregame show at Fox. You don’t know but it
works and our friendship grew and grew and grew to the point
where we could insult one another, we could make fun of one
another and we could embrace and hug one another.
When Bill did the funny thing about George Foreman on the
boat, nobody laughed and he got his feelings hurt and we
just told him, oh God that's terrible. I mean, he was so
serious and so were we, that's terrible. Sit down, that's
not funny. And so you learn these things about people but
chemistry, chemistry is just that, it's chemistry. It either
blends and comes together and everybody says, oh look, these
guys like one another and genuinely if you don’t like one
another it will show and that was not the case. We had a
blast, absolute blast and I've got all of these new friends.
I've got all of these new friends.
William Shatner:I
agree, I concur.
Cody Shultz:And then just a quick
follow-up, Terry, we know part of the last leg of your
adventure includes a celebration of your 67th birthday, so
what crazy high-jinx can we expect?
Terry Bradshaw:On the 67th birthday? Oh man, I don’t think there's - I
don’t think there was anything other than the shock value, I
had no idea that they, you know, were having a party for me.
No, there's - I don’t think… It's been a year ago. I don’t
think it - I don’t think it's anything too crazy. I can't
remember to be honest with you.
William Shatner:Well, I don’t want to destroy the surprise but we did
surprise him and it was heartfelt.
Terry Bradshaw:That's for sure.
William Shatner:For his birthday,
it was a neat occasion to celebrate this great athlete and
this wonderful American personality.
Terry Bradshaw:It was totally a surprise. I remember I got a call one day
from Jimmy Johnson, he said boy you and Shatner really have
some funny lines and I said, what do you mean by funny
lines? Those aren't lines, we don’t have lines, those -
that's just… He said what do you mean, that's not written? I
said, no that's not written, you can't write this stuff. And
that's the beauty part about this is that there's some funny
people in this thing man, I mean God dang.
You know
even to the point, Bill you didn’t know this I don’t think,
I would come in in the morning and the first thing I would
say to Henry Winkler, I'd go woo, hey! And the first day he
stopped me and he said, let me just ask you something, are
you making fun of me or do you really like that? I said, are
you kidding me? I'm wanting you to do it, I absolutely love
it. No I'm not making fun of you. So then he would go, woo!
And so then it - you know, and I only did - I did two
beam me up Scotty and Bill says, okay, enough of the beam me
William Shatner:I'd rather go woo. I'll do woo.
William Shatner:Hey.
Cody Shultz:Thanks again.
William Shatner:Are we good?
JC: Yes,
thanks everybody for joining today.
William Shatner:Thank you very much for talking to us.
Yes, big thanks to Bill and Terry for taking the time to do
the call. We hope everybody will tune in and watch on
Tuesday when the cast goes to Thailand.
William Shatner:Terry?
Terry Bradshaw:See you soon brother.
Love you man.
William Shatner:Love you Terry, see
you soon. Bye everybody.
JC: Bye, thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude the
conference call for today, we thank you for your
participation and ask that you please disconnect your lines.
Thank you.

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