Y&R Interviews
Interview with
Michael Muhney by
Suzanne ~ September 11,

1. What were you doing before you got the job on Y&R?
Lots of Vacations! Just trying to kill time before my next contract was closed.
2. Do you still keep in touch with any of your former castmates
"Veronica Mars"?
A few of them, and a couple of crew members, too. How can you NOT after 3 years
on a show?
3. Was it difficult to learn to act like you're blind (or pretending
to be blind, etc.)?
No. Just used powers of observation. ;)
4. What is your take on Adam's character - is he evil? Is he just
motivated by revenge? Is he a sociopath? He seems to feel some guilt
for what he's done to Ashley, but he doesn't let it affect him for
very long. Do you think he can be redeemed?
He is NOT a sociopath. He is motivated by revenge, certainly, but doesn't have a
choice with the occasional collateral damage.
5. Which castmate(s) have been the most welcoming or helpful?
Wow. Tough question. Take your pick. Peter, Eileen, Eric, Daniel, Josh... (and
although he's not a castmate, Paul Rauch -- huge help! And Maria is fantastic.)
6. Did you ever watch Y&R or any other soap before you got the job?
7. Do you have any pets?
Two cats. Both are a big part of the family. The fat one is sitting on my feet
while I type this interview.
8. What has the feedback from fans been like since you joined the
Extraordinarily gracious.
9. Who was your hero or role model growing up?
Churchill, Hitchcock, Pelé, Jordan, my mom, a couple of my teachers in junior
high and high school, to name a few.
10. When did you decide to become an actor, and what was your family's
I was 15. The support was a pleasant surprise. My family and closest friends
were big believers in my future as an actor.
11. Your character on Veronica Mars was not a very nice guy. Adam is
not a nice guy. Do you enjoy playing bad guys and have you ever
played a good guy?
It is ENTIRELY too much fun playing a bad guy. Much more entertaining for me
than playing a sweet, nice-guy.
12. You have two films coming out this year, according to IMDb. Can
you tell us anything about them?
Yes. Rent them. Buy them. Enjoy them. But remember, they're indies.
13. Are you interested in doing other jobs in the industry besides
acting, such as directing?
You named it! Directing.
14. Who is your favorite actor in TV or movies right now, besides
yourself and your castmates?
Nicholson & Pitt for movies (always loved Paul Newman) and James Callis from BSG
for TV.
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Page updated 8/21/12