Young & The Restless Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Characters Pages

Y&R Character Descriptions

Ben "Stitch" Rayburn
Played By Sean Carrigan
Written By Darlene
on 12/6/16

Ben "Stitch" Rayburn joined his best friend, Dylan McAvoy and sister, Kelly Andrews, in Genoa City after his wife found out that Stitch had murdered his father. When his estranged wife died, Stitch gained full custody of their son, Max. After a brief relationship with Victoria Newman, Stitch fell for her sister, Abby Newman. The two were married. Max did all he could to break up the marriage, and Abby did her best to be a good stepmom.

Stitch is always faithful and protective of the ones he loves, even when the truth isn’t exactly what he wants to hear. He always has the best intentions, but he’s learned that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. He is a man who usually chooses to do the right thing but always ends up with the short stick.

Kelly’s apparent untimely death weighed heavily on Stitch, and he blamed Jack Abbott, although Kelly had been suffering from mental illness caused by the death of her son and her break-up with Jack.

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Page updated 12/6/16

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